Showing posts with label P90X3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label P90X3. Show all posts

Thursday, August 7, 2014

P90X3 Triometrics + 21 Day Fix 10 Minute Fix for Abs

P90X3 21 Day Fix Hybrid Workout
P90X3 + 21 Day Fix Hybrid Workout

Well dang, this hybrid workout literally killed me lol =). Now don't get me wrong, P90X3 and the 21 Day Fix program is for all fitness levels, but it's all about how hard you push yourself. If you are just modifying, or just going with the flow and taking a ton of breaks, then yes, it might not kick your ass, but if you are pushing yourself, and not doing any modifications, then you will see a big difference in the intensity. But that's for any program that you do! Keep in mind, if you are modifying a lot, then this probably means that you may be doing a program or workout that is way above your fitness level, and you may need to kick it down a notch to another program. I can definitely assist you with that.

Remember, the less that you have to modify during a workout, the better results you will get. Trust me, I do modify during some of my workouts, I'm human =). But if you are modifying every move, then you shouldn't be doing that particular workout or program. If you need help with choosing a program, please message me so that I can assist you personally.

So I did P90X3 Triometrics and the 21 Day Fix - 10 Minute Fix for Abs workout, and I did this with some very motivating people through this FREE Online Fit Club that I host every week. Imagine working out in the comfort of your own home with other people who live in other parts of the world, it's pretty amazing!

P90X3 Triometrics is similar to the classic P90X Plyometrics but instead of doing 4 rounds of about 4 exercises per round, you do different moves with each exercise having 3 intensity levels. Get ready from some LEG BURNERS! And if you're a beast, try kicking it up and using a weight vest =).

P90X3 Triometrics Exercise List: Part One
(each exercise is 1 minute at 20 sec per intensity - 3 levels of intensity per exercise)
- Warm Up (2 min)
- Calf Raise Squats
- The Duper Skater: Right
- The Duper Skater: Left
- Frog Jumps
- Warrior 3 Squats: Right
- Warrior 3 Squats: Left
- Speed Skater
- Superman Lunge
- Sumo Kick
- Run Stance Squats

Warm Up
P90X3 Triometrics

Calf Raise Squats
P90X3 Triometrics

The Duper Skater: Right
P90X3 Triometrics

Frog Jumps
P90X3 Triometrics

 Warrior 3 Squats
P90X3 Triometrics

Speed Skater
P90X3 Triometrics

Superman Lunge
P90X3 Triometrics

Sumo Squat Kick
P90X3 Triometrics

Run Stance Squats
P90X3 Triometrics


P90X3 Triometrics Exercise List: Part Two
- Iso Squat: Right
- Iso Squat: Left
- Slater Squats
- Duper 2: Right
- Duper 2: Left
- Jack Squats
- Hell's Chair
- Kablam
- Cool Down

Take the P90X3 Challenge - BUY IT NOW! Free Bonus Workout Included

Iso Squats (these are like semi-pistols, pretty tough)
P90X3 Triometrics

 Slater Squats
P90X3 Triometrics

Duper 2 (these absolutely suck lol)

Jack Squats (this was the 3rd Intensity)
P90X3 Triometrics

Hell's Chair
P90X3 Triometrics

Kablam (yup, you can tell I'm crying lol)
P90X3 Triometrics

P90X3 Triometrics

Cool Down Stretch
P90X3 Triometrics

P90X3 Triometrics was definitely a LEG BURNER! I hope to get better at this one. The fact that I am from Florida and there are no mountains, this type of workout is perfect for training my legs for obstacle course races in "high places". If you haven't noticed in a few of my posts, I mostly use the elite Beachbody Fitness Programs for OCR (obstacle course racing) as well as just to stay healthy and fit. When using any of the P90X Plyometric workouts, always land softly, and don't use a weight vest until you can do the workout without modifying. This will prevent injuries.

After P90X3 Triometrics, myself and my online fit club group decided to also do the 21 Day Fix - 10 Minute Fix for Abs Workout. I'm not going to lie, but the 10 minutes felt like an hour lol.

