Friday, June 21, 2019

How to Choose the Best Beachbody Fitness Program

Best Beachbody Workouts, How to Choose a Beachbody Program, Find a Beachbody Coach, Join a Beachbody Challenge Group, Stay Committed Beachbody, Free Online Fitness Coaching, Arnel Banawa
Free Online Fitness Assessment - Send me a message here

As an Online Beachbody Coach for over 8 years now, one of the questions that I get a lot is, "What is the best program for me"?

You see, when I used to post heavily on social media about my workouts, people just assumed that I knew a lot about health and fitness. But in all reality, I was learning too! Over 8 years ago my brother introduced me to the original P90X workout, and I completed the program, lost 25 lbs, got ripped, and was in the best shape of my life in my 40's! This was the BIG reason why I decided to become a Beachbody Coach, because well......the programs simply work!

For the past 8+ years, I have been doing strictly Beachbody workouts, OCR Specific Training, Hiking and Running. I'm sure that you all would agree that there are a lot of ways to get healthy and fit, and it's all about finding which discipline works best for you, but Beachbody was my way of getting real results with NO SHORT CUTS.

Social Media is a great place to post and inspire for accountability
Best Beachbody Workouts, How to Choose a Beachbody Program, Find a Beachbody Coach, Join a Beachbody Challenge Group, Stay Committed Beachbody, Free Online Fitness Coaching, Arnel Banawa

So when people ask me which workout program is best for them, I always let them know that the information that I give them will basically be Beachbody Health and Fitness options, because that is what I eat and breath every single day. It's what I know, and it's what works for me, as well as thousands of my friends and customers.

With that being said, let me explain to you in my opinion, how to choose the BEST Beachbody Fitness Program for you in these simple steps:

1.  Get connected with a committed Beachbody Coach first. Yes unfortunately, like anything, there are a lot of terrible Coaches out there, some who just want your money, so you have to be picky. To be honest, the best Coaches in my opinion are the ones who stay committed daily and provide you with valuable information to help you make your own choices, even if it's free. But guys, don't take advantage of this free information, these Coaches work hard day in and day out to help you. Don't forget about that.

Best Beachbody Workouts, How to Choose a Beachbody Program, Find a Beachbody Coach, Join a Beachbody Challenge Group, Stay Committed Beachbody, Free Online Fitness Coaching, Arnel Banawa
Surrounding yourself with positive people will change your life

Also,  I highly recommend the Coaches who are still going through their fitness journey. Beachbody Coaches are not all super fit and there's nothing wrong with that. If you are looking for genuine accountability, then you will be surprised to find the best coaches are the ones who still have a lot of struggle in their own lives, and they will do anything to help you because it is a motivation for them.

Accountability is one of the best ways for succeeding with a fitness goal. Most people cannot get healthy and fit alone, and that is why they join local gyms, group workouts, and beer runs ha ha. But with today's technology, you can get the same accountability and motivation from an Online Beachbody Coach and have 24/7 access to chats, meet ups, tools and training, anytime, anywhere.

Our team has been changing lives for over 9+ years!
Best Beachbody Workouts, How to Choose a Beachbody Program, Find a Beachbody Coach, Join a Beachbody Challenge Group, Stay Committed Beachbody, Free Online Fitness Coaching, Arnel Banawa

2.  Join an Online Challenge Group or Free Fit Club. If you've never done a Beachbody Workout before, what better way to do it with a ton of people online. There are a lot of online groups out there from Free Meal Prepping, Getting Started, Staying Motivated, and of course a challenge group for every Beachbody Fitness Program ever developed. All of these groups are hosted by Beachbody Coaches, all you have to do is connect with your Coach and he/she can send you a free invite to join the fun. There are even free fit clubs hosted in local community centers, gyms, parks etc. These free fit clubs are a good way to try and learn more about the workouts. From there, it's all about narrowing it down to what your fitness goal is, start a program with a challenge group, and then attend the weekly fit clubs to get that extra motivation and accountability to keep you moving forward.

Having your own Personal Online Coach gives you 24/7 access 
to staying motivated anywhere around the world!
Best Beachbody Workouts, How to Choose a Beachbody Program, Find a Beachbody Coach, Join a Beachbody Challenge Group, Stay Committed Beachbody, Free Online Fitness Coaching, Arnel Banawa

3.  Stay Committed. This is the hardest part, and why it is so important to connect with a Beachbody Coach. Yes, everyone falls of the wagon, and there is no judging here, we've all done it, we're human. The most important thing for you to know is that whether you are struggling and haven't found the momentum yet, your Coach will always be there to help you recover and restart. Nobody is perfect, not even your Coach. Life will get in the way, and finances might deter you from investing in your health.

It's all about the mindset, and knowing what is the most important thing in your life. When you figure that out, and you begin to surround yourself with the right people, trust me, things WILL change.

Let's face it, no matter what you do, without our health and fitness, you and I are nothing. Our bodies are our temple, if we take care of ourselves, we can have unlimited potential in anything that we decide to do.

No one ever became successful alone!
Best Beachbody Workouts, How to Choose a Beachbody Program, Find a Beachbody Coach, Join a Beachbody Challenge Group, Stay Committed Beachbody, Free Online Fitness Coaching, Arnel Banawa

So anyways, I hope this helps. Once you connect with a Beachbody Coach, they will assist you with the best program based on your needs, lifestyle, and budget.

If you would like assistance from me, simply message me, and I would love to help you. Just send me an email to: and just request a Free Online Fitness Assessment. There are NEVER any requirements to purchase anything, and my advice is always free. You can make me your Free Online Coach by clicking here, chat soon!

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