Sunday, January 25, 2015


I Am Not Lucky - Digital Nomad - Star Diamond Beachbody Coach
I am not LUCKY!

I recently saw a travel post called "How To Get Lucky" from my friend Nina who I met while I was backpacking through the Philippines in Sept/Oct 2014 and it inspired me to share a little bit of my own on the topic from my 4 months that I spent in Southeast Asia. This is a re-post from what I shared with my Coach Team on a private facebook group page:

RE-POST: I'm Not Lucky

I just wanted to share something with you guys. Just recently, I had the opportunity to travel to Asia for almost 4 months thanks to my "mobile" Beachbody Business, yes I'm a Digital Nomad =). You know, "If you have access to the internet, you can work your business anywhere type of business". Well, during my travels I met a lot of other people who had their own digital companies, just traveling around the world, going where ever they please, doing whatever they wanted, and just enjoying their freedom, kinda like me. We talked on secluded beaches and mountain huts overlooking hill tribe villages about how we were able to do this (have the freedom to travel and work anywhere), and we talked for hours! The one thing that I always remembered us talking about was when people we met who were on weekend getaways or 10 day holidays (short vacations) would say that we were so lucky....that I was LUCKY to have the opportunity to just be able to travel anytime I wanted, for as long as I wanted. And to be honest, yes I am lucky, but what does that actually mean? Do they think that I just won the lottery and I am just sitting on a beach enjoying what I didn't work for?

Let me tell you something team. For a lot of people, they may think that I am lucky, or that my Coach Lindsay is lucky (btw, my Coach and friend Lindsay went from a single mother, miserable bartender with thousands of dollars in debt to a self-made millionaire in only 4 years), and all of these people you see who are successful, just traveling the world, and jet setting with their families. But I have to say that we are NOT LUCKY. We, and I mean I worked pretty damn hard to get the FREEDOM that I have today.

I made a decision over 4 years ago that I was sick and tired of where my life was. I hated working 3 jobs. I hated not having money to support my daughter. It killed me to watch the travel channel knowing that I couldn't afford to experience all of these amazing places, plus I was 30 pounds overweight and unhappy. I told myself that it's time to get my life together, and stop making excuses, and blaming others for my failures. Beachbody was my answer (I got in the best shape of my life with Beachbody Fitness), it was my ticket to my dreams. So I busted my ass for 2 1/2 years really hard and I was able to rid myself from a BOSS, you know....a J.O.B. (just over broke)

So as I sit on a secluded beach with some other digital nomads listening to these people calling me lucky, I say to myself.......nope, I'm not lucky, I just had the BALLS to do something with my life. I am where I am today because I have helped my community. I have changed lives, and at the same time, changed my own. I am not lucky, I worked hard for everything, and I still do. If anything, I am lucky to have a team (YOU) that cares enough about me to trust me to lead them to success.

For that, I am lucky.


And that was a message to my Beachbody Coach Team, and what I wanted to share with all of you. The point of this share was not to brag, but to honestly let people know that I am not lucky. I simply made a decision to listen to my heart, fulfill my passion, delete TOXIC PEOPLE from my life, help only the willing, and just live my life how I was meant to live it.....HAPPY.

Watch my VIDEO - Almost 4 months in SE Asia in only 12 minutes:

Stay Active My Friends!

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