21 Day Fix - 10 Minute Fix for Abs Exercise List: (2X)
*20 reps each exercise
- Crunches
- Table Top
- Crunches: Right Leg Up
- Crunches: Left Leg Up
- Cross Crunches
- Tap Crunches
- Twist Crunches
- Oblique Crunches (each side)

Crunches, Table Top, Crunches Leg Up, Cross Crunches, Twist Crunches, Oblique Crunches
21 Day Fix 10 Minute Fix for Abs

21 Day Fix 10 Minute Fix for Abs

I'm going to give the 21 Day Fix 10 Minute Fix for Abs workout "5 Stars" and rate it up there with the Brazil Butt Lift "Tummy Tuck" ab workout. I don't care, I know that I'm a guy, but these ab workouts always kick my butt! I don't think that I've ever done that many crunches in my life in 10 minutes! Big props to Autumn Calabrese for this awesome workout!

Take the 21 Day Fix Challenge - BUY IT NOW!

My final words:
Both workouts are great and good for all fitness levels. Again, if you feel that you are modifying every move, then it might be a good idea to try a different program with less intensity. For assistance in choosing the right program for you, feel free to fill out this Free Fitness Program Assessment, and I will be happy to give you some options to help you with your overall goals.

Discounted Challenge Pack Links:
- 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack
- P90X3 Challenge Pack
- Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Pack
- Other Challenge Packs

Choose your own Challenge - Click here!

Monday, August 4, 2014

P90X3 - CVX Workout

Today's workout of the day was P90X3 - CVX. This was a BEAST workout that consisted of cardio while using a piece of weight. You can use any kind of weight from a dumbbell, basketball, medicine ball, sand bag (pancake) etc. Trust me when I tell you this, the weight does not have to be heavy at all, anywhere from 5lbs to 12lbs max. You laugh now, but I don't think anyone could do this 30 minute workout with a 12lb. weight without stopping! I did it with a 10lb dumbbell, and it was TOUGH!

This P90X3 CVX Workout is perfect for obstacle course race training because it's about high intensity cardio with weights, which is similar to running with sand bags, and buckets of rocks which is a typical obstacle at a Spartan Race. Whether you are training for a Spartan Race or a team challenge such as a Tough Mudder, this workout is something that you should incorporate. Heck, I highly recommend doing the whole 90 Day P90X3 program with some running, if you do, I promise you will see some great results as an athlete.

Now P90X3 is not only for athletes, it's for anyone who wants to get fit period. There are modifications provided, so it is suited for all fitness levels, although I would only recommend it for people who are at intermediate to advanced fitness levels. The less modifications that you use, the better results you will get.

Let's workout!

The Main Workout consists of 4 rounds, each round consisting of 3-4 exercises (about 1 min each) done 2X. 

Round 1: (2X)
- Press Jacks
- Atlas Twists
- March and Reach
- Break (only after 2x)

Press Jacks


Atlas Twists


March and Reach

Round 2: (2X)
- Traveling Tire Twist
- Frog Squat Reach
- Arc Press Lunge
- Break (only after 2X)

Traveling Tire Twist

Frog Squat Reach
P90X3 CVX 


Arc Press Lunge

Round 3: (2X)
- Hop Overs (no weight)
- Balance Pull Right
- Balance Pull Left
- Twist and Pivot
- Break (after 2x)

Hop Overs


Balance Pulls



Twist and Pivot

Round 4: (1X)
- Side Reach Jumps
- Crescent Chair
- Globe Squatters

- Burnout Round
20 seconds of each exercise in Round 4 fast! (1 min)

Side Reach Jumps

Crescent Chair (these really burn!)

Globe Sqautters

Cool Down Stretch (1 min)

Don't skip this!

