Sunday, August 23, 2015

Gator Mud Run 2015 - GoPro Hero4 Session Review

Gator Mud Run 2015 - GoPro Hero4 Session Review - Trojan Race Series

I bought the new GoPro Hero4 Session a few days ago and tested it at the Gator Mud Run in Waldo, FL. The event was hosted by the Trojan Race Series and was held at the Waldo Motorcross Park.

Gator Mud Run - 2015
Gator Mud Run 2015 - GoPro Hero4 Session Review - Trojan Race Series

First and foremost, I am a GoPro Enthusiast! If I am not recording my P90X workouts on my iPhone, I am religiously using my GoPros! I was a little hesitant at first to buy the new GoPro Hero4 Session because it is a little less quality than the Hero4 Black, but I decided to give it a shot.

Just a few differences between the Hero4 Session and the Hero4 Black:

-  The Session has a 8mp camera versus a 12mp that comes with the Hero4 Black
-  The Session is waterproof to 33' while the Hero4 Black can go to depths of 131'
-  The Session shoots high quality 1080 max, while the Hero4 Black goes up to 4K
-  The Session comes to you fully waterproof, while the Hero4 Black requires a waterproof casing
-  The big difference is the SIZE!

Gator Mud Run 2015 Waldo, FL.- Trojan Race Series - GoPro Hero4 Session Review - OCRTUBE

What I like most about the GoPro Hero4 Session:

-  Easy one button control. Turn it on, and it starts recording. When you stop recording, the camera automatically shuts off. This saves me so much battery life!
-  It's already waterproof and rugged, no casing required!
-  Can be used with existing accessories.
-  Dual mic system front and back. If the wind is blowing in the front, the camera automatically will begin using the rear mic....BRILLIANT!

Yes, you lose some quality, but it works well with what I'm using it for. I really have no need to shoot 4K, but I would definitely love the camera to shoot 12mp like the Hero4 Black, I think it eventually will. I'm happy with it, and I would definitely recommend it!

So do you want to check out the obstacle course racing video that I created with my new GoPro Hero4 Session? Check it out here:

Gator Mud Run 2015 - Waldo, FL

Need to kick your Obstacle Race Training up a notch? Check out the Beachbody Performance Line! NSF Certified for Pro and Collegiate Athletes:

Friday, August 21, 2015

CIZE Workout Review

CIZE Workout Review - CIZE Challenge Group - CIZE IT UP
My CIZE Workout Review

I am on my 3rd week of the CIZE Online Challenge, and I must say that I am having a lot more fun than I thought I would. Most of the people who I spoke with who were participating in the CIZE Challenge were doing it as a fun way to workout and lose weight, but my goal was actually to get my rhythm back =)

CIZE - "You Got This" Routine
CIZE Workout Review - CIZE Challenge Group - CIZE IT UP

I started with the CIZE Beginner Schedule which was really up my alley since I had a lot of work to do as far as coordination. I was very surprised how much these workouts make me SWEAT! I mean, the workouts that I normally do are P90X and Insanity type of workouts along with running, but the CIZE workouts are a whole new ball-game for me, and it's actually pretty challenging. Now if you are already a dancer, or someone who goes to Zumba every week, you might learn much quicker than I, so you may want to choose the ADVANCED schedule, but not me LOL =). I can see this workout program having new volumes and routines for years to come!

CIZE - Crazy 8's Routine
CIZE Workout Review - CIZE Challenge Group - CIZE IT UP

Since starting this CIZE challenge, I have had better coordination, and along with my other workouts, I am getting more lean which was another goal of mine.  I also love doing the workouts with my family, it makes for some good quality time and some hilarious moments to talk about for days!

CIZE - Full Out Routine
CIZE Workout Review - CIZE Challenge Group - CIZE IT UP

If you are looking for a fun way to workout and burn some calories, then I highly recommend taking the CIZE Challenge! I have some upcoming Online CIZE Challenges, so feel free to message me here! It's a lot more fun to #CIZEITUP with other people!

Take the CIZE Challenge, it's time to #CIZEITUP

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Fueling Your Passion through Beachbody Coaching

Fueling your passion through Beachbody Coaching - Beachbody Coach benefits
Family - My Ultimate Passion

Carl Daikeler, the CEO of Beachbody once said "Beachbody shouldn't be your life, it should give you a life", and that is something that I live by every single day.

When I started coaching in late 2010, I would have never thought that this crazy little workout program called P90X would provide me with such an amazing and abundant life. My story is really no different than any other story you've seen uploaded on Youtube, or pinned on Pinterest, or whatever social media network that you use. But I can tell you this, I've always had deep passions ever since I can remember. I guess you can say that I was always a GOAL DIGGER.

