Showing posts with label Beachbody on Demand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beachbody on Demand. Show all posts

Friday, August 18, 2017

Free Walking Tour in Lima, Peru {Video}

Free Walking Tours Lima Peru, Travel Workout, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Minimalist Beachbody Coach, Digital Nomad, Arnel Banawa, Free Walking Tour Lima
Miraflores after my Free Walking Tour in Lima

I've encourage this many, many times, and I will continue to say this time and time again =)...Free Walking Tours are one of the best ways to explore a city for the first time, and here are some TOP reasons why:

1.  You'll get a chance to learn more about the city, the people and their culture.

2.  Sometimes you will get free samples of the local food, wine and beers.

3.  You will get some great exercise! Most walking tours last from 2-3+ hours

4.  Most of the Walking Tours are FREE!

5.  You will have the opportunity to meet other like-minded travelers.

With that being said, I always try to make a point to take a Walking Tour in every city that I visit. Don't know how to find one? Just google "Free Walking Tours" =) It's just that simple!

Here was a quick video that I made from my last Free Walking Tour in Lima, Peru. I booked a free tour with a company called Free Walking Tour Lima, you can visit their site by clicking here! You can also visit them on Facebook here.

Free Walking Tour Lima

Thank you Free Walking Tour Lima!
Free Walking Tours Lima Peru, Travel Workout, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Minimalist Beachbody Coach, Digital Nomad, Arnel Banawa, Free Walking Tour Lima

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Real Shift Shop Round One Results

Ok, so by now, most of you have heard of Beachbody's NEWEST Trainer Chris Downing right? Well, I met him for the first time at this past Coach Summit event in New Orleans when the program Shift Shop was launched, and I have to tell you that he is one of the nicest, genuine, most motivational people that I've ever met!

Sometimes what we think about Celebrity Trainers is that they are just "too big", and they just don't have time for us little folk =), but boy was I wrong! He genuinely made time to talk to myself and my team, I couldn't believe it, but it was a great first impression that I didn't honestly expect, and one that I will never forget. And that is why I was so excited to start the Shift Shop Challenge over 3 weeks ago with some of my friends and fellow coaches. The program reminded me a little bit of one of my all time favorite Beachbody Workouts, "Insanity Asylum", whoa....that's a good one!

You can learn more about the Shift Shop Workout here.

Speed 45 Workout in my tight guest room - Guayaquil, Ecuador
(My recommendation: The All Access Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack)

Anyhow, not to get off topic or anything, but I just wanted to let you know that the trainer behind Shift Shop is not your typical trainer "guy", he is really passionate about what he does, and it truly shows.  If you want to meet him, feel free to message me, because my team has some events lined up where Chris himself "in the flesh" will be a guest speaker, pretty darn cool right! =)

Now for some even more EXCITING STUFF, I wanted to share with you some real results from my Coach Team. These people here are so amazing that they don't just coach their friends, family, and challengers through the programs, they actually do it with them, and that right there is just flat out admirable! When was the last time your Personal Trainer did a full workout program with you?

Feel free to connect with any of the Coaches below for any tips, motivation, or advice, and even some free coaching. I am available as well (make me your FREE Coach here), but I definitely want to make sure that you receive coaching from someone who you totally relate with, because hey...that's what coaches do, we provide the best possible options for you, even if we're not part of it. =)  Check out these awesome people below, I am proud to have them on my team, and they would love to meet you!

