Monday, October 27, 2014

100 Wonders of the World Burpee Challenge - Emerald Buddha Temple, Bangkok Thailand

100 Wonders of the World Burpee Challenge - Emerald Buddha Temple Thailand
 Grand Palace - Emerald Buddha Temple, Bangkok Thailand

If this is your first time visiting my blog, welcome! =) This blog is about my fitness and travel journey. You can find out more about me by clicking here =). So I decided in the beginning of 2014 that I was going to start a challenge which consisted of both my fitness and travel passions. I somehow talked myself into visiting 100 Wonders of the World, and also doing 30 burpees at each of them. My goal is to film each set of 30 burpees at each WOW (Wonder of the World) and then finally put together a compilation video of each video. I'm not sure how long it will take me, but my goal is less than 5 years =). I am calling this the "100 Wonders of the World Burpee Challenge".

The question that I get all the time is....WHY? Why are you doing this? It's pretty simple, I am doing this for a couple of reasons:

- To take advantage of the FREEDOM that my Beachbody Coaching Business has given to me!
- To share health and fitness along with travel education around the world.
- To inspire my daughter to live her BEST life now!

Combining my two passions and sharing it with the world is something that I never planned on doing, it just happened. If it wasn't for the support of my family and very close friends (my coach team), this lifestyle would not have been possible for me. I am truly blessed to be able to travel the world with all of my expenses fully funded by me thanks to my Beachbody Coaching Business which allows me to not be location dependent, I despise office cubicles and bosses telling me what to do =). As long as I have internet, I can still work my business. It's not a bad gig working from a bamboo hut overlooking the world's finest beaches and mountains! Are you doing what you really love? Maybe I can help you with that =).

Grand Palace Pagoda - Bangkok, Thailand
Grand Palace Pagoda - Bangkok Thailand

So I landed in Bangkok Thailand on October 17th (2014), and all I could think about was doing my burpees at the Emerald Buddha Temple, which according the Hillman's List (the WOW list that I am going by), it is the only Wonder of the World (100) in Thailand. The place was absolutely amazing! The staff would not allow me to do my 30 burpees within the temple walls, so I had to go outside to do them, here's my video:

Thanks again for visiting my blog, stay tuned for more fitness and travel posts, and I look forward to meeting you somewhere around the world! =)

Related Links:
- More Travel Blog Posts
- My 100 Wonders of the World Video Play List (follow me on Youtube)
- Become a Beachbody Coach on my team! (Serious Only Please)

I stay healthy while I travel with my Shakeology - Try is risk-free! All Flavors!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Traveling with P90X - Gym Tips

Traveling with P90x 
 Traveling with P90X - Gym Tips

I think it's absolutely funny when people say "Hey Coach Arnel, I'll be going on vacation so I may not be able to get my P90X workouts in, I'll catch up when I get back home". First of all...VACATION or travel IS NOT AN EXCUSE to not workout and live a healthy lifestyle. Whomever came up with that must have been drunk lol. Health and Fitness is a lifestyle, and P90X is no different.

Here are some misconceptions about P90X:

- It's only a home fitness program
- You need a DVD player or laptop
- It's only a 90 day program

And here's the real skinny:

- P90X can be done at home, gym, and even at the park
- As long as you have the worksheets, or the P90X app, you don't need a DVD player or laptop. It is recommended that you do watch the videos first to make sure that you understand the proper movements.
- P90X is a program that combines a structure of movements to help you get physical results in a certain period of time. Depending on your goal, you can use P90X to get results fast by one or all of the following: the 90 day program, incorporate it into your existing workouts, or use the 6 years worth of workouts for everyday life. With 6+ years of workouts, and more coming every year, it's impossible to do the same workout every day. Quit listening to people who tell you that P90X can't be customized, and talk to a Coach that actually knows what he's doing. Anyone who says P90X is a "cookie cutter program" needs to do more homework. And I'll be happy to help them with that =)

So back to my blog post on "Traveling with P90X", I recently finished a P90X workout "Chest, Shoulders, and Tris" and I customized it using the equipment that was available at a local gym in Bangkok, Thailand (I'm currently traveling South East Asia while writing this post). The gym (Power Zone Fitness) that I worked out at was perfect, and for only 500 Baht for a day pass ($15 US), I can't complain because the surrounding gyms were all asking 650 to 1070 Baht ($20-$32 US). In the Philippines, I was paying just a little over a dollar for a day pass!!! As long as they have ample space to workout, and a few dumbbells, that's all I need. Anything else is a bonus, and really not needed. Again, I'm traveling. I'm not training for anything right now. All I'm doing is maintaining my fitness lifestyle while trekking the globe. If you missed my post about "How Fitness Can Help You Travel Better", you can check it out here.