My first P90X Transformation
Fueling your passion through Beachbody Coaching - Beachbody Coach benefits

I remember telling my mother growing up that I wanted to be a SUPER HERO, so that I could protect her from all the bad people in the world. I can recall telling my Dad that I was going to be a millionaire so that he didn't have to work as hard as he did. At an early age, taking care of my family was important to me. I remember talking to my brothers and sisters many years ago about chipping in to purchase a summer home to host our family reunions.

My passions in life are pretty simple, let me share them with you:

1. Family
2. Travel
3. Entrepreneurism
4. Health and Fitness
5. Faith

I can actually go on and on about what fuels me, but those are my TOP 5 PASSIONS in life. What are yours?

Adventure Travel - my extreme passion! 
Fueling your passion through Beachbody Coaching - Beachbody Coach benefits

I think that as we all get older, life just gets in the way of what we truly want out of life. We get so distracted by our jobs, boring activities, and stressful deadlines, that we forget about what matters most to us. This is exactly what happened to me. I was so busy trying to make a buck, that I totally forgot about my life. Do you relate?

Family Reunions is what always brings me back to my reality. I LOVE spending time with my family, it's what I enjoy the most, and this is when I encountered one of my defining moments. My brother gave me a set of P90X DVD's and I started a new chapter in my life. I began a health and fitness journey in late 2010, and I cannot begin to tell you how much of an impact it has done for me. Not only am I fitter than ever, but I am also financially free from a boss. What does that mean? Let me explain.

It seems like it was only a few years ago, but I dreadfully worked 3 jobs, 100 hours a week, and on top of that, I still barely made enough to pay my bills. I had broken relationships, drank all the time, and was not happy. I knew that I had to change something with my life if I wanted to change some things in my life. Becoming a Beachbody Coach has changed everything! I don't want to sound like I am bragging, but I actually feel like I am on vacation every single day because all I do is workout, spend time with family, and travel all the time. Again, I do not say this to brag, because it wasn't an easy task, it was hard work, but it was oh so worth it. And I know that if I can do it, then you can too!

- How would you like to fulfill all of your passions?
- How would you like the option of working your job instead of being required to work for someone?
- Does sleeping in sound good to you? Waking up when you want to, not with an alarm clock.
- How would you like to go on vacations and not worry about what's in your wallet?
- Imagine being able to donate a million dollars to your favorite charity or church?

The list goes on........

- How would you like to run obstacle course races or marathons around the world?
- What about the simple things in life like picking up your kids from school, or watching their ball games?
- What about taking your spouse to a nice dinner any time you want?
- How about buying your dream home in different countries around the world?
- How would you like to spend more time with the people who mean most to you, like your family and close friends?

Beachbody Coaching may seem like a business (and it is), but it's a business that you can do full or part-time to help you fuel your passions. If I could build this business working over 100 hours a week, then I know you can too, no matter what situation you're in! It took me a little over 2 years to make Beachbody Coaching my full time gig, and I know some of you may be thinking  "that's a long time!", but I'm sure that you would agree that it's a lot better than working for someone for 20-40 years of your life? Who wants to do that? I know that I didn't want to.

Working full time at my job, and part-time for my fortune. That's what I did when I first started, in fact, that's what most people do. But if you are passionate about what you are doing, having fun, and you would like to get more healthy and fit, while helping others, then guess what? This is the financial vehicle that you may be looking for.

Financial & Time Freedom 
begins with making a decision to WORK HARD FOR IT
Fueling your passion through Beachbody Coaching - Beachbody Coach benefits

Fueling your passion can be defined as doing something that you love while doing something you love. But here's the thing, most people have it all wrong. The average person fuels their passion by doing something that they don't like doing such as working a dead end job, working late hours all week for a couple days of freedom, only to go back the next week and do it all over again. Where's the fun in that? 

It doesn't have to be that way. If I told you that you can actually do something that makes you feel good about yourself while helping others, and that it could help you fulfill your PASSIONS, would you do it? I'm pretty sure that you would say YES. It's all about getting the right information from the right people. There are too many people out there talking smack about the things that they don't know anything about, you know what I'm talking about =)

Some people say that they have had many lost opportunities, and if they have done this, or if they have done that, or if they "GOT IN" earlier etc. that they would be successful right now. That might be partially true, but what they fail to understand is that there are many more opportunities out there, and I would be happy to share one with you, but only if you are 100% ready to not make any excuses to pursue your passion. I'm talking about having an "ALL IN" mind set.

Are you serious about making big changes in your life. Are you goals really important to you? If you are ready to FUEL YOUR PASSION, then it first starts with moving forward and making a DECISION to make it happen. Are you a talker, or are you a DOER? These are all questions that we must all ask ourselves when making big life decisions. But that's order to live the good life, you must first learn to LIVE THE GOOD LIFE!

