Showing posts with label P90X Nutrition Plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label P90X Nutrition Plan. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How You Can Gain Mass With P90X

Gain Mass with P90X
 Gain Mass With P90X

Anyone who has participated in the P90X exercise program will know that the concept is designed to help gain lean muscle mass and shed excess body fat. In fact, some of the program before after pictures of satisfied consumers on the web is simply amazing. These experiences confirm that it is possible to Gain Mass with P90X and those using it can achieve their fitness goals.

The P90X Nutrition Plan is so effective in getting you ripped that building muscle when following the program can be quite a challenge. However, for those that are aware of the benefits of using this workout program realize that it is more in the planning than just exercising. The plan aims to provide an insight into the way the method must be incorporated in regular workout regime and nutrition making it easier to understand.

P90X Nutrition Plan
 P90X Nutrition Plan with Shakeology

With the P90X Workout DVD's and/or the P90X Downloads for aid you can easily gain access to these incredible exercise regimes, reduce body fat percentage and gain muscle mass. So, what are the various ways in which you can increase the efficiency of gaining body mass with the program? Let’s find out.

Train with heavier weights
The basic of muscle gain is always about lowering your rep count while increasing your weight. Doing about 6-8 reps with weights heavier than the usual ones you lift is absolutely great for buidling muscle mass. You can always take a few seconds break and try to perform another 2-3 set of reps. If you aim to tone up and get lean, then try doing 12-15. Such a regime to Gain Mass with P90X certainly provides great results.

Complete body work out
So many guys out there make a mistake of only working out their chest and biceps. With P90X you’re getting the complete muscle mass gain package. Make sure you understand the program well if you really want to see progress. Do not get stuck with performing just pushups, body weight squats and one legged dead lifts. These exercises will not help you put on a lot of mass. So, will you Gain Mass with P90X? You will but it will not be great unless weight exercises are performed as well. If you decide to follow the P90X program, then you must not overdo cardio exercises for muscle mass gain as your body needs to be in calorie surplus.

Increase your calorie intake in the P90X Nutrition Plan! Surprised? If your goal is to build muscles then consuming more calories is important. But, make sure you reach your calorie goal by eating high quality foods. For muscle growth carbohydrate is not as essential as fats and proteins. It is really impossible to build bigger muscles without having ample amount of protein. However, carbohydrates are also extremely important as they fuel your body to perform the high intensity P90X workout regime.

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If you are new to training, the P90X Challenge is a great point to start. It can be fascinating to see how swiftly you can get into the mode of gaining muscle mass. As you grow into the diet and the exercise regime, you will know that you’re in for something advanced. The process of gaining the right amount of body weight by eliminating excess fat is certainly a great journey with the P90X program. It not only increases your urge to eat correct and exercise, but also help build stamina – an essential part of any serious weight gain process.

For the beginner looking to Gain Mass with P90X, the program is good to elevate strength and power levels; however, for the advanced fitness enthusiast the program is sure to increase resistance needed to build muscles, which is definitely alluring for pro levelers.

Gaining Mass with P90X is very easy to do "with hard work". I am an OCR (Obstacle Course Racing) Athlete, so gaining mass with P90X is not my true goal, but I have tested it and received great results within a short period of time. As an athlete, at least for me, I am more interested in lean muscle mass, so also incorporating cardio is just as important to maintain my athletic performance. But if your goal is to strictly build mass, then P90X can definitely help you. Another great program that I highly recommend is the Body Beast Workout Program.

Build Mass with Body Beast:
- Body Beast Program Details and Options

Take the P90X Challenge - BUY NOW!

Friday, July 25, 2014

The P90X Nutrition Plan

P90X Nutrition Plan
The P90X Nutrition Plan

The P90X Nutrition Plan is described as a thirteen week program that is designed to assist fitness goal seekers to lose weight and/or build muscle. This nutrition plan is usually used in conjunction with the P90X Workout program that includes intensive resistance training routines. In understanding more about how the P90X nutrition plan works, you will first of all need to put the following in mind;

- In regards to the different phases of diet, there should be a percentage of calories coming from the three food categories.

- The P90X nutrition plan specifies the number of calories you should take for your body size.

- The number of good foods that make up the majority of your diet during P90X and Insanity.

- The grams contained in each category of food that you are required to take and this is usually based on the percentage of each category you are shooting for.

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Once you have internalized that, you then need to know how to maximize the P90X nutrition plan and this is by first of all determining the phase you are at. This is important since you will be having an idea on what you are working towards and this is in regards to the food portions and the type of body you want.  It is important to note that in all the phases, eating frequent small meals and drinking lots of water is emphasized so as not to feel drained or cave in to cravings. With the P90X nutrition plan, you also need to figure out your daily calorie intake as the nutrition guide suggests, so as to adjust it depending on your goals. You may want to retain the same weight but slowly convert body fat to muscle, which is why the suggested calorie total from the nutrition plan would work for you. But in the event that you would want to lose body fat quickly, then you must run a calorie deficit.

 P90X Creator Tony Horton
P90X Nutrition Plan


First, find out your Basal Metabolic Rate: (BMR)
- Women: 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
- Men: 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

Next, calculate your Active Metabolic Rate
- BMR x 1.1 if you're Sedentary (never exercise)
- BMR x 1.2 if you're Somewhat Active (moderate activity 3-5 times per week)
- BMR x 1.3 if you're Very Active (vigorous exercise 5-6 times a week)
- BMR x 1.4 if you're Extremely Active (professional athlete)

*The results number from the above calculation is how many calories you burn a day without factoring extra calories burned from exercise.

Another way to maximize on the P90X nutrition plan is to make adjustments in phases and this is in regards to staying on those phases until you get to accomplish your set goals. In case you need to lose a lot of body fat, then you should probably stay in fat shredder mode for a longer period of time until you achieve your ideal weight. After this is when you consider transitioning into the phase 2 percentages and this is for a slower and deliberate fine tuning of your physique at the current weight you are at.

In the P90X nutrition plan, you also need to make personal adjustments in food choices and this is because the meal plan might have choices of food that you do not like or that they take a lot of time to prepare. When you choose to adjust, consider tracking what you eat and it gets simpler when you use My Fitness Pal program that gives you a complete and accurate breakdown of exactly what percentage of each category you have eaten on any given day. How amazing is that!

When in the P90X nutrition plan, you should consider planning ahead and this is in regards to meals and healthy snacks. This will enable you avoid junk food especially when you feel the need to eat and will also help you not spoil up the P90X nutrition plan.

For best results, you should never cheat with the P90X nutrition plan since it was built for success. Do not be fooled by those people who say that you can get away with cheat days or cheat meals and this is because no success has ever been attained by such. You should stick to the P90X nutrition plan 100% if you want to obtain the best results and guess what, it is so worth it!

You can purchase the P90X Nutrition Guides here:
- P90X Nutrition Guide
- P90X2 Nutrition Guide

Add Shakeology Nutrition to your P90X Nutrition Plan for BEST results!