Traveling with P90X - P90X Gym Tips

Traveling with P90X can get a bit tricky especially if you're doing P90X at the gym. Most people don't  know how to modify the exercises with the actual gym equipment, and they end up making that excuse that "oh, I didn't have my DVD player, so I couldn't do P90X". If you are one of those people who is unsure how to do P90X at the gym, then I hope this helps you =)

- When P90X calls for any kind of push-ups, you can either do the push ups, or use any piece of gym equipment that focuses on your chest such as: dumbbell presses, chest press machine, or bench press with barbell.
- When P90X calls for Floor Flys or even side to side push ups, you can do the following: dumbbell flys or a chest fly machine or similar.

Traveling with P90X - P90X Gym Tips

- When P90X calls for Tricep exercises such as side tri-rise. You can do tricep kick-backs with dumbbells, or even the tricep pull-down machine.

Traveling with P90X - P90X Gym Tips

- When P90X calls for pull-ups, then I recommend that you really try to do pull-ups =). If not, use the lat pull-down machines and adjust your grip depending on which muscles you are trying to focus on.
- When P90X calls for In-Out Shoulder Flys, Military Press etc. then I highly recommend that you use dumbbells for sure. But if the dumbbells are not readily available because of the meat heads =), then you can use the shoulder press machines, or even better, a barbell.

Traveling with P90X - P90X Gym Tips

These are just some quick P90X gym tips to help you. I know that certain gyms have really tight spaces, so trying to do some of the floor exercises are impossible (I've been to some really small gyms around the world). Just remember that if P90X calls for a certain exercise that works a certain muscle group, keep it simple and find a machine or use dumbbells that work the same muscle group. If you are ever unsure, most machines have pictures and descriptions to explain what the machines are used for. You can always ask anyone that works at the gym, don't be afraid to ask questions. Most every gym that I've been to have all been very welcoming. We all are focused on being healthy and fit. It's not a night club, it's a gym =).

In closing,  I highly recommend dumbbells over using any equipment. Just find a bench and go to town. I always finish off my strength workouts with a cross-training run on the tread-mill or around the village =) or town.

Traveling with P90X - P90X Gym Tips

If you need more suggestions on how to travel and do P90X at the gym, then feel free to connect with me. I offer free P90X Coaching and advice. I do recommend that you first make me your Free Coach by clicking here, then once you're all set, add me on facebook and send me a message, and I'll be happy to assist you.

Don't forget to drink your Shakeology!
Traveling with Shakeology

Stay active my friends! 

Do you feel P90X is too extreme for you? Then I highly recommend P90. It's perfect for anyone who is just starting a fitness journey. It's new, exciting and for all fitness levels! Watch the video below, and click on the link to get the DISCOUNTED Challenge Pack price.

P90 - The On Switch to Fitness:

For more information on P90X and Program Options, click here!

Choose your P90X or Beachbody Challenge! Get Started Today!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

How I Earn A Living While Traveling

Riding a Tuk Tuk - Bangkok
 How I Earn A Living While Traveling

It was the year of 2001, I headed on my first backpacking trip to Europe. At the time, I was working in the hospitality industry. I worked in a casino, a night club, and was in the process of starting a night life marketing business. I have never planned a trip that lasted over weekend before that. I bought a book by Lonely Planet, it was called "Europe on a Shoestring". I did research for about a year before I ventured out and invited a friend to come with me. Her name was Christine, and at the time, she was one of my co-workers. I thought to myself.... this girl is fun, we have a blast at work, she would probably be loads of fun to travel with. And I was right, she was awesome, we had the time of our lives and backpacked five countries in about a month, which is really short compared to backpacker standards, but that was only the beginning.

Till this day, I look back at that experience which has helped me make a decision that travel was something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I literally felt at home, when I was not at home. The fact that you could just take off anytime that you want, hop on a plane, bus, or train and visit  the most amazing places around the world, it was like FREEDOM to me! I had a taste of it, and when I arrived back home, I started to think of a game plan on how I could travel the world, and have a business, or a job that I can do while traveling. That was the hard part, it actually took years.