If you are ready to find out how you can fuel your passion through Beachbody Coaching, then feel free to message me here, looking forward to hearing from you soon! =)

Road trip with my daughter and nephews =)
Fueling your passion through Beachbody Coaching - Beachbody Coach benefits

It begins with a health & fitness journey, start here!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


UNSUCCESSFUL vs. SUCCESSFUL People - Become a Successful Beachbody Coach

Obviously, everyone may have a different opinion on what the meaning of SUCCESS is. Whether success is monetary or non-monetary to you, it boils down to just plain habits. That's what really makes the difference between what unsuccessful and successful people do.

Here are some habits of UNSUCCESSFUL people:
- Think they know it all
- Try to bring others down to their level
- Stop learning
- Think, say, and do negative things
- Have a sense of entitlement
- Always angry on others
- Don't know what they want to be
- Take the easy way out
- Never set goals
- Criticize
- Waste their time
- Give up easily
- Fear change
- Act before they think
- Talk more than they listen
- Blame others
- Hold a grudge
- Secretly hope others fail
- Get distracted everyday

Here are some habits of SUCCESSFUL people:
- Track progress
- Learn from mistakes
- Spend time with the right people
- Maintain proper balance in life
- Write down goals and targets
- Think long term
- Compliment others
- Make to-do lists
- Know purpose and mission
- Want others to succeed
- Accept responsibility for their failure
- Work with passion and commitment
- Learn, improve and read everyday
- Take risks
- Handle problems well
- Being humble
- Share information and data
- Exude joy
- Forgive others
- Embrace change

Chances of SUCCESS:
- I did (100%)
- I am (90%)
- I can (80%)
- I think I can (70%)
- I might (60%)
- I think I might (50%)
- I want to (40%)
- I wish I could (30%)
- I don't know how (20%)
- I can't (10%)
- I won't (0%)

Spend time with the right people
UNSUCCESSFUL vs. SUCCESSFUL People - Become a Successful Beachbody Coach

What are your chances for success? How big are your goals? How important is it for you to make your dreams become a reality? And last but not least, when do you want to start?

I connected with a group of people back in 2010, and I am happy to say that this amazing group introduced me to a life that I never thought would ever be possible for me. I am now more happier, healthier, and more active. On top of that, it is this very lifestyle that has brought me true wealth. I'm not talking about money, I'm talking about FREEDOM.

I was once unsuccessful, but now I can honestly say that I am successful in more ways than one. But as with any successful person would say, it's truly not about me, it's about the people who helped me. I have a passion for helping people learn how to live more happy, healthy and wealthy. Do you dream of a better life for you and your family? Do you feel that you deserve more out of life? I know you do! Feel free to connect with me, I'd love to meet you =)

My Beachbody Coach Family
UNSUCCESSFUL vs. SUCCESSFUL People - Become a Successful Beachbody Coach

Start a Fitness Journey Today!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

STRONG is SEXY - Free Online Challenge

Strong is Sexy Free 14 Day Online Fitness Challenge - Beachbody on Demand
Free 14 Day Online Challenge begins on September 7th 
(Must RESERVE YOUR SPOT in between September 4th-6th, limited spots available)

STRONG is SEXY Challenge begins on September 7th, 2015

Need a jump start to gaining more STRENGTH and creating HAPPINESS in your life? Well this FREE 14 Day Online Challenge is for you =) This FREE challenge will be hosted in a PRIVATE online accountability group on Facebook. 

You must be a Beachbody on Demand member, if you are not, that's okay! Simply, contact me here and ask me for the specific link for a 30 Day FREE Trial Offer of Beachbody on Demand, or simple use this link below:
(I recommend that you use the above link on September 4th, and no later than September 6th to ensure that you have access through the 14 day challenge, as well as to reserve your spot in the challenge group, limited spots available)

We've got you covered =) You will have access to the Full Library of over $3,000 worth of Online Beachbody Fitness Workouts and Programs. But to make this challenge easy for you, we will let you know exactly which workout to do every single day, and how to find it so you will be worry-free for the next 14 days!
(REQUIREMENTS: You will need a set of light to heavy weights or resistance bands for this workout challenge)

You will experience top notch motivation and accountability from a FREE Online Coach (me) and others in a PRIVATE online accountability group. There will be engaging posts, healthy recipes, free online group workouts with other challengers and much more!

Absolutely! You will get the 30 Day Free Trial Offer to access all the online workouts that you need, and once your membership is almost expired, you will have the option to extend it if you are really having fun (which you will) and getting great results! 

