Friday, June 9, 2017

Kick Ass Summer Fitness Deals!

Summer Fitness Deals, Online Fitness Deals, Team Beachbody Summer Sale 2017, Beachbody Summer Sale 2017, Beachbody Summer Deals 2017, Shop Team Beachbody, $5 Fitness Deals, $10 Fitness Deals

Ok, so I wasn't going to post this because I for one do not like being quote "salesy", but when I had almost 50 of my existing customers asking me about these $5 and $10 fitness deals, I was like....well maybe I should tell people about this =)

Summer Sale Shopping Links below!
Summer Fitness Deals, Online Fitness Deals, Team Beachbody Summer Sale 2017, Beachbody Summer Sale 2017, Beachbody Summer Deals 2017, Shop Team Beachbody, $5 Fitness Deals, $10 Fitness Deals

Anyways, who doesn't like saving money? As frugal as I am, I even got in on some deals and did some early Xmas Shopping,'re welcome =)

(Canadian Residents have it until the 13th, lucky dogs!!)

Click on any of the RED TABS links below for some kick-ass fitness deals!

Summer Fitness Deals, Online Fitness Deals, Team Beachbody Summer Sale 2017, Beachbody Summer Sale 2017, Beachbody Summer Deals 2017, Shop Team Beachbody, $5 Fitness Deals, $10 Fitness Deals

(Canadian Residents click here)
Summer Fitness Deals, Online Fitness Deals, Team Beachbody Summer Sale 2017, Beachbody Summer Sale 2017, Beachbody Summer Deals 2017, Shop Team Beachbody, $5 Fitness Deals, $10 Fitness Deals

If you share this page with your friends, you might be the coolest cat on the block =) Happy Shopping and don't forget to buy me something! 

Get a Free Trial of Beachbody on Demand, over $6,000 Online Streaming Workouts!

My TOP 10 Ways to Work and Travel the World

Become a Digital Nomad, Work and Travel the World, Entrepreneur Tips, Work Remotely Around the World, Become a Beachbody Coach, Use Network Marketing to Travel the World
Exploring Central America - Travel and Work with me!

I've seen so many videos and blogs about this, and although I agree with most of them, I'd like to be more honest about the reality of it.

You see, working remotely around the world is tough, and it's not for everyone. The income is not always steady unless you've had years of experience, or you are employed by a company with a set salary.

Before you think about becoming what they call a Digital Nomad, I highly recommend that you have a game plan before you leave your home. Ok yeah I know, some people would say, "just go, you'll figure it out", and yes...I like the idea of just selling everything and exploring the world, but do you have savings? Do you have a job set when you leave your home? What I'm saying is, don't be foolish. Working remotely as a Digital Nomad is cool, but if you don't do it right, it can become a disaster, and who wants to be stuck in a foreign country without any money. Be smart!

Working in Gothenburg, Sweden
Become a Digital Nomad, Work and Travel the World, Entrepreneur Tips, Work Remotely Around the World, Become a Beachbody Coach, Use Network Marketing to Travel the World

I'm going to give you my TOP 10 List on the best opportunities to become a Digital Nomad and work/travel around the world, but I'm also going to be upfront with you and tell you whether you can make immediate income or not, and for me, thats a very important part that most people don't tell you.

My TOP 10 Ways to Work and Travel List: (not in any order)

1.  TEACHING - This is one of the safest jobs to have while traveling the world. In my opinion, the income would be much more stable working at a physical school or facility. You won't make millions, but you'll have a great experience and learn a lot about the people for which country you're in. The latter is to teach online, but keep in mind, it will take some time to gain clients to produce a significant income to travel with. (Immediate)

2.  LABORER - This can be farming, or anything that involves physical activity for wages. What I've seen is that there are many places to work on farms, wineries, etc. The income may not be great, but some of these places will offer free accommodations as well, and that can help a ton. I've met people who have worked on farms, and it's hard work, long hours, no time to spend your cash, but at the end, they have money to last them at least a year of travel. This could be some really meaningful work especially if it helps the surrounding community or village. (Immediate)

Camping in Wachterbach, Germany
Become a Digital Nomad, Work and Travel the World, Entrepreneur Tips, Work Remotely Around the World, Become a Beachbody Coach, Use Network Marketing to Travel the World

3.  HOSPITALITY - If you have hospitality experience, you will most likely have a good chance at finding a gig. Whether it is bartending, working at a hotel or hostel, this is what a lot of travelers do in between their journey to the next country. I've known people to save upwards to 6 figures before going on the next trip. (Immediate)

(Get a Special Invite to join my online accountability group via FREE mobile app)