I went from doing odd jobs, throwing crazy parties, doing telemarketing, started an online travel company, and even tried Amway. In between odd jobs and failing at several businesses, I was able to get some backpacking trips in, but I would always have to go back home because I always ran out of money. In between all of that craziness, I also got married, divorced, and my life was changed when my daughter was born. She was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. From the moment she was born, I felt that I finally had purpose. Growing up, I always wanted to become successful, but I never had a "WHY", a true reason why I wanted success. When my daughter came into my life, I knew what I had to do, I had to live my life, work hard, and do whatever it took to be the best father to my daughter, that was my only goal.

My Daughter and I 
Arnel Banawa - Beachbody Coach

My divorce killed me. I thought that I finally found the girl of my dreams, but apparently she wasn't. But I do believe that everyone who walks into your life serves a purpose. My daughter's mother will forever be dear to my heart, and I will always love her, not just because she is the mother of my daughter, but because she is a great woman, a loving mother with a good heart, and someone that has challenged me. I thank her for making me strong. Without the strength that I gained from that weak point in my life, I probably would not be here today. I learned how to overcome, and implemented that into my daily life, and it has helped me more than I could ever describe.

But it was tough. After my divorce, I went hard core into the night life business and almost killed myself. I was in the night life business for about 10 years. I don't really want to go into my whole story, but I transitioned into the fitness business because I was finally fed up and tired of what I was doing. I was getting unhealthy, ate junk food, drank tequila every night! I was killing myself.

I decided to get healthy and change my life and refocus on the things that mattered most in my life, like my daughter and my family. Thanks to my brother Fermin, he introduced me to P90X and from that point on, my life has been forever changed, and all of my prayers have been answered.

My Fitness Journey - Arnel Banawa

Go back into the year 2001. remember when I was trying to find something that I could do to travel the world? Well, I've found it =). But it's not just about traveling now, it's about staying healthy and helping others along the way. After completing the P90X program back in 2010, I decided to become a Beachbody Coach. I became passionate about helping people find happiness through health and fitness. Did I plan to turn fitness into a business? Absolutely not! Was I motivated by money? No way! I just kept doing what I loved and found others who wanted the good life, the fit life, a family life, and just wanted to be happy. We all go through life looking for what matters most, when most of the time, it's always been in front of us. Life will always throw obstacles at you, but if you fight your battles, and surround yourself with people who only want success for you, then let me tell you my will live a VERY good life!

I have been traveling consistently since March of 2014, going from place to place, doing burpees at famous Wonders of the World, visiting friends and family. The best part is that I have total control of my life now. I run my own business and I now have the FREEDOM that I was looking for, and all I needed to do was get healthy and help others do the same.

Burpees Grand Palace - Emerald Buddha Temple, Bangkok
100 Wonders of the World Burpee Challenge

Emerald Buddha Temple, Bangkok Thailand

So how do I earn a living while I travel? The answer is quite simple. I do what I want, maybe you should do the same. See you on the beaches of the world!

Related Links:
- Facebook Connect
- More travel posts
- Become a Beachbody Coach, join my team!  <-----------<<
- Family is everything

Start your fitness journey today! Free Coaching from me =)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Top 5 Reasons Why Being Fit Helps You Travel Better

Travel with P90X
 5 Reasons Why Being Fit Helps You Travel Better

I wanted to post a super quick blog about this because I've been VAGABONDING since the month of March this year, and I've seen so many travelers miss out on so many photo and video opportunities just because they were just too tired to take a few steps up a mountain, or walk just around the corner because they were out of breath.

Come on guys, you've traveled half way around the world, and you are just minutes from taking a shot of a lifetime, or that amazing waterfall that you've been talking about for two years! Now I do understand that some people are in some unfortunate situations way beyond their control, but let's just say that this post has little to do with, if not anything to do with them. This is about people who are very willing and capable, but they decided to not take the extra steps because of the decisions that they made prior to their trip.

It's a short list, but here goes:

1.  ENERGY - Studies show that when you live a healthy and fit lifestyle, you will look and feel more energized. Granted that you continue your lifestyle whilst you are traveling, you will have the natural energy needed to wake up and start your day without coffee or those toxic energy drinks.

2.  ENDURANCE - When you combine cardio with your strength workouts, your endurance level will go through the roof. Anyone can carry a backpack and a camera up a mountain, but to do it for hours or even days, it takes a lot of endurance. Don't get me wrong, strength is very important, and it all depends on what type activity you are doing. To fully enjoy a long trek or an all day tour, your endurance level will play a key role on how you feel. And we all know that if we feel great, "and not out of breath", we will just have more fun! Adding cardio to your strength workouts will help you make it to the end of the trek to get that money shot that you've been talking about for two years =).