Absolutely, but you may want to contact myself or your Coach to join our MAIN Challenge Group to get even BETTER results! It's up to you! =) 

Well that's pretty much it, just make sure that you contact me here to get the FREE Trial Offer, or use the link above. Once you have enrolled with the free trial offer, make sure to contact me to let me know so that I can put you on the VIP Challenger List. You will then be added to the PRIVATE accountability group on September 4th-6th before the challenge begins on the 7th (Monday). Please note that once the challenge begins you will not be able to be added to the group, so make sure to get added on or by September 4th-6th to ensure your spot in the challenge. 

Strong is Sexy Free 14 Day Online Fitness Challenge - Beachbody on Demand


Did you miss this challenge? 
Please contact me here for my other upcoming online fitness challenges!

*Online Challenge available to US, Puerto Rico, Guam and Canada only at this time.

Get $3,000+ worth of workouts! Try it for FREE here:

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Strength Running Challenge for BEST Results

Online Strength Running Challenge - Beachbody Performance for Runners - Beachbody on Demand - Club Performance Pack

As a Beachbody Coach who loves running, P90X and creating online fitness challenge groups, I thought it would only be right for me to start a Online Strength Running Challenge. So I know that there are a plethora of challenges out there, and the question is, what makes my challenge so different? Well, I'm glad that you asked =) Check out the benefits below!

One of the workouts you will have access too with your Run Training!

My Strength Running Challenge Benefits:

-  You will have access to over $3,500 worth of streaming online workouts that you can do from the comfort of your own home or gym. Workouts include top Beachbody Fitness Programs such as P90X and Insanity to help you build strength.

-  You can choose a certain workout program (non-running) with schedules included, or you can create your own schedule based on your run training, fitness level, lifestyle, and goals.

-  You will be receive an invite to an invitation only private online challenge group to help you stay motivated and accountable to your goals. See options below.

- You will also receive nutrition options, nutrition guides, customized meal planner and even a FREE Online Coach (me) to help you.

-  You create your own running schedule

-  Strength Running Challenges are only 30 days (you will have the option to continue after you have completed your challenge)

-  You will be able to connect with a positive online Facebook community of health and fitness minded challengers to help you get the BEST results!

-  For All Fitness Levels

And much more!!!

Online Strength Running Challenge - Beachbody Performance for Runners - Beachbody on Demand - Club Performance Pack

How Do I Start?
It's really simple! Just choose from the challenge pack options below, and once you have purchased your challenge pack, message me on Facebook, and I will personally help you get started.

Challenge Pack Options: (click options below to see inclusions)

1.  Club Shakeology Challenge Pack

2.  Club Performance Pack

*Ask me about getting a $20 REBATE!

Check out the Club Performance Pack:

The NEW Beachbody Performance Line - Kick your training up a notch!

Monday, July 27, 2015

The All New Club Performance Pack - Beachbody Performance Line

Beachbody Performance Line - Club Performance Pack - NSF Certified Beachbody Supplements

I am pretty excited about the all-new NSF Certified Beachbody Performance Line which includes: Energize Pre Workout, Hydrate, Recover Post Workout, Recharge, and Creatine. For more information on each of these, you can check out my other post here.

The All New NSF Certified Beachbody Performance Line:

The Club Performance Pack is ideal for anyone who is involved in endurance type sports (running, marathons, triathlons, obstacle course racing, adventure racing) and extreme workouts such as P90X, Insanity, Crossfit, Body Building etc. The Club Performance Pack includes:

-  Energize Pre Workout
-  Recover Post Workout (Chocolate)
-  90 day access to Beachbody on Demand (online streaming of $3,000 worth of Beachbody Workouts from the comfort of your laptop, mobile phone, iPad, Tablet etc.
-  Plus motivation and accountability from a Free Coach (me)
-  Invite to an Exclusive Online Challenge Group to get EXTREME results.

Club Performance Pack:
Get the Club Performance Pack now!

Can the Club Performance Pack and the Beachbody Performance Line be used with any Beachbody Fitness Program?
Yes, but it is more geared towards more extreme workouts such as P90X, Insanity, Insanity Max 30, Asylum and other non-beachbody programs such as marathon training, ultra running, crossfit and other extreme/endurance type of sports and workouts. 

How can I purchase the Beachbody Performance Line?
There are a few ways. The Beachbody Performance Line can be purchased in single tubs, combo stacks, sampler pack, and there is of course the Club Performance Pack. Shop now!

The Beachbody Performance Line is NSF Certified, what does that mean?
Supplements that carry the NSF Certified for Sport mark have undergone the rigorous standards established through the NSF Athletic Banned Substances Program. It minimizes the risk that a dietary supplement or sports nutrition product contains banned substances when taken at the recommended serving size. 

