Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Pros and Cons of Working from Home

Working from Home Pros and Cons, Remote Work Philippines, Working from the Philippines, Beachbody Coach Philippines, Working from Home Benefits, The Truth about working from home, Arnel Banawa

I have been based in the Philippines for a little over a year now starting a new family, but before that, I was pretty nomadic and working remotely all over the world. Did I love it?

The answer is yes! Working remotely around the world gave me a sense of freedom, and the ability to explore a new place excitingly different from where I was from, which is the the USA. I did this for many, many years, and was able to experience so much. The friendships, bonds, and memories that I made along the way are priceless. But doing remote work and working from home are two different things, at least for me it is.

Co working in Changsha International Airport - China
Working from Home Pros and Cons, Remote Work Philippines, Working from the Philippines, Beachbody Coach Philippines, Working from Home Benefits, The Truth about working from home, Arnel Banawa

Although working from home might be considered remote work from that typical office type of atmosphere, it is quite different in the sense that traveling is pretty much left out. Yes, you can travel, but becoming a nomad at home is not the same as being a nomad all over the planet. Do I like my new life working from home? Let me share the pros and cons of working from home from my experience.


1.  Non-Corporate/Political - Not having to deal with the stress of a corporate environment or the politics from co workers and superiors makes working from home a lot more productive and healthy.

2.  Family - The ability to stay home and be with family is like a dream come true for many including myself. As long as you can find balance, and create your own space for family and work, this is a real positive.

3.  Own Schedule - You can create your own hours, and not be bothered with someone else telling you when to work. If you want to take a break, you do it on your own terms.

4.  Saves Money - Working from home and not having to go out to eat can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars per year. Why pay over $5 for a coffee at Starbucks when you can make your own at home for under a $1.

5.  Comfortable - Home is where the heart is. You can work at home in your pajamas, you don't have to wear make up, you don't have to try to impress anyone. Home is a place where you can always be yourself.


1.  Distractions - This is one of the biggest cons if you are not careful. Sometimes being able to work from home and be with family can also hurt you. I don't know how many times I had to stop working because I wanted to hug my little baby. Although there is nothing wrong with that, but from a business-building perspective, its just not productive. At home there are a lot of things going on: friends coming over, family watching TV and talking to you while you are working, the list goes on. If you are easily distracted, this will be a tough obstacle for you to overcome.

2.  Productivity - Yes, you can make up your own hours, and yes you have the freedom to take your own breaks, but that can hurt you too. Most people who work from home tend to take a lot more breaks then they would from the office or a job environment. In order to stay productive at home, I recommend having the work mindset that you would have working from your job at the office etc, or else you will have a tough time getting work done. I'm guilty of this =)

3.  Office Space - People tend to be more productive if they are in the right atmosphere. It is tough to get things done when you are working on a couch in front of the TV, it's just not a working environment. For success, it's recommended to create your own office space at home. If its the kitchen, let the family know that you are working these hours, and ask them to respect that and to not distract you when you are working. If you can turn an extra bedroom to an office, that would be best!

4.  Social Space - Working from home can be peaceful at times, sometimes.... too peaceful and quiet. Sometimes I work well knowing that there are others being productive around me, that's why working at a coffee shop or a co working space has always been a great place for me to get work done as a Digital Nomad. If you need a break from home, just find a local coffee shop or meet up with other remote workers at a co working space to share and learn about business ideas.

The Common Space - BF Homes/Paranaque Philippines
Working from Home Pros and Cons, Remote Work Philippines, Working from the Philippines, Beachbody Coach Philippines, Working from Home Benefits, The Truth about working from home, Arnel Banawa

5.  Professionalism - If you are trying to build a business, sometimes a home address may not seem professional. In my case, I really don't care =) Being your own boss is fast becoming the thing to do in today's society. It really all depends on the line of work you are in, but in most cases, an online presence is much more ideal and cost-effective than having a bricks and mortar office. This is a choice that you have to make on your own.

So that's about it guys. I hope this helps some of you get an idea on what it's like being able to work from home. Is it for you? Is there something that you feel that I missed based on your experiences, please let me know!

My small desk in the kitchen at home in the Philippines =)
Working from Home Pros and Cons, Remote Work Philippines, Working from the Philippines, Beachbody Coach Philippines, Working from Home Benefits, The Truth about working from home, Arnel Banawa

See you all soon, and as always, make everyday count!!! =)

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