P90X Fit
 Morning Run with some Palawan Locals - Philippines

3.  STRENGTH - So here it is! I know that the guys reading this were waiting for this, and you too girls =). Having strength can be the key to either making a trip, or breaking a trip. I've seen people bail out of a mountain hike because they could not lift themselves up over boulders. I've seen people stay on the beach because they said that their arms are not strong enough to island hop with a kayak. I've seen people use horse, name it because their legs weren't strong enough. Having strength will make you feel more accomplished during your travels because you made it to the top of the mountain, it was you that kayaked to 3 amazing islands, and you would have the photos and videos to prove it. Don't just do cardio, make sure that you are doing some weight training, it will go a long way when you finally go on that trip or trek of a lifetime.

Body Beast at the Gym
 Body Beast Total Body Gym Workout - El Nido, Palawan

4.  HEALTHY - This to me is really the most important. I've seen so many people workout hard, a lot of times way harder than me, then they go and eat a combo at McDonalds. What you eat and your nutrition is everything. If your insides look as good as your outside, trust will have the energy, endurance, strength, and you will be happy. Who wants to do an Elephant Trek in Thailand with someone who is not enjoying themselves just because they either drank too much the night before or they ate a crap ton of junk food for the past week. Eating healthy can get tricky while you are traveling, but trust me, it's not impossible.

5.  CONSISTENCY - And for the grand finale! We can be strong, have energy and endurance, eat healthy, but can we be consistent? The more consistent that we are with all of the above, the better experience you will have during your travels. Traveling should not be an excuse to not workout, and not eat healthy, it should be the every reason why you travel. I've been to a lot of places, I've seen a lot of things, and I've seen a lot of people suffer while they travel. It doesn't have to be that way. Like anything, if you stay consistent big things will come out of it. And this my friends, is the secret sauce!

Island Hopping - El Nido, Palawan
Tour C - El Nido Palawan

As the P90X Creator Tony Horton always says "Do your best, and forget the rest", that is the advice that I will give all of you. Like anything, travel is a challenge, but it is one of the most rewarding and most educational experiences that you will ever do. Never stop exploring my friends!

Cliff Climbing Taraw Mountain - El Nido, Palawan
Become a Beachbody Coach

Related Links:
- More travel posts
- Become a Beachbody Coach on my Team
(Get Fit, Get Paid, Be Happy, Get Healthy, Travel with me)
- How To Do P90X At The Gym
- P90X Nutrition Plan
- Free Downloads

Join one of my Online Challenge Groups - Start your Fitness Journey today!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hiking Taal Volcano

Taal Crater Lake

Taal Volcano is considered one of the most DEADLIEST volcanoes in the Philippines. It is the 2nd most active volcano with currently 33 historical eruptions. I first heard of Taal Volcano from my cousin who encouraged me to take a trip to Tagaytay. I had a few days to spare in Manila before going to Palawan so I decided to make the trip. From Baclaran where I was staying, we took a bus from the Coastal Crossing Bus Terminal and it took about 2 hours to get to the Oliveras Bus Terminal in Tagaytay. From there we took a Jeepney for 8 pesos each to OMP Hostel "Our Melting Pot" which was about 3-5 miles away. OMP was a great place to stay because it was like a mansion turned into a hostel. The current hosts told me that it used to be a place for Seminarians to live while they were studying. OMP Tagaytay is still currently a non-profit and benefits the Christian organization.

Oliveras Terminal
Oliveras Terminal Tagaytay

OMP Tagaytay
Our Melting Pot Tagaytay

I did some research before leaving Baclaran just to find out what there was to do. According to Lonely Planet, the main attraction was Taal Crater Lake and Volcano. Tagaytay is also known for having the best "Bulalo", which is a brothy soup made with beef shanks and marrow bones. Another thing that was on my list to check out was the "Palace in the Sky", also known as "The People's Park". This park was the old summer home of the late Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos and his family. The palace is atop the highest point in Tagaytay City and the views were absolutely amazing!