Specifically, this certification verifies that:

The product does not contain any of the 180+ substances banned by major athletic organizations
The contents of the supplements match what is displayed on the label
There are no unsafe levels of contaminants in the tested product
The product is manufactured in a facility audited by the NSF for both quality and safety

What is the Beachbody Performance Line?
Beachbody Performance Line - Club Performance Pack - NSF Certified Beachbody Supplements

*NSF has tested and certified that these products contain the identity and quantity of dietary ingredients declared on the product label, and that these products do not contain known banned substances. NSF certification, however, is limited to the specific serving size on the label, and consumption in excess of that serving size is not part of the certification. 

Beachbody Performance Line - Club Performance Pack - NSF Certified Beachbody Supplements

If you want to run faster, run longer, have more energy, gain more strength, recover faster, and just become a better athlete, then the all new Beachbody Performance Line and the Club Performance Pack will get you there! Feel free to connect with me to get more information about joining some of my upcoming online challenge groups to help you with your athletic goals, you'll love it! =)

Take your training to the next level with the Beachbody Performance Line:

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Beachbody SUPER WORKOUT - Coach Summit 2015 (Nashville)

Beachbody Super Workout - Coach Summit 2015 Nashville - Full Workout
Beachbody Super Workout - Coach Summit 2015, Nashville

Did you miss Beachbody SUPER WORKOUT from Coach Summit 2015 in Nashville? No worries, here is the FULL WORKOUT!


Super Workout Length: Approx 1:29 minutes

Featured Celebrity Trainers:
- Sagi Kalev (Body Beast)
- Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix)
- Tony Horton (P90X)
- Chalene Johnson (PIYO)
- Shaun T (Insanity)

Over 20,000+ Beachbody Coaches attended this Super Workout in Nashville, TN. The event took over 6 blocks of Downtown Nashville, it was amazing!

25,000 Coaches Take Over Downtown Nashville
Beachbody Super Workout - Coach Summit 2015 Nashville - Full Workout

Get 24/7 Online Access to over $3,000 worth of Beachbody Workouts. Workout anytime, anywhere - CLICK HERE for a Free 30 Day Trial.

Beachbody Super Workout - Coach Summit 2015 - Nashville

Take the Beachbody on Demand Challenge! Start your journey today =)
Online Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success

Hammer and Chisel - NEW Beachbody Workout Program

New Beachbody Workout Hammer and Chisel - Sagi Kalev Hammer and Chisel - Hammer and Chisel Launch Date - Hammer and Chisel Challenge Group

Just announced at Coach Summit 2015 in Nashville, Beachbody is coming out with their newest workout program "Hammer and Chisel" by two of their TOP Celebrity Trainers Sagi Kalev (from Body Beast) and Autumn Calabrese (from 21 Day Fix)


(LINKS will be LIVE by 2pm EST on December 1st, 2015)

What if I'm not interested in the Online Test Group and I just want to purchase the fitness program only? That's absolutely fine, you can BUY IT HERE.

(Online Test Group)

I am very excited to do this program and will be starting an Exclusive "Hammer and Chisel" Online Test Group which will be open to the public. The Hammer and Chisel Online Test Group will include:

-  Hammer and Chisel Fitness Program
-  Free Trial Club Membership including Beachbody on Demand (Online Streaming)
-  Shakeology Nutrition
-  Free Online Coaching
-  Exclusive Invite to my Private VIP Accountability Group with other Challengers with similar goals

Check out the Hammer and Chisel Video:

My Coach Team and I start Online Fitness Challenges every week! Contact me here to start your Fitness Journey today, looking forward to your SUCCESS!

Hammer and Chisel Creator Sagi Kalev and I
New Beachbody Workout Hammer and Chisel - Sagi Kalev Hammer and Chisel - Hammer and Chisel Launch Date - Hammer and Chisel Challenge Group

Follow my Hammer and Chisel Challenge Journey here:
Hammer and Chisel, Week One, Month One
Hammer and Chisel, Week Two, Month One

Take the Beachbody Challenge - Choose your challenge now! - Free Coaching from me!

Monday, July 13, 2015

How Beachbody Coaches are NOT selling you!

How Beachbody Coaches are NOT selling you - Become a Beachbody Coach

Okay, obviously I cannot speak for all Beachbody Coaches, but I can tell you how I operate my coaching business, as well as how my team works.