Jasmine Banawa
Shift Shop Results, Real Shift Shop Results, Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack, Free Trial Beachbody on Demand, Try Shift Shop for Free, Free Beachbody Coaching, Shakeology Samples

Fermin Banawa
Shift Shop Results, Real Shift Shop Results, Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack, Free Trial Beachbody on Demand, Try Shift Shop for Free, Free Beachbody Coaching, Shakeology Samples

Quiana White
Shift Shop Results, Real Shift Shop Results, Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack, Free Trial Beachbody on Demand, Try Shift Shop for Free, Free Beachbody Coaching, Shakeology Samples

Kim Krapcha
Shift Shop Results, Real Shift Shop Results, Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack, Free Trial Beachbody on Demand, Try Shift Shop for Free, Free Beachbody Coaching, Shakeology Samples

Jocelyn Giancarlo
Shift Shop Results, Real Shift Shop Results, Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack, Free Trial Beachbody on Demand, Try Shift Shop for Free, Free Beachbody Coaching, Shakeology Samples

Heather Meloy
Shift Shop Results, Real Shift Shop Results, Beachbody on Demand Challenge Pack, Free Trial Beachbody on Demand, Try Shift Shop for Free, Free Beachbody Coaching, Shakeology Samples

There you have it my friends! There are many more people just like my team who are getting fantastic results and helping others. So, if you are in a rut, and what you're doing is just not working, or maybe you just need to try something new, then feel free to message any of the coaches above or myself, and we would love to help you! Looking forward to your success, and excited to meet ya!!! =)

Ask me about my Free Online Accountability Group!
(No purchase necessary)

Get Shakeology Samples here!

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Shaun Week Abs Workout, Shaun Week Challenge, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Shift Shop Challenge Group, Coach Summit 2017 Beachbody Super Workout
Shaun Week Abs Workout - Hyatt, New Orleans LA

During Coach Summit in New Orleans, I had a couple of my coaches join me for my Day 4, Abs Workout, yes, they are so nice! Also, as you know, my core and flexibility are the weakest (if you've been following my journey), so it was awesome to have some motivation alongside with me =)

Let me tell you something, this 7 Day Shaun Week Challenge is no joke! Add Coach Summit events on top of that, and I'm like WOWZA, I was beat tired!

I honestly tried my best to keep up with my Shaun Week workouts during Coach Summit, but I ended up missing one. The cool thing is that even though I did miss one workout, I was able to do a Super Workout that was hosted at Coach Summit, so I didn't slack off 100%, I did DO WORK, and did work with over 25,000 other coaches right by the Mercedes Benz Super dome, I'll post a video soon =)

Coach Summit - Super Workout
Shaun Week Abs Workout, Shaun Week Challenge, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Shift Shop Challenge Group, Coach Summit 2017 Beachbody Super Workout
(Mercedes Benz Super Dome, New Orleans LA)

Anyways, I'm back home from New Orleans now and will be continue Shaun Week where I left off. I will also be doing two rounds before starting my Shift Shop Challenge Group on July 24th, so if you're looking for some MOTIVATION to ramp up your fitness, feel free to message me for details on how you can join me, I promise, it will be fun =)

Here's my accountability video from the Shaun Week Abs workout from Day 4, it was a good one for sure!

Shaun Week - Abs Workout
(Gym at Hyatt Place New Orleans Convention Center Hotel)

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Choosing the Best Workout for You

Choosing the Best Workout for You, Choosing a Good Fitness Coach, Choosing a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Get Shakeology Samples, Vegan Shakeology Samples, Free Online Coaching

It's a popular question that I hear all the time, "Arnel, which workout should I do?"

It may become daunting in the very beginning, I know....because it was for me as well, but if I were to give you one piece of advice as far as trying to find the best workout FOR YOU, and your goals, this is what it would be:

"Ask someone who will be completely honest with you, and is not focused on just selling what they have to offer"

As a Full Time Online Beachbody Coach for 6 years now, I give recommendations all the time. The people who come to me for the most part know that I am a Beachbody Coach, and I let them know right off the bat that my suggestions are based on my experience as a Beachbody Coach, and what I've done.

I say this because I want to be truthful with my customers. I want to be honest and let them know that yes, there are plenty of other programs and workouts out there, but what I offer is specifically Beachbody Workout related.

Most of the people that I am surrounded by are athletes and individuals who participate in extreme and endurance sports. And although my Beachbody workouts are great for these people, some of them need more specific training to help them towards a more targeted goal.