4.  WEB DEVELOPER - This is one of the best Digital Nomad gigs. If you are creative, you can develop websites all from your laptop. This is the technology age, everyone needs a website whether it be for a charity, business, or even another entrepreneur, there is so much opportunity. But here's the catch, you need a really good way to promote yourself (which also takes money) if you don't already have a good amount of clients. This is one of the best opportunities, but it does not allow for stable income right off the bat. (Immediate, but not steady unless you already have client base)

5.  GRAPHIC ARTIST - This is the same as the Web Developer. All you need is a creative mind and a laptop and you can be anywhere in the world. Check out this website called UPWORK, you can also promote your services there. (Immediate, but not steady unless you already have client base)

6.  YOUTUBER (Blogger) - There are many ways to do this, but honestly...making money as JUST  a "youtuber" making videos won't get you very far unless you already have a ton of followers. The average youtuber makes about $2-5 per 1000 views, so if you're not killing views, you're not going to make enough income to travel. There are ways to earn extra income while making your videos such as: product reviews, video projects for clients, patreon, and even blogging. If you're a blogger, you can sell advertising on your blog, and even create eBooks about your travel to sell to your followers. (Definitely NOT Immediate, but with consistency and a good niche, it's golden)

(I create obstacle course racing videos)

7.  NETWORK MARKETING - Multi-Level Marketing is a billion-dollar business, and with today's technology, it is in my opinion the BEST type of residual income out there. I've done a lot of remote work, but this is by far the best opportunity that creates REAL steady residuals (money coming in even when you're not working). Although it is one of the best Digital Nomad gigs, it will take 2-5 years (if you're a rockstar, you can do it in a year) of working to create a significant amount of hustle-flow to allow you to travel around the world. This is my main source of nomad income right now, which also helps me start other business and cause-related projects. I love traveling around the world and working my business from my smartphone, can't beat that with a stick! (Immediate, but not steady until after establishing customers and network)

Having dinner with friends in Germany
Become a Digital Nomad, Work and Travel the World, Entrepreneur Tips, Work Remotely Around the World, Become a Beachbody Coach, Use Network Marketing to Travel the World

8.  CONSULTANT - Are you an expert in something like how to manage a restaurant, or manage social media? If you are good at something, you can make some serious dollars by helping businesses, celebrities, or charities. The cool thing is that you can do this via video chat. As long as you have internet, and you are creative, you can do this anywhere! I met a guy who teaches people how to day trade, and this guy makes thousands per day, definitely one of the most successful nomads I've seen. (Immediate, but not steady unless you already have client base)

9.  VIDEOGRAPHER - I love this one, because I also do this "part-time" with my OCRTUBE media project. If you are good with a video camera, all you have to do is contact companies where you are traveling to and ask them if they need a promo video made. There are so many options for this! You can make documentaries of other travelers, specific travel location videos with tips, wedding videos ha ha, and just about anything. I recommend putting your work on youtube to also help get exposure, and maybe even a website to showcase your portfolio. (Immediate, but not steady unless you already have client base)

10.  PHOTOGRAPHER - Who wouldn't want to get paid to travel and take pictures. I mean we all do this when we go on trips, but only a few actually get paid. It helps to have a website and a big following on social media. Just like a videographer, you can contact businesses or individuals about photo projects. I would search for businesses with a website and see if they need some photo upgrades. Go on social media such as Instagram and check to see who's getting married or what events people have coming up, and simply send them a DM. It takes hustle, but what would it mean for you to see the world doing something that you love? Go out and work for it people! =) (Immediate, but not steady unless you already have client base)

So that's about it. There are a lot more remote work type gigs to travel the world, but these opportunities are what I've seen the most when meeting other successful Digital Nomads. The one thing that I didn't mention was the fact that there are a lot of people who work for actual companies, but can do this via their laptop. So yes, they can travel and work online while still being employed by a company from back home, or wherever. BUT, I think the best way to do become a "legit" Digital Nomad and travel the world is to ultimately BE YOUR OWN BOSS...... because isn't that what life is all about, living on your own terms?

Working in Amsterdam with some Wine and Cheese =)
Become a Digital Nomad, Work and Travel the World, Entrepreneur Tips, Work Remotely Around the World, Become a Beachbody Coach, Use Network Marketing to Travel the World

Thursday, June 1, 2017

How I Travel 7-10 Months Out Of The Year

Travel Long Term, Digital Nomad Life, Real Beachbody Coach Success, Beachbody Coach Travel, Long Term Travel Tips, Travel the World Tips
Live everyday like it's your last!