Before I start talking about how Beachbody Coaches are not trying to sell you, I have to mention to you that most coaches first started out as customers. And through consistency, hard work and dedication, they achieved success both physically, mentally, and financially. It's a lot different than someone who just graduated from college and found a job in sales and marketing. Think about it, most people who are in marketing and sales (or any industry because every company sells something) had to learn about their product or service that they are selling. They did not use the product or service before they starting sharing it with people, they were hired with a company, and slowly began learning how to market their product. Some of these people don't even believe in what they are doing!  If it puts food on their table, they will do what it takes to sell. This is why you see so many people who are depressed and miserable about their current job situation. It's pretty sad if you ask me (I've been there), but the cool thing is that you can change that. It doesn't have to be that way.

I have met so many athletes, specifically in the obstacle course racing arena who endorse certain supplements, and they claim that it has done wonders for them, and that they have been training with these products for "X" amount of years, and it's totally false. A lot of these athletes were already in peak condition way before they started endorsing some of these products, and most of these products weren't even around when they were just starting out. A company simply just offered to sponsor them, gave them free products and all they have to do is help promote the stuff. Is that really being a product of the product? Now that's "salesy" to me. They post promo codes and post all kinds of photos about how great these products are, even when they have only just started using the product. Now I'm not saying that the products are not good, heck I've tried all kinds of supplements from a lot of companies, but I would never say that they changed my life, and that I've been using them for years even though I haven't.

I am a Beachbody Coach because I believe in the products. I would never promote something that I have not done, or believe in. I have graduated from almost every fitness program line that the company offers. I have been drinking Shakeology and working out with Beachbody fitness workouts since 2010, so I know from experience that it works. I share my journey and lifestyle with people because that is how these products have transformed me. I am not getting paid to endorse anything, I am earning a living from simply being a product of the product. And for the record, I am not in THIS THING to make a quick buck (this is not a trend) or to get FREE stuff, it truly is my life. It's my passion.

Here are some examples of what people do everyday because they believe in what they do, and it's totally organic and raw, but they do not earn any income from it. Now I don't want you to think that it's all about money for me, BECAUSE IT ISN'T, but most people would agree that it just makes sense to make a living while doing something that you are passionate about? Is there anything wrong with that? I honestly do not think so. Below are some examples of how people are sharing their passions with others, which is a form of selling (word of mouth marketing) whether they know this or not.

"Oh man, I just finished my first Spartan Race, and it was totally awesome, you have to seriously do one!!"

I've done this many times because I love obstacle course racing and the community it provides. But the only people who are making a living from it is the company, not the athletes. Yes, some athletes are sponsored, but that's different. Spartan Race does not give a piece of the company to the athletes. The company earns all the profits while the athletes and participants continue to help build the dreams of Joe DeSena. Some elite athletes say they don't care about the money, but trust me they do, that's why they are running the races who offer PHAT paychecks for hitting the podium, otherwise why don't they just do a Tough Mudder, and time it themselves with no one watching them? We are humans, we are reward oriented, and elite athletes want to be rewarded for their hard work, as they should!


How Beachbody Coaches are NOT selling you - Become a Beachbody Coach

"Dang, I just saw the BEST movie ever, I highly recommend that you watch it!" 

We've all done this! We have all watched an awesome movie and told people about it, it's just a natural thing to do, but again, we are selling through word-of-mouth marketing. If a person watches 5 movies per week (home or theater) then this person would have watched roughly 14,400 movies by the age of 60. That's a lot of movies, and guess what, all of the profits go to the production and entertainment companies, we movie watchers do not get a dime!


"I just took my girlfriend to this fancy restaurant, and the food was absolutely amazing, you have to take your wife there!"

Yup, I have done this too! If there is one thing that I love doing, it's restaurant-hopping, especially the fancy ones because I love fine dining. I went to Chef School =). But again, we fill our tummies up with all of these fine foods, and who reaps all the profits? The restauranteurs!


"I just went to the most amazing gym! They had a pool, a Crossfit den, group fitness classes, you name it, you have to check it out!"

Yup, been there too! I used to Crossfit and love it, and honestly, I still go to the gym. It's not that there is anything wrong with it, I actually would rather do my P90X workouts at the gym anyways. But here's the thing, the gym and box owners take all the profits, while you are doing all the selling (sharing your posts on Facebook about working out etc). You might think well, I go to the gym to workout, not to make money! Well, good for you, but guess what? I go to the gym and also make money =) If you go to the gym or box, then for the most part, it's part of your life. It makes you feel good right? Well imagine doing that, and making a living with it! It can happen, and you don't need a 6/7 figure investment.


How Beachbody Coaches are NOT selling you - Become a Beachbody Coach - P90X at the Gym

So as you can see, these are some pretty good examples of what we do every day. We are selling ALL DAY.....well, we're really just SHARING our experiences with people. And that is all I do as a Beachbody Coach, sharing my passion! So the next time a Beachbody Coach is sharing something with you, just know that it's NOT about selling you, it's about helping you become better inside and out. I am truly blessed to be affiliated with a company who compensates me for my passion, I just never thought it was even possible! Spartan Race will always give me a good experience, just like a movie will always entertain me, but they will never be able to help me create a real future for me and my family and that is where my priority lies.