After my P90X3 - CVX Workout, I did a 2.6 mile run around the neighborhood with my buddy Jeremy. Right after our workout, my mother had an awesome Seafood Dinner waiting for us =) It was delicious! Next time, come on over and join us =)

Cool Down Run
P90X3 Results

Dinner Time! =)

Take the P90X3 Challenge - BUY NOW!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How to do P90X at the GYM

P90x at the gym

It's a HUGE misconception that P90X is just an Extreme Home Fitness program. I started with P90X back in September 2010 (Watch my FIRST P90X Transformation Video), and I did it all from the comfort of my own home because I wasn't confident enough to go to the gym, in fact, I did not know how to do P90X at the gym =). It wasn't until I did the program multiple times did I understand how P90X exercises could be implemented at the gym. Right now, I actually prefer to "X" it at the the gym, but of course everyone is different, but it's nice to know that you do have options =).

P90X Shoulders and Arms


1.  Use the P90X Worksheets or the P90X App - I personally love using the P90X App ($2.99) because it shows the movement list from P90X, P90X2, and P90X3. It is recommended that everyone view the DVD's first to understand the movements before implementing P90X at the gym. If you prefer using the worksheets, you can get the P90X Worksheets below:
- P90X Worksheets
- P90X2 Worksheets
- P90X3 Worksheets

2.  Bring your Laptop to the Gym - Now I am honestly not a big fan of this. Who wants to worry about getting their laptop stolen, and who wants to bring another piece of equipment to the gym? But again, this is another option, and also for people who haven't had the time to learn the exercises. If you do this, make sure to use head phones and keep the sound low to not disturb other people at the gym. Depending on how large the facility, you might be able to find a corner and take all of your "workout schrapnel" (P90X equipment, dumbbells etc) in one area.

P90X2 at the Gym
P90X2 at the Gym

3.  Use the Cardio Equipment as a warm up alternative - For example, treadmill for a walk or light jog, cycle, stair-climb or use the elliptical machine for 5 to 10 minutes to warm up your body before your actual P90X workout.

4.  Use the Gym Equipment for variety - If your workout calls for push ups, use a bench press machine. If you have tricep kick back, use the various tricep machines. Can't do pull ups yet, use the cable pull down machine. Now I am not a machine type of person, I would much rather use dumbbells and free weights, but if you change it up sometimes, it keeps your workout exciting. Whatever you do, make sure that you are sticking to the 8-10 reps (if you want to build more mass), and 12 to 15 reps (to tone, shred, and maintain).

Working out at Equinox Toronto - P90X2 Impossible Push Up
Equinox Gym Toronto

5.  Workout with an Accountability Partner - People workout at the gym for two main reasons: to have access to the equipment that they don't have at home, and to be motivated by others around them. Let's face it, we all workout harder when we are with other people. When you have your own accountability partner at the gym with you, it will help you with getting better results with P90X. Plus your partner can help you with making sure that you are doing the exercises properly. 

6.  No Gym, No Excuses - There will be days where you will not be able to go to the gym, and working out at home might be your BEST option. You can always double up on your workout the next day at the gym. So whether you are a gym freak or not, your home is always a good option to get your P90X workout in. It is of course an Extreme Home Fitness Program!

P90X2 at the gym

7.  Stick to the Nutrition Plan - It doesn't matter if you are doing P90X at the gym or at home, what you eat is 80% of your success with the program. I have used Shakeology since day 1 and it has helped me reduce cravings and has helped me make healthier choices. If you would rather use a meal planner, then I highly recommend getting a Team Beachbody Club Membership, it's simple and easy to use, and it includes the P90X Meal Planner.

Are you a Personal Trainer? Get P90X Certified! 

Check out the P90X Challenge Packs: (Start your P90X Challenge today)
- P90X Challenge Pack
- P90X2 Challenge Pack
- P90X3 Challenge Pack 

 Join my P90X Challenge Group!
P90X Challenge Group

As with any fitness program, please make sure that you consult your physician before attempting any exercise program. I highly recommend joining an Online P90X Challenge Group. You will be added to an online group with other people who have similar goals as you. You will recieve 100% support, motivation, and accountability which will help you get the best results from P90X. Feel free to contact me for more information on my upcoming P90X Challenge Groups, or simple click here to purchase the P90X Challenge Pack!

Check out the New P90X3