When I started my fitness journey back in 2010, I started a program called P90X. I chose this program because I wanted to get more lean, lose some weight, and gain my strength back. A few months later, my brother introduced me to obstacle course racing, and the only training that I had was from P90X and another program called Insanity. These two programs helped me become a better runner, and built my foundation as an athlete and awarded me with a handful of podium finishes throughout my ocr career.

(Vegan? Click here)

These days, if you are interested in getting on the podium and racing for big money, the training would have to go far beyond just P90X and Insanity. Both programs are great to be incorporated, but the programs alone are not specific to the sport itself in terms of olympic and elite podium finishes. Yes, it's perfect for integration, but not specific. Again, this depends on your goals.

Are you an elite athlete, or training to be in the Olympics? Or are you a beginner to advanced competitor? If you are the latter, than yes, P90X and other Beachbody programs such as Insanity Asylum will definitely be a benefit to your training.

It's great to see some of the top athletes in the world, and learn what they do to train, but it's ridiculous to try to do what they are doing when you are not in peak condition as they are, don't fool yourself.

The best thing to do is first build your foundation. Build up your strength and cardio, and most importantly, learn proper form. I've seen some really good athletes with very poor form. They can run fast, but their exercise game is scary. Before you do a rope climb, make sure that you can do a pull up. Before you do sand bag carries, make sure that you know how to properly pick up weights and put them down. It's about the learning basics, and having patience. Every athlete had to build a solid foundation before they started specific training towards their discipline.

This also goes for anything whether you want to be a dancer, hiker, rock climber, or just want to lose weight. Find a Coach or person who will give you honest advice and will help you build a foundation, and then take it from there.

Beachbody Workouts are not the only workouts out there, just like Crossfit is not the only program that is forging elite fitness. Be cautious when someone tells you that they have the best program, it's a lie because the best program is only the truth if it's the best program for you.

It may take some time to find out which workout would be best for you, and that's ok. As long as you are being active, having fun, and being safe, then you are headed in the right direction. Always make sure that you are listening to your body and leave your ego at home =)

Beachbody Yoga Studio
Choosing the Best Workout for You, Choosing a Good Fitness Coach, Choosing a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Get Shakeology Samples, Vegan Shakeology Samples, Free Online Coaching

Being a Beachbody Coach doesn't mean that I only do beachbody workouts. I love fitness in general and I'm willing to try anything, and I have. I have done Crossfit, Martial Arts, Running, Yoga etc. And they've all been great! I am also an adventure filmmaker/videographer and I travel all over the world and film events in some of the most extreme conditions. I run after some of the fastest and strongest athletes in the world, and people always ask me, what type of workouts do you do, and I don't hesitate at all, because for 6 years now, it's been Beachbody Workouts religiously. I don't say this because I market these products as my business, I honestly say this because the programs do work, and I'm proof of that, along with the hundreds of testimonials from my customers which now surpass over 3,000 globally.

Filming the Shale Hill Adventure - Winter 2016, Vermont
Choosing the Best Workout for You, Choosing a Good Fitness Coach, Choosing a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Get Shakeology Samples, Vegan Shakeology Samples, Free Online Coaching

So go out there and explore, try different workouts, run some mountains, ask me about getting some FREE beachbody workouts, and just go out there and live your life.

Choosing the best workout for you, is all about choosing YOU. Make a choice to live active, healthy, and happy. Hope to see you soon! =)

Join my Online Accountability via Mobile App! Stay motivated anywhere!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

I'm Finally Starting Shaun Week!

Shaun Week, Shaun Week Challenge Group, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Try Shaun Week for Free, Shaun Week Workouts
(Watch Video below)

Hey guys!

I just got back from a 3 month trip in North America and Europe filming for my OCRTUBE media project, and even though I ran and did some exercises here and there, I have to honestly say that I was not at all consistent.

So I am back in Florida for a few weeks, and I decided to start Shaun Week, which is a 7 day workout program from a combination of Shaun T's workouts, it's going to be insane, but just what the doctor ordered!