How Beachbody Coaches are NOT selling you - Become a Beachbody Coach

If you hate selling as much as I do, and you would like to learn how to turn your passion for health and fitness into a huge online business, then feel free to contact me here, I look forward to meeting you! =)

Apply to Become a Beachbody Coach - Turn your PASSION to reality
Become a Beachbody Coach - Apply now!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

14 Day ABS and BOOTY Challenge!

Free Online Abs and Booty Challenge - Ab Challenge - Booty Fitness Challenge
Free Online 14 Day Abs & Booty Challenge

Need a jump start to getting RIPPED abs and a TIGHTER booty? Well this FREE 14 Day Online Challenge is for you =)

This FREE Online 14 Day Challenge Begins on August 3rd - 2015

You must be a Beachbody on Demand member, if you are not, that's A-okay! Simply, contact me for the specific link for a 30 Day FREE Trial Offer of Beachbody on Demand, or JUST CLICK HERE
(use the link no earlier than July 27th to ensure that you have access for the entire 14 days of the challenge)

We've got you covered =) You will have access to the Full Library of over $3,000 worth of Online Beachbody Fitness Workouts and Programs. But to make this challenge easy for you, we will let you know exactly which workout to do every single day, and how to find it so you will be worry-free for the next 14 days!

You will experience top notch motivation and accountability from a FREE Online Coach (me) and others in a PRIVATE online accountability group. There will be engaging posts, healthy recipes, free online group workouts with other challengers and much more!

Absolutely! You will get the 30 Day Free Trial Offer to access all the online workouts that you need, and once your membership is almost expired, you will have the option to extend it if you are really having fun (which you will) and getting great results!

Well that's pretty much it, just make sure that you ether contact me to get the FREE Trial Offer, or use the link here. Once you have enrolled with the free trial offer, make sure to contact me here to let me know so that I can put you on the VIP Challenger List. You will then be added to the PRIVATE accountability group on Facebook before August 3rd (Monday). Looking forward to your SUCCESS =)

(August 3 - 17, 2015)


*If you are viewing this, and the challenge is already over, please message me here about my other upcoming Free Online Challenges! Online Challenge available to US, Puerto Rico, Guam and Canada only at this time.

Take the Brazil Butt Lift Challenge - Free Coaching from me! =) 

Friday, July 10, 2015

5 Ways Beachbody Mentally Transformed my Life

5 Ways Beachbody Mentally Transformed my Life - Real Beachbody Transformation - Beachbody Facts
I am happier than ever! 

When you think about a Beachbody Fitness Transformation, most people are always looking on the outside, and we tend to forget that there is a lot of things going on inside as well. Here's an example, one day I was shopping at a local Whole Foods market and someone noticed my P90X shirt.  This shopper proceeded to ask me if I finished the program, I said yes. He then said, let me see those ABS!

This actually happens a lot, and I totally get it. People are visual, and they want to see physical results. But it's not really all about that. There are a lot of people who I coach who have had great results on the inside, and are not even half way done with their physical results. And here's the thing, I don't think anyone is ever really 100% finished with their transformation, mental or physical, because we all have the opportunity to always better ourselves, would you agree?

Going through a health and fitness transformation journey is tough. There are a lot of things to think about such as, "Wow, this is hard! Do I really want to be doing this?". Or, "I just worked 14 hours today, I'm tired, maybe this workout thing is just not for me!".  I could've used any and every excuse in the book to not get the results that I achieved when I completed the P90X Challenge back in 2010, but what kept me going was my daughter. I was not only doing it for me, I wanted to be healthy and fit for my daughter so that I can live long enough to see her live a wonderful life. I was also sick of feeling miserable, I just wanted to be happy! Anyone relate?

My P90X Transformation

It's all mental.

I have participated in some hardcore endurance races that have really tested my physical abilities, but more than that, also my mental grit. It is the mental grit that makes a difference whether you give up or not, because the bottom line is that you may feel that you can't run or do that extra rep, or if you are a Beachbody Coach, you may have struggles with inviting people to a challenge, but if you focus, and get your mind right, you'll be surprised on what you can achieve. Did you know that the strongest muscle in your body is your brain? Yup, so train it right, and you will get amazing results!

Here are 5 Ways Beachbody has "Mentally" Transformed my Life:

1.  Better Food Choices - Without the discipline of making proper food choices, I would not be able to see the results that I acheived. Shakeology has curved my cravings for junk foods, and has helped me open my palate to a better world of clean eating. Instead of eating for pleasure these days, I have learned to eat in order to fuel my active lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, I love to splurge every now and again, but the Beachbody Lifestyle has taught me that moderation is key, and I would definitely take running up a mountain with my daughter over a piece of chocolate cake any day!

