Today I did my first PIYO workout which was "Hardcore on the Floor". It is a core based workout using some primal movements, which is perfect for OCR (Obstacle Course Race) training, or any type of athletic training. I ran a 5K training run earlier today, and I thought that this would be a perfect workout to do on the same day. Not only did it burn my core, but my shoulders were throbbing as well as my triceps. Actually come to think about it, my whole body was shaking. It was definitely a great workout, and from this day forward, I would highly recommend PIYO to all athletes. I can see where these workouts can kick up anyone's level of fitness, and I'm excited to do more!
There are 5 segments to the workout:
- The Warm Up
- Primal to Traditional
- Primal
- Plank to Elbow Plank
- Back Extensions and Cool Down
Tuck and Extend (part of warm up)
Down Dog (my body was still really tight at this point lol)
Primal to Traditional
- Beast
- Kick Thrus
- One Arm Body Lifts into Crunch
- V Sits
- Upper Body Crunch
- Scissor Crunches
- Oblique Extensions
One Arm Body Lifts into Crunch
Scissor Crunches
Oblique Extensions
- Rolling like a ball
- PIYO Pedal
- Side Plank Crunches
- Kneeling Kicks
- Beast Alternating Hand Taps
- Roman Twists
Beast Alternating Hand Taps
Plank to Elbow Plank:
- Knee Pulls and Leg Extensions in Plank Position
- Hip Taps
- Down Dog Splits with Ankle Taps
- Plank Walks
Knee Pulls to Leg Extensions
Back Extensions and Cool Down:
- Superman Variations
- Even a Sea Turtle move =)
A little Tricep Push Up action too! =)
Cool Down!
So that was PIYO - Hardcore on the Floor! Core workouts are always tough for me, so I know that I need more of it. The animal movements are great, takes sometime to get use to, but once you get it down, it will flow a lot smoother, and I guarantee you that your athletic performance will get better.
Here is a quick video on the PIYO Workout Program:
Are you an Athlete? You need this!