I've been getting a lot of comments here and there on my social media channels about how I am able to travel long term. To be honest, I thought that I posted a blog on this awhile back, but to do something different, I'm going to jot down "for the curious", some of the things that I do that allow me to do just on my own terms.


1.  I DON'T SPEND HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON ACCOMMODATIONS - I mean, I see no reason for it if I am going to be out most of the time exploring, and going on film projects that take all day and for some, all weekend. I have friends who are so kind that they allow me to stay at their place for free, but when I am not with friends, I save TONS by booking at rare-find Airbnb's, Free Camp Sites, and Hostels. Yeah, I've been to some dodgy places, but don't forget, I film races in some of the most remote places, so I am just not that picky.

Oh, and trust me, every once in awhile I stay at really nice places, but its definitely a rarity. Think about how much of the planet you can see if you didn't spend $300 per night at a hotel, I can fly to two countries with $300 while you're all cooped up in a hotel room!!! =)

Surround yourself with people who care about your future!
Travel Long Term, Digital Nomad Life, Real Beachbody Coach Success, Beachbody Coach Travel, Long Term Travel Tips, Travel the World Tips

2.  I DON'T DO TOURS - All it takes is for you to get on google and do a little research and find how you can do the very same tour that these companies are charging an arm and a leg for. Some tours are even free! If you want to get the best experience from your travels, try doing it yourself, it's much more meaningful.

There are some places where it isn't possible to see a place without a guide, and there are reasons for that, but what I'm saying is if there is a way that you can plan an adventure on your own, then I highly encourage it. The best plans are the ones that are never planned =) Be an adventurer, it will save you some cash, and educate you at the same time.

3.  I STAY AWAY FROM EXPENSIVE MODES OF TRANSPORTATION - Like taxis! I walk, run, or bike everywhere. If I'm too lazy, I use public transportation like buses and trains. Uber is probably the most that I would pay for transportation, and then a car rental from Turo.

Also, if you are using public transportation like trains, I recommend trying to book online, it's a lot cheaper than the ticket machines and tellers most of the time. Again, it's all about making your money last for a long time if you want to travel long term.

(Free Trial Offer)

4.  I COOK MY OWN MEALS - if and when possible. Find the nearest market to your hotel, and cook your own food, you can save so much money this way. Eating out is fun especially if you're at a different place, but if you want to travel long term, eating out will drain your pockets really quick and send you back home eating ramen noodles!!!

Spend that extra money for a kitchen in your room, or stay at a hostel or airbnb that offers kitchen use. You will save a bazillion bucks and even meet others who can eventually give you even more tips on long term travel.

5.  IT'S NOT A 3 RING CIRCUS - You don't have to go out every night, you don't have to drink and party all the time. There's a difference between travel and vacation. Travel is more long term, and if you are traveling for months at a time, you have to somehow create some sort of routine, otherwise your money will go bye bye real quick. Make sure that you allow time to relax. Sometimes not doing anything is everything =)

It's all about pacing yourself. If you feel that you have to do something every day, then you'll soon find out that home will be sooner than you think, and who wants to go back to the same old grind?

6.  I FOUND A WAY TO CREATE INCOME ONLINE - So that I can work from anywhere around the world. With technology these days, it's getting easier to find ways to create an online income. I started my online business about 6 years ago, and I continue to work and build it while I travel.

Working an online business remotely is not for everyone, but if you want to travel long term, than I cannot think of another way to do it unless you have a million dollar trust fund.

Always set goals, dream big, and tell those TOXIC PEOPLE to shut the heck up!
Travel Long Term, Digital Nomad Life, Real Beachbody Coach Success, Beachbody Coach Travel, Long Term Travel Tips, Travel the World Tips

Sometimes people work as they travel (hotel work, bartending, working on farms, teaching etc), so that is another option, but I'm sure that you agree that being your own boss and traveling on your own terms sounds more appealing, at least for me it is. There are some online freelance websites out there if you are the creative type. Check out Upwork and maybe even Fiverr. Or better yet, ask me about how you can do what I do.


So that's about it folks. Travel doesn't have to be expensive. Just a little practice and doing a little research will take you a long way. If I can assist you in any way, please feel free to contact me, I'd love to help out =).

10 Things That Require Zero Talent - #Hustle

Beachbody Coach Tips, Entrepreneur Tips, Become a Beachbody Coach, Become an Entrepreneur, 10 Things That Require Zero Talent, Entrepreneur Basics
10 Things That Require Zero Talent for Entrepreneurs, Employees, and Digital Nomads

Whether you are an Entrepreneur or Employee or whatever, these are 10 things that require zero talent. I think that we all forget the things that we are born with, our natural talents that do not require a "Harvard Education" or any schooling, just plain human grit and hustle.