I will be starting today (Tuesday, July 11th), and my father will also be joining me. The challenge will be that I am also going to attend the annual Beachbody Coach Summit in New Orleans this week till the end of the weekend, and if you are a BB Coach, you all know how intense the training and conference schedule is, it's like balls to wall busy! I plan to do my Shaun Week workout in between the coach events, I know that I will be beat tired, but hey.....I did this to myself =) I need to get back on point, like really on point!

Ask me about my upcoming Shaun Week Challenge Group!

Any of you are free to join me, just message me here. If you are reading this after the fact, just to let you know, this program will always be available, so just message me anyways and I can help you get started =)

Check out Shaun Week here!
(Try Shaun Week for FREE!)

Need more motivation and accountability? Ask me about my FREE Online Group!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

How to Choose the Best Beachbody Workout for You

The Best Beachbody Workout Program for You, Choose Your Own Beachbody Workout, Beachbody on Demand Options, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Get Beachbody on Demand for Free, Workout Online Anytime Anywhere, Free Beachbody Coaching, Free Beachbody Coach

With 40 programs and close to 500 workouts worth well over $6,000, Beachbody on Demand, the online workout digital library can get pretty overwhelming. Whether you've been doing Beachbody Workouts for a long time, or if you are just starting out, I just wanted to give you some guidance and some helpful tips that can help you when choosing a Beachbody workout.

Of course there are a few factors that go into choosing the right workout for you to reach your goals. Things to ask yourself would be questions like: What is your current fitness level? What kind of exercise do you enjoy? How much time do you have to workout weekly? Oh and do you have a favorite trainer?

No matter where I am i the world, I will always be your own Personal Coach!
The Best Beachbody Workout Program for You, Choose Your Own Beachbody Workout, Beachbody on Demand Options, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Get Beachbody on Demand for Free, Workout Online Anytime Anywhere, Free Beachbody Coaching, Free Beachbody Coach

Below I have categorized some most popular workouts for you according to different fitness levels. Keep in mind that with Beachbody on Demand, there are always new workouts added, so keep checking back, you will never get bored with your workouts ever again! =)

BEGINNER PROGRAMS: (click on title for more information)
- YOUv2 (dance, cardio)
- Country Heat (dance, cardio)
- 3 Week Yoga Retreat (10-30 min per day/21 days)
- Beachbody Yoga Studio (10-90 min workouts)

BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE PROGRAMS: (click on title for more information)
- 21 Day Fix (cardio)
- PiYo (low impact)
- CIZE (dance, cardio)
- 22 Minute Hard Corps (cardio, strength, muscle building)
- P90 (cardio, strength, muscle building)
- Brazil Butt Lift (cardio)
- Active Maternity (low impact)

INTERMEDIATE PROGRAMS: (click on title for more information)
- Focus T25 (cardio)

INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED PROGRAMS: (click on title for more information)
- Core de Force (cardio)
- Body Beast (strength, muscle building)
- The Master's Hammer and Chisel (strength, muscle building)
- P90X3 (strength, muscle building)
- Turbofire (cardio)

ADVANCED PROGRAMS: (click on title for more information)
- 21 Day Fix Extreme (cardio, strength, muscle building)
- Insanity Max 30 (cardio)
- Insanity the Asylum (cardio, strength)
- P90X2 (cardio, strength, muscle building)

So I hope this helps you when choosing your next Beachbody Workout. Remember, these are only a few of what Beachbody on Demand offers. BOD also offers what's called "Challenge du Jour" which is similar to a WOD (workout of the day). CDJ simply chooses a workout for you from the full digital library so you don't have to think about it, or get bored with just one certain program. CDJ (Challenge du Jour) is also totally customizable, so if you don't like what the workout of the day is, simply choose your own from the thousands of workouts!

