Island Hopping - El Nido, Palawan
So I finally had the opportunity to upload my Island Hopping video from Palawan, Philippines. It was so much fun, I took one of my cousins from Manila with me (he's never been there) and we had a blast together!
Watch Island Hopping Video Below!
I was on the island of El Nido for about a week and also found a gym called the Peak Corner Gym (not sure if it's still there) because I am always looking for a place to workout and keep my fit on all over the world. The day pass was something like only $1.50 US =) The workout that I did in this particular video was a P90X/Body Beast Hybrid workout, which is perfect to maintain my strength for my adventure travels. I ended the workout with a run on this manual treadmill, it was the first time that I've ever been on a non-electric tread, and it royally kicked my ass!
P90X/Body Beast Workout
Anyways, feel free to watch the video and I hope to run into you somewhere around the world. Stay active my friends =)
Island Hopping in El Nido, Palawan - Philippines (2014)
I started my fitness journey with the Beachbody Challenge, start yours today!
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