As an Entrepreneur and Beachbody Coach, I can tell you first hand how easy it is to forget about our own natural talents, and just get lazy.

Be careful when you choose your friends. Be careful who you surround yourself with. Be careful not to get too comfortable.

Sometimes when you feel that your life is miserable, that's when you are changing. It sounds weird right? But it't true! When you are on your own, it's all about survival, and making the right decisions. Once you begin to think outside of the box, you begin to unlock those natural talents that you once had.

Here's a quick reminder of the things that require ZERO TALENT. Now go out there and create your future! =)

Beachbody Coach Tips, Entrepreneur Tips, Become a Beachbody Coach, Become an Entrepreneur, 10 Things That Require Zero Talent, Entrepreneur Basics

Are you open to business idea? Do you love helping people? Do you have big goals? Then let's chat, I'd love to share some online business ideas with you to help take your life to the next level. Message me here

Who needs FREE health and fitness motivation?

***Ask me about my free online accountability group via mobile app, stay motivated anytime and anywhere! 

Friday, May 26, 2017

Work Spaces While You Travel

Work Space Travel, Digital Nomad, Beachbody Coach Travel, Beachbody Coach Benefits, ocrtube, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial
Lancaster Train Station, Pennsylvania

This is a pretty important topic for me since I find myself traveling a lot for my OCRTUBE media project. But in order for me to continue supporting my project, I also have to continue working my online fitness business. Having an online business has it's benefits, but it can also be challenging when it comes to having a set work schedule, there' no such thing, at least for me.

Just to back up a bit, I travel about 7 months out of the year filming obstacle course races. And most people do not know this, but I do this for free! To support my cause-related media project, I rely on my online fitness business to fund my project. Yes, my current online Beachbody Coaching business is basically the financial backing for my ocr media project. The goal for my ocr media project is to help the sport of obstacle racing grow globally, while raising awareness for some of my favorite charities. Everyone has a way that they would like to give back, so this is my good deed for the sport that I am passionate about, and it also supports the causes that I truly love.

Working at Old City Coffee - Philadelphia, PA
Work Space Travel, Digital Nomad, Beachbody Coach Travel, Beachbody Coach Benefits, ocrtube, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial


So since I am traveling all the time, the most challenging part is finding the time and space to work online. Traveling in 3rd world countries are the most challenging since WIFI is not always available.

I find myself working in these types of places the most:
-  Coffee Shops
-  Work Spaces
-  Hotels, Hostels, Airbnb's
-  Airports

Working at the Philadelphia House - City Hostel | Philly, PA
Work Space Travel, Digital Nomad, Beachbody Coach Travel, Beachbody Coach Benefits, ocrtube, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial

 Working at ISC - NYC
Work Space Travel, Digital Nomad, Beachbody Coach Travel, Beachbody Coach Benefits, ocrtube, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial

For me, atmosphere is everything. I do enjoy working in coffee shops the most. Although work spaces have better internet, some of these places do not have the social interaction that I enjoy. I sometimes take breaks and get all caught up chatting with other digital entrepreneurs about what they do, and get tips on other work space travel locations.

Airports, although convenient, is my least favorite place to work. When I am in between flights or have long layovers, I try to be productive with my time, but it always makes me feel rushed knowing that I only have a limited time. Airports just feel very, very hectic to me, and I do not like the feeling that way =). I also dislike it when I am working on an online project, and it's time to board the plane and I'm right in the middle of something big! Un-finished business is just one of my pet peeves, anyone else feel this way?

(Ask about my FREE Online Accountability Group)

Working at hotels, hostels, and airbnb's can be very relaxing, but I find that the internet is not as consistent. Hotels are great, but they tend to be pricey. Hostels are cheap and a great way to meet other travelers, and although most of the time they have decent internet, these places can get pretty rowdy at times. Airbnb's are good for your wallet. I tend to book airbnb accommodations when I want to be anti-social, yeah....I get like that a lot especially if I know that I have a lot of work to do.  Airbnb's can be a great place to work, but the WIFI can be inconsistent and far away from things like markets and sight-seeing adventures. Whenever I book an Airbnb, I always ask about their internet, but it's not always working when I get there. =)

Working at Callowhill Coffee Shop - Reading, PA
Work Space Travel, Digital Nomad, Beachbody Coach Travel, Beachbody Coach Benefits, ocrtube, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial


I try to keep things simple. I do have somewhat of a schedule that I try to follow, but it doesn't always work as planned, in fact, it never does. When you travel all the time, there is no set day when you are arriving and departing. I do a lot of last minute travel, so that makes things even more difficult for me. Here's what a general work schedule looks for me:

- Film and edit obstacle race videos on the weekends
- Complete video editing on Mondays (that is if I only have one video project, if I have two or more, video editing can go well into wednesdays and even thursdays, which I try my best not to do)
- Work my Online Beachbody Business from Tuesday to Friday (this is a huge priority because this is currently my primary income)

So I know that my above schedule is very broad, but setting days to work on my OCRTUBE project and my Beachbody Business is very important. BALANCE is key =).