Curious about being an Online Beachbody Coach?
Message me directly or get some details here
The Best Beachbody Workout Program for You, Choose Your Own Beachbody Workout, Beachbody on Demand Options, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Get Beachbody on Demand for Free, Workout Online Anytime Anywhere, Free Beachbody Coaching, Free Beachbody Coach
Live life on your own terms, help people with their goals!

So the next questions is cost? Well, you could purchase a single program which would cost you anywhere from $60-$120, or you get every single program AND every other new program that gets released in the future all for only one low price of $100. There is also a Free Trial so that you can try Beachbody on Demand for 14 days, absolutely free!

It's really simple, just click here and choose the best option for you - CLICK HERE! 

Most people ask me which option that I highly recommend, and I always say, "the option that is best for you!" But if you want the total package, I recommend the Beachbody on Demand All-Access Challenge Pack, you can check it out here - click here!

I'm glad that you asked =) As soon as you have chosen the best option for you, simply message me here and I can send you an exclusive invite to my Free Online Accountability Group via mobile app. This is a great way to stay motivated and accountable with others who have the same goals as you!

Join our one BIG happy family!
The Best Beachbody Workout Program for You, Choose Your Own Beachbody Workout, Beachbody on Demand Options, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Get Beachbody on Demand for Free, Workout Online Anytime Anywhere, Free Beachbody Coaching, Free Beachbody Coach

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How I Manage To Stay in Shape While Filming Races Around The World

Stay in Shape While Traveling, Beachbody on Demand, Accountability Groups, Free Fitness and Travel Tips, Beachbody Tips, Beachbody Coach Travel, Digital Nomad, Online Beachbody Coach, How to Stay In Shape While Traveling
Filming at Shale Hill Adventure - Vermont

Well, I'll have you know that it's no simple task, and I can't tell you that I stay committed everyday, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve that I can share with you.

When I travel from race to race, and from country to country, it can get very exciting, but it can also be a bit stressful to my mind, body, and spirit.


It was so easy for me to say things like:

-  I'm traveling today, so I'll just make this a rest day
-  There isn't enough room in the place that I'm staying so I won't workout today
-  I traveled all day yesterday so I need to catch up on some work
-  I can't find a gym nearby, and I don't want to spend money for an uber/taxi/bus etc to get to one
-  I'm sore today, so I'll just lay in bed


I'm sure that I'm not the only one making excuses, but yes, its tough but the one thing that I've learned is that if I want to be happy and healthy, and want to be able to mark things off my growing bucket list, that I won't be able to do that if I am fat, sick, and unhealthy. So what do I do? I force myself to get uncomfortable. Is it easy? HECK NO!


Let me be upfront with you. There are no fitness secrets out there. It's all about hard work and dedication, and something that most people don't event think about.....finding people who think like you. Yeah, I can be tough to find people to workout with you while you're traveling, but it's not impossible. The first thing to do is just ask people. Huh? Yeah, most people just assume that when people travel, all they want to do is drink, party, and sleep....but I know better because I've met so many people who think the opposite, and all I did was ask.

Interviewing Mr Mouse from Tough Guy - Wolverhampton, England
Stay in Shape While Traveling, Beachbody on Demand, Accountability Groups, Free Fitness and Travel Tips, Beachbody Tips, Beachbody Coach Travel, Digital Nomad, Online Beachbody Coach, How to Stay In Shape While Traveling


Here are some things that I do to keep me in shape while I travel the world filming races for my cause-related media project:

1.  I take the stairs everywhere that I go, and never the elevator, escalator, or anything that would give me an advantage. Now if I'm at the airport and I'm about to miss a flight, I will get on that fast track thing, but I'm hustling and either running or fast walking, not just standing on the right side watching people walk on the left of me.

2.  When I'm on an airplane or any mode of transportation, I tend to do a lot of calf stretches because my calves can get pretty tight while traveling. So I'll simply straighten my legs (one at a time) as much as I can (benefits of being short I guess), and just rotate my feet, point them up and down, etc. This keeps me moving and my calves loose so they won't swell.