5 Ways Beachbody Mentally Transformed my Life - Real Beachbody Transformation - Beachbody Facts

2.  Understanding My Limitations - Overtraining was something that happened a lot when I first began my health and fitness journey. I wanted fast results, so I worked out hard and unfortunately was not focused on proper form. During my challenge, I learned that it is more about quality, and not quantity. I learned to listen to my body, set aside my EGO, and use modifications when the moves began to get a little tough. I was able to get better results by pacing myself through the program, and just showing up. It was all about doing my best, and forgetting the rest, and this is what I encourage all of my new challengers and coaches on my team to do in our online private accountability groups.

3.  More Energy - With proper nutrition, consistent workouts, and learning how to humble myself with smart rest and recovery, I have gained so much energy. It feels good to be able to play a full game of soccer with my nephews and not get winded, especially at the age of 44. Don't be that person that says "I'm too old to do that", be the person that says "Is that all you got?" =) Because age is truly just a number.

5 Ways Beachbody Mentally Transformed my Life - Real Beachbody Transformation - Beachbody Facts

4.  Happiness - I cannot begin to tell you how much happiness I now have because of working out and eating healthy. I used to think that the only way for me to be happy and forget about my daily stress was to grab a drink at the bar with my so-called friends. The Beachbody lifestyle has changed my whole outlook on life, and I cannot imagine doing anything else. "I don't want to be happy" ~ Says No One Ever! =)

5.  Ability to Lead - Most people do not know this, but I am 100% introverted. I do not enjoy big crowds. I don't handle stress very well. I have no interest in being on stage! I'm not a fan of recognition. And I just don't like socializing! ------> That was how I used to be. Oh, I still consider myself an introvert, but I have taught myself through consistent PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT to mesh and do what it takes to achieve my goals, and it has proved to be the right decision for me. Getting out of my comfort zone has always been tough for me, but the one thing that I can say helps me with that, is the fact that I have a loving daughter that needs my support. I have a family that I love and want to do a million things with. I have a coach team who looks up to me. I want to travel and see the world. I want to be a missionary and help the global community in a meaningful way. I never imagined that one day I would be leading my own coach team, and creating leaders, but it just happened. That is how a simple Beachbody transformation can literally change your life, physically and mentally.

5 Ways Beachbody Mentally Transformed my Life - Real Beachbody Transformation - Beachbody Facts

So at the end of the day, when push comes to shove, I force myself to get uncomfortable. Life is too short not to live your life, and I plan to make the rest of my life, the best of my life!

5 Ways Beachbody Mentally Transformed my Life - Real Beachbody Transformation - Beachbody Facts

Thank you Beachbody =)

Start a Fitness Journey Today - Free Coaching from me =)

Monday, July 6, 2015

World Cup Champion Hope Solo Does Insanity Asylum

All I have to say that if Insanity Asylum is good enough for World Cup Champion Hope Solo, then it's good enough for me!

Hope Solo - USA vs Japan 2015
World Cup Champion 2015 Hope Solo - Hope Solo Insanity Asylum - Hope Solo Workout
Photo: Getty Images

World Cup Champion 2015 Hope Solo - Hope Solo Insanity Asylum - Hope Solo Workout
Photo: Getty Images

I've been using Insanity Asylum workouts for years now, and it has done wonders for my athleticism and endurance. I continue to incorporate the workouts along with my P90X and running workouts specifically for obstacle course racing and marathon training. It's definitely geared more towards advanced fitness levels, so take extreme caution before attempting a program such as the Insanity Asylum.

Insanity Asylum at Powerhouse Gym - Downtown Tampa, FL
Insanity Asylum at the Gym - Powerhouse Gym Downtown Tampa - Insanity Asylum Challenge Group
Coach Arnel Banawa

If you are an athlete, or someone who would like the up your game in athletic performance from football, soccer, basketball, running, adventure racing, surfing, and just about anything sports related, then feel free to message me about my upcoming Online Asylum Challenge Group. It will be a challenge, but I will be with you all the way, along with others who have similar goals. The motivation is INSANE! As your Free Beachbody Coach, I will make sure that you get everything that you need to succeed with this program, it's hands down on of my favorite workouts.

Check out this quick video with Hope Solo and the Insanity Asylum:

If you are not sure if Insanity Asylum is the right program for you, that's ok, I can assist you in finding the best program for you based on your level of fitness and goals. Message me here and I'll get back with you within 24-48 hours!

Take the Insanity Asylum Challenge - Free Coaching from me =)