Working at Amigo Hostel - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Work Space Travel, Digital Nomad, Beachbody Coach Travel, Beachbody Coach Benefits, ocrtube, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial


For someone who's office is their backpack, it can be daunting at times. Some people think that it's a dream come true to wake up in a different place almost every week, and trust me, I'm not at all complaining, but it can take some time to get used to. It's definitely not for everyone, and you can easily be UN-productive, but the one thing that I always have to remember is that if I don't work, I will not be able to travel and help people change lives, and that's the whole reason why I do what I do =).

Do you have entreprenuer tendencies, or open to multiple sources of income? Feel free to contact me, I'd love to share some ideas with you. I'm also available for video chat, serious inquiries only please =).

Friday, May 19, 2017

My Favorite Gary Vee Quotes

Do you ever have those days when you just don't want to do anything? I have that more than I would like to admit, so when that happens, I pretty much need a BUTT-KICKING from one of my favorite Social Media Entrepreneurs "Gary Vaynerchuk". He's one of those guys that you wish you had on your ass all the time to keep you in check.

When I start slacking with my online fitness business, I start watching his youtube videos and start listening to his podcasts, and guess what? I start getting into WORK MODE!

For All The Haters
This video PUMPS ME UP every single time!

So with this blog post, I wanted to create a place to where I can go and see my favorite Gary Vee quotes. It's kinda a lazy post, but something that I know that will help me during my tough days, and hope it helps you as well.

Just as a warning, if you do not like profanity, some of these quotes may offend you. Gary Vee is known for his direct approach and uses language that may be offensive, but if you can look beyond that, Mr. Gary Vee means well. Let's face it, he knows what he's doing.


Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Gary Vee Quotes, Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes, Beachbody Coach Motivation, Gary Vaynerchuck Beachbody

Are you an inspiring Entrepreneur? Let's connect and share some ideas.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Running with the Pagoda Pacers - Reading, Pennsylvania

Pagoda Pacers Athletic Club, Running with the Pagoda Pacers, Group Run in Reading Pennsylvania, Insanity Max 30, Max Out Strength Workout, Free Beachbody Coaching, Group Trail Running in Pennsylvania, Running up the Reading Pagoda

When I travel, one of the most challenging things for me is to be consistent with my workouts, so what I enjoy doing is looking for free workouts and group runs. I am currently in Reading, PA in between filming obstacle course races for my OCRTUBE media project, so during the week, I try to either do my P90X workouts at the park, or wherever I am staying at, but sometimes I like to change things up a bit. Do you feel me? =)

GOOGLE is your friend!

I went online and searched for running groups and I ran into the Pagoda Pacers website. This group has been around for about 37 years now, and have well over 500 members. They are basically one of the oldest running groups in Pennsylvania. The Pagoda Pacers group organize group runs, bike rides and special events. Most of the group runs are on trails which I very much enjoy. Yesterday I went on my first run with them at Shilington Park, Shilington PA. It was nice and hilly and the terrain was a mixture of trails and roads. The cool thing about the trail runs is that it changes every week, so you will never get bored. They meet every Wednesday night at 6:15pm. Check them out here!

Pagoda Pacer Athletic Club
Pagoda Pacers Athletic Club, Running with the Pagoda Pacers, Group Run in Reading Pennsylvania, Insanity Max 30, Max Out Strength Workout, Free Beachbody Coaching, Group Trail Running in Pennsylvania, Running up the Reading Pagoda


Earlier in the day before the group run, I did my normal Beachbody workout which I decided to do Max Out Strength from the Insanity Max 30 workout program. And with Shaun T fashion, I got my ass handed to me =)

Here's a quick clip of my workout!

WOD: Insanity Max 30 - Max Out Strength
Need some workout motivation? Message me here to get added to my exclusive accountability group via our mobile app, Get motivation anywhere, anytime! 

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Pagoda Pacers Athletic Club, Running with the Pagoda Pacers, Group Run in Reading Pennsylvania, Insanity Max 30, Max Out Strength Workout, Free Beachbody Coaching, Group Trail Running in Pennsylvania, Running up the Reading Pagoda