3.  When I have long layovers, I will literally find a small area and do either a short stretch or full body strength and conditioning workout. Sometimes I will pay money to go to the lounge so I can get more privacy, but these people don't know you, and you'll probably never see them again. Plus, you may find someone to workout with you. I've done a quick T25 workout from Beachbody on Demand, and it always just makes me feel good...25 minutes and I'm done.

Hanging out with friends at a hostel in Zurich, Switzerland
Stay in Shape While Traveling, Beachbody on Demand, Accountability Groups, Free Fitness and Travel Tips, Beachbody Tips, Beachbody Coach Travel, Digital Nomad, Online Beachbody Coach, How to Stay In Shape While Traveling

4.  Lot's of times I stay at hostels and camp sites. At hostels, there isn't a lot of room especially if you are in a dorm room. So I basically try to look for a nearby gym and ask for a free trial pass, or even find a nearby fancy hotel and pay for a day pass and go to town on my P90X workouts. Working out at camp sites are very easy, there is a lot of space to run and do a lot of body weight resistance workouts. I sometimes will bring resistance bands or my TRX, it all depends if I'm traveling domestic or international. I only travel with one small carry on which can also pass for a personal item. I travel light with only my camera equipment, and a few clothes. Toiletries can always be bought anywhere, so I don't even pack that stuff. I film a lot of races, and just use those free race shirts while I travel, and i'll leave them behind if I feel that it is too much to carry in my pack when going back home. I never pay for check in baggage, NEVER...that's how light I travel =).

Free 30 Day Trial - Cancel Anytime!

5.  Staying at Airbnb's and hotels are definitely easier and I can never make an excuse to not workout because I have my own room. Unfortunately, because I travel 7 months out of the year, staying at Airbnb's and Hotels are like a luxury to me, it doesn't happen all the time. I will mostly do an Insanity or P90X workout, or simple run on the treadmill. I love it when the hotels have their own gyms, it makes it easier to workout, which I prefer Body Beast workouts at the gym. I do love doing my workouts outdoors, but when I've been outdoors filming races all weekend, sometimes I'd rather just stay indoors.

Hotel Gym Workout - Body Beast
Stay in Shape While Traveling, Beachbody on Demand, Accountability Groups, Free Fitness and Travel Tips, Beachbody Tips, Beachbody Coach Travel, Digital Nomad, Online Beachbody Coach, How to Stay In Shape While Traveling

6.  When I travel and stay at places for a long period of time, I tend to explore and find out where the best outdoor parks are. Some of these parks have great running trails with fitness equipment along the running path. I've found other parks to have some amazing outdoor gyms for as low as $1. Being outdoors is definitely what I love the most, so I will always prefer an outdoor park over an indoor gym any day.

7.  You'll be surprised of how many free group fitness classes are out there. I will simply google free workouts and find all kinds of free group fitness classes to attend. Most of these are donation based but it's always worth it. Get a better workout and run to the class instead of using public transportation.

8. When I am out sightseeing or exploring, I try do everything myself instead of using a tour guide or tour company. For one, you save a lot more money, and you will see a lot more because you will be on your own time, and not the time set by the company. Now because you will not book through a company, you may have to look for your own transportation, you may get lost, and you might have to hike longer etc. But if you want to see things off the beaten path, and get fit at the same time, then DIY travel should be on the top of your list.  I normally choose tours or activities that keep me active such as Volcano Hikes, Walking Tours, Bike Tours, and Surf Trips etc.

Concepcion Volcano Hike - Nicaragua
Stay in Shape While Traveling, Beachbody on Demand, Accountability Groups, Free Fitness and Travel Tips, Beachbody Tips, Beachbody Coach Travel, Digital Nomad, Online Beachbody Coach, How to Stay In Shape While Traveling

9.  Lastly, if I cannot workout for some reason, or I am literally just being lazy, the least I can do is make sure that I am eating super healthy that day. I mean it's always a good idea to eat healthy all the time, but I'll admit, when I travel...I enjoy eating the local foods and an occasional beer or wine. It's ok to live your life, but only have one life and one body, so take care of it and moderate the junk foods.