Bulalo at Eway's - Tagaytay
Bulalo at Eways Tagaytay

Palace in the Sky View Point
Palace In The Sky

 One Legged Balance Push Ups - Palace in the Sky
People's Park Tagaytay

We also planned on zip lining at Sky Ranch, but never got around to it because on our last day, the rain started coming in hard. We were however able to stop by Sky Ranch to sight-see and I noticed that there was a Krispy Kreme Restaurant there, how evil =) Sky Ranch is a great place for families and kids because the facility was like a miniature theme park with rides and restaurants. It was packed during the weekend as most of the people from Manila tend to take a weekend getaway out to Tagaytay to relax, and even hit the "Casino Filipino" which was just down the street from Sky Ranch. What I like best about my trip to Tagaytay was that the city was very clean compared to many parts of the Philippines. In Tagaytay, they are really focused on keeping the city "green". I just wish that they would do this for the rest of the Philippines.

Sky Ranch Zip Line - Tagaytay
Sky Ranch Zip Line Tagaytay

Hiking up the the Taal Crater was really hot! To get there, it was as easy as taking a jeepney. The jeepney from Oliveras Terminal to the transfer point was only 8 pesos. But from the transfer point to the boat docks was a little pricey. It was slow season, so the route going to the Talisay Market and Boat Docks was not a busy route, I imagine during peak season, it would be more cost-effective. From the transfer point to the boat docks, it costs us 100 pesos each (6 people minimum) If we had 8 people, that rate would go down to 50 pesos each, and of course the more people, the lower the cost.

It took about 20 minutes from the transfer point to the boat docks. From there, we had to take a boat to the island to hike up Taal Crater. The boat was 1500 pesos for 6 people, but we only had 3 people =), so we ended up dividing the 1500 three ways. That was the round trip rate. Once you get to the island, there is a entrance fee of 50 pesos, and from there you can either hire a guide, horses, or just hike it up yourself on foot. The guide costs 500 pesos for a group, and if you want to horseback, that would run you another 500 pesos. Before trekking up Taal, there are also some vendors there selling drinks and snacks, but there are also vendors on the top as well.

Taking the boat to Taal Volcano
Taal Lake Boat Ride

The hike takes about 35 minutes if you are constantly moving and not taking breaks, maybe even 25 minutes or less if you're an elite athlete. If you take breaks, it's about an hour up, and an hour down. Along the way, there are some great photo ops, but it's better to wait because the views from the top are all you need. Once you make it up there, you can buy more snacks, beverages, and upgrade to the Red Lava hike which has even more amazing views. I paid the 50 peso upgrade and took some awesome shots, and even did a headstand on the rim of the crater. It was bananas YO! =)

Snack Vendor at Taal Volcano Entrance
Taal Volcano

Taal Volcano by Horseback
Horse Hire Taal Volcano

Running down Taal Volcano
Taal Volcano - Crater Lake

If you are a budget traveler, this trip might be a little costly to you because of the transportation fees to get there. I mean we went up to Banaue to see the Rice Terraces which is considered the 8th Wonder of the World, and we did the 2nd Day Trek for free! The first day we paid only 600-700 pesos each for a guide, but it was worth the 7 hour/10+ mile hike. Be prepared to spend a few bucks to see Taal Volcano, because it's all run by the locals all trying to earn a living. I think there is a company that does a tour package, but it seemed even more pricey. Tips are encouraged but not required, but some of them make you feel bad if you don't. Coming from the hospitality industry, I understand the tipping culture and always make sure to tip someone who has earned it.

Taal Crater Lake

Headstand on the Taal Crater Rim
Taal Crater Lake

In closing, I'm glad that I made the trip to Tagaytay. I didn't have a chance to workout at any of the gyms, but I did workout in my room while my cousin slept =). There are a few gyms around the area, and most of them cost about 50 pesos (a little over $1 US) for a day pass, not bad at all. Till next time, stay active my friends!

Our Melting Pot Tagaytay

For more travel posts, click here!

Stay Fit and Travel the World.....or just get healthy =)

Friday, October 3, 2014

21 Day Fix - Cardio Fix (Dormitory Style)

Today I decided to stay in and do a quick cardio workout in my backpacker hostel. It was really tight, really hot, a lot of mosquitos, no A/C and only 2 fans that barely worked. So you ask, why would you stay in poor conditions like that, let alone even think about working out there? Well, let me tell you a little bit about me. I am a Full Time Beachbody Coach, I help people with their health, fitness, and financial goals. I am doing pretty good I might say, I mean, I can do what I want, travel where I want, and of course stay in FANCY hotels if I wanted to. My goal in life is to help people with accomplishing what they thought was once impossible, but during the process of helping people, I found other passions such as charity work and giving back to the global community. I have a blessed life, and although I do love nice things every now and again, I truly do not need them. I would much rather spend my money on adventure travel and donating to charity organizations. I also have a wonderful daughter that I am totally devoted too, so a lot of my income is there to provide for her education among other things =). Living the luxury life is not what I call doing what I was meant to do. I gain a lot more satisfaction when I can help a couple street kids get into a good shelter and offer them some education that can lead to a better life. I don't need to stay in a fancy hotel when the only time I will be there is when I sleep. I live a very active lifestyle. If I am not working out, volcano boarding, or mountain biking etc. I'm traveling and doing volunteer work. This is what I was meant to do, not sleep in a room that could feed thousands of homeless kids on the streets.

