Showing posts with label Entrepreneur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entrepreneur. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

When People Say "I Love My Job"

When People Say I Love My Job - Becoming an Entrepreneur - Become a Beachbody Coach - I love being a Beachbody Coach
"I Love My Job", I used to say that too! =)

I wanted to write a blog post on this because trust me, there is nothing wrong with people absolutely loving their jobs, heck....I've had a ton of jobs that I loved, but here's the thing....a job is still a job (where someone controls your income other than YOU).

I'm sure that most of you would agree that the main reasons why people work is to do one or a few of the following:

- Pay Bills
- Take Vacations
- Support Your Family
- Buy Things
- Investments
- Start a Business
- Stay Active

Now I have to say, all of the above is great, so why not be happy with your job right? Here's the thing, as long as you have a job where you are working under a boss, you will never have total control of your income, which means, you will never have complete time and financial freedom. If that's what you want. If time or financial freedom is not important to you, then truthfully, it really isn't necessary to continue reading.

One of the best jobs that I ever had was working for the Hyatt Corporation. I worked for this amazing company for about 7+ years. The people were great, the benefits were on point, the free luxury hotel rooms around the world could not be beat, and it was a great learning experience. But again, my life was dictated by a boss. When I wanted to go on a trip, I had to request time off, or try to find someone to cover my shifts for me. If I used up all my vacation and sick days, I could not go on vacation. I missed a lot of things that I wanted to do, like spending time with my family on Christmas. I missed out on a lot of things that I wanted to do because I either couldn't afford it (limited income), or I had to "work". I had to bite my lip a ton of times because my bosses were not always open to change, my creativity was not as important as what was already set for the company, so I felt very limited, which didn't allow me to grow like I wanted to as person. The list goes on...

Some people will say, "well that's just life", you can't change it. Or, "you have to take the good with the bad, at least you have a job" etc. That's the thing, if you are okay with letting people lead you to living a mediocre life, then that's your prerogative =) It's your life! I wanted something different.

I wanted to live life to my fullest potential. I wanted to go on trips whenever I wanted to, for as long as I wanted to. I wanted to spend time with my daughter anytime without a boss telling me when I could or couldn't. I wanted more control over my life. In a nutshell, I wanted to build my dreams, not the dreams of my boss. I knew that if I could help my boss live his dreams, then I could do it for guess what? I DID!

My daughter is my world! 
When People Say I Love My Job - Becoming an Entrepreneur - Become a Beachbody Coach - I love being a Beachbody Coach

So what do you want for your life? Becoming an entrepreneur was one of the toughest things that I've ever done, but it was the best decision that I ever made.

When you decide to become a entrepreneur, there are struggles. Here are the "Inevitables of Success":

1.  You will feel pain
2.  You will cry before you get it
3.  You will lose some friends
4.  Your family may discourage you
5.  People will hate you for no reason, other than the fact that you want a better life
6.  You will almost talk yourself out of it hundreds of times
7.  You will doubt yourself thousands of times
8.  You will think you're going crazy
9.  You will develop weird habits
10. You will lose some money

When People Say I Love My Job - Becoming an Entrepreneur - Become a Beachbody Coach - I love being a Beachbody Coach

So the next time you say, "I love my JOB", ask yourself these questions:

- Do I love my job more than I love spending time with my family?
- Would I rather be working or traveling the world?
- Would I like to sit around the break room with co-workers, or watching my kids grow up?
- Do I enjoy making other people successful, and myself mediocre?
- Does my job limit me to do the things that I really enjoy out of life?

So instead of saying "I love my job", how does this sound...."I LOVE MY LIFE".

If you would like to find out how I started a Online Beachbody Coaching business part-time while working 3 jobs, 100 hours per week, and then was able to quit and live my dreams as an entrepreneur, then click here, or message me here. I look forward to meeting you!

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