10.  I lied. One last thing. I am part of of an online community of people who I coach. Now even though I coach these people with their health and fitness, it doesn't mean that I am anywhere near perfect. My online community inspires me, motivates me, and keeps me accountable while I travel. They are a constant reminder of why I decided to become healthy and fit in the first place. They remind me that coaches aren't perfect and we need help too. It's so important to find the right people to surround yourself with, and an online accountability community at your finger tips will do the trick, that is if you make it a priority. It's like having you're own personal gym and motivators (cheer squad) everywhere you go. If you need to be a part of one, ask to join my group, it's always free =)


Traveling and getting fit is only difficult if you make it difficult. If you use my tips above as a guideline, it will help your travels be a lot more enjoyable, and you won't miss out on a lot of EPICNESS because you were too out of shape to make it up the mountain.

Safe travels, and I hope to see you somewhere around the world.

Filming in Monterrey, Mexico
Stay in Shape While Traveling, Beachbody on Demand, Accountability Groups, Free Fitness and Travel Tips, Beachbody Tips, Beachbody Coach Travel, Digital Nomad, Online Beachbody Coach, How to Stay In Shape While Traveling

Monday, March 20, 2017

Cliff Jumping in Costa Rica

Cliff Jumping Costa Rica, Cliff Jumping Rio Colorado Liberia Costa Rica, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, How To Workout While Traveling
Watch Video Below

I crossed the border from Nicaragua to Costa Rica the other day, and stopped by this place called Liberia. There isn't much to do here, but I've always said to myself that it isn't really the place that you visit, but the people you meet along the way.

I only had a couple days in Liberia, and the first day was spent catching up on my Beachbody Business emails and such. I had two options that I was considering for my second day: Rincon de la Vieja Volcano National Park, or Cliff Jumping in Rio Colorado.......I chose CLIFF JUMPING!

While I was there, I met up with some local costa rican boys and we had a blast. I was actually so glad that they were there because I didn't know where to jump, so it was nice to have some locals to show me the best and safest places to jump! There were also no tourists in sight, it was pretty amazing! You can check out my short video here below =)

Cliff Jumping Rio Colorado, Liberia Costa Rica

Stay healthy and fit anywhere, anytime! Free Coaching from me =) 
Cliff Jumping Costa Rica, Cliff Jumping Rio Colorado Liberia Costa Rica, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, How To Workout While Traveling

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Volcano Concepcion Hike - Ometepe Island, Nicaragua

Concepcion Volcano Hike, Volcon Concepcion Hike, Maderas Ometepe Island, Hiking Concepcion Ometepe Island, Beachbody on Demand, Workout on the Go, Free Fitness Accountability Group, Ometepe Island Volcano Hikes, Concepcion Nicaragua
1,000 meters up Concepcion

The one thing that I try to stay healthy and train for is life itself. Lately, I've been doing a lot of travel for my cause-related media project, and that in itself keeps me active and somewhat in shape.

I was just recently in Ometepe Island filming the 2017 Fuego y Agua Survival Run (you can watch my video here), and within the time I was there, I hiked both Maderas and Concepcion. I actually did Maderas at night while filming the endurance athletes from the Survival Run, it took me 9 1/2 hours of filming and hiking on Maderas. After editing and uploading the Survival Run video (total race miles for the athletes across the island was about 60 miles covering two volcanos and a vast amount of the island), I hiked up Concepcion a few days later with a couple that I met on the island.

Total hike is about 1,600 meters or 5300 feet in elevation. Average hike time ranges from 8-12 hours depending on your fitness level.