Getting our HALO HALO on in Manila! Yup, gotta hit the 21 Day Fix =)
21 Day Fix - Cardio Fix

Don't get me wrong, I do love nice things, and I indulge every once in awhile, but I don't need it. My passion is helping people, and I will always do that as long as I am alive. Being a Beachbody Coach has opened so many avenues for me, and has given me the freedom to travel and do what I want with my life, so I cannot thank them enough. It's Beachbody FTW! =) By the way, if you are looking for a financial vehicle, then message me so I can help you!

So before I get off track again, I decided to stay indoors and do a 21 Day Fix Cardio Fix Workout. It was like doing a 30 minute workout in a Sauna! =). I did get it done, and was happy to hit the COLD SHOWER right after. Below is just a little clip of my workout.

21 Day Fix - Cardio Fix (Dormitory Style) Manila, Philippines

21 Day Fix Extreme will be coming soon in 2015. This program will be geared towards 21 Day Fix graduates and advanced fitness levels. To get the latest updates, click here for a Free Membership. You will get the most current information on 21 Day Fix Extreme, as well as receive a FREE! =)

Check out the NEW 21 Day Fix Extreme - Coming 2015!

Take the 21 Day Fix Challenge - Simple Nutrition, Simple Fitness for everyone!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Working Out While Traveling - Getting Rid Of The Excuses

P90X at the Gym
JLF Gym - Paranaque, Philippines

We've all done it! Whether we go on a weekend family vacation or a "round the world" backpacking trip, we all make it an excuse to not workout and eat healthy, I know.......I've done it! But it doesn't have to be that difficult. Here are some things that I have learned during my travels, and hopefully it may help you stay on track while jet setting or trekking the globe.

1.  DON'T CHANGE - If you are already working out and eating healthy at home, don't change that. Most people change their way of thinking into "vacation-mode" thinking that traveling has to be a BUFFET! All you are doing is going to a different place, that doesn't mean that you have to change your lifestyle.

2.  FIND A GYM - The first thing that I always do wherever I go is look at my accommodations to see if I have enough workout space. I then find out if there is a gym facility on property, or in near proximity to where I am staying. Once I know what I am working with, I can then plan my day around my workouts.

3.  KEEP YOUR FRIENDS ON POINT - I always let my friends and family know that I have to workout and eat healthy so they know how serious I am about my lifestyle. I tell them that I cannot do anything until I finish my workout of the day, and I sometimes even ask them to keep me accountable.

4.  INVITE - Sometimes it's difficult to workout on your own, so I try to find someone who wants to workout too. It's a great way to make new friends, and introduce others into a healthy lifestyle while traveling.

5.  HEALTHY SNACKS - The hardest part is nutrition. When we start exploring a different city or when we are out on a day tour, the healthy food choices are not that great. If you plan ahead and get some healthy snacks such as fruit, nuts, and even Shakeology Packets (that's what I do), then you will not be tempted to buy junk food. I've found that most places sell fruit, and that's a lot better choice than a $.99 cent burger from McYouKnowWhat.

6.  STAY ACTIVE - I always try to find adventure tours or activities while I travel. This will help with your daily calorie burn. I suggest the following: walking tours, city bike tours, hiking tours, local group boot camps, running events, etc. And if you see stairs while you are trekking the city, take them.

7.  JUST HAVE FUN - You're on vacation and you're traveling the world. Have fun! It's ok to try new things, and have a local beer every now and again, just keep everything in moderation. Being healthy and fit will help you enjoy travel a lot more. Why would you visit the Great Wall of China if you can't even walk it? Take care of your body, it's the only one that you have.

So I hope this helps you stay on track. Travel is a gift, and something that should be experienced by everyone. Invest in your health and fitness and I promise, you will be able to enjoy the world in a better way.

Stay active and happy travels my friends!

 Hiking the Banaue Rice Terraces - Philippines
Banaue Rice Terraces

For more travel posts, click here!

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