Front entrance of Concepcion
Concepcion Volcano Hike, Volcon Concepcion Hike, Maderas Ometepe Island, Hiking Concepcion Ometepe Island, Beachbody on Demand, Workout on the Go, Free Fitness Accountability Group, Ometepe Island Volcano Hikes, Concepcion Nicaragua

Coming down from Concepcion
Concepcion Volcano Hike, Volcon Concepcion Hike, Maderas Ometepe Island, Hiking Concepcion Ometepe Island, Beachbody on Demand, Workout on the Go, Free Fitness Accountability Group, Ometepe Island Volcano Hikes, Concepcion Nicaragua

Here is a quick video from our Volcon Concepcion Hike which took us 7 1/2 hours R/T. We started at the main entrance which if you go early in the day, they require you to have a guide which I was not fond of, but they would not allow us to hike up without one. The guides range from $10-$20 per person. I recommend asking a Tuk Tuk Driver for a guide ($10) instead of trying to book an actual volcano hike tour ($20).

Are you looking for a way to stay active and workout while traveling? I highly recommend the Beachbody on Demand App (click here for a Free 30 Day Trial). (If you reside out of the USA and Canada, message me here) I use this all the time when I travel, in my hostel, Airbnb, Hotel, Outdoors, Gym, or pretty much anywhere. I do enjoy going different gyms all over the world, but sometimes they are difficult to find, or they are a trek away, so BOD helps me stick with my goals on the go. I also enjoy running, then using the Beachbody Online Yoga Studio within the app, it's so good! =) 

Also, if you would like to join my FREE online accountability group for more health and fitness motivation and free workouts, feel free to message me here! Looking forward to meeting you! 

Punta Jesus Maria, the best place to watch the sunset on Ometepe Island
Concepcion Volcano Hike, Volcon Concepcion Hike, Maderas Ometepe Island, Hiking Concepcion Ometepe Island, Beachbody on Demand, Workout on the Go, Free Fitness Accountability Group, Ometepe Island Volcano Hikes, Concepcion Nicaragua

Thursday, March 2, 2017

10 Things That Beachbody Isn't

10 Things That Beachbody Isn't, Beachbody Facts, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Shakeology Samples, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Benefits, Network Marketing Facts, Beachbody Free Accountability Group

So let's dig right into this shall we! NO INTRO REQUIRED.

1.  QUICK FIX - There are over 400 workouts, and $6,000 worth of fitness programs within the Beachbody Library. There are 3 to 90 day "all-in-one" challenge packs that include both fitness and nutrition. It's not about selling shortcuts, it's about helping people learn the benefits of living a health and fitness lifestyle the proper way. If you're looking for a quick fix, will never reach your goals.

2.  PYRAMID SCAM - If you did not know, "pyramid schemes and/or scams" are illegal. blah blah blah! I highly encourage you to try talking to people who are successful in this industry, and who are truly making an impact in this world with their philanthropic and political projects. Network Marketing is a billion dollar industry, and is even bigger than the NFL. Bottom line, do your research and make an informed decision.

10 Things That Beachbody Isn't, Beachbody Facts, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Shakeology Samples, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Benefits, Network Marketing Facts, Beachbody Free Accountability Group

3.  MAGIC PILL - Shakeology is not a magic pill. It's like having a salad that tastes like a dessert. Most people who try to eat healthy incorporate salads as part of their nutrition. When is the last time that you had a meal with over 70+ superfoods from around the world. You're busy, I'm busy, we're all busy......with Shakeology, you can get one of the most nutrient-dense meals anytime, anywhere...and it only costs $5 per meal, not bad at all when you see people paying $10+ for pressed juices...why?

4.  FOR EVERYONE - With so many health and fitness options, it's all about finding which program works best or you. If you haven't tried incorporating Beachbody into your life, why not give it a go. Most of the products have a money-back guarantee or a free trial, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. As far as the business side is concerned, if you are teachable, consistent, and have big goals, then you will rock it. Like anything, if you work hard (and are not afraid to fail forward), any business can be rewarding, and this also goes for having a Beachbody Coaching Business.

5.  TREND - Working out and eating healthy is not a trend, it's a lifestyle. This is not about inventing or buying the latest shake weight, ab roller or one hit wonder, it's as simple as tweaking the way that you fuel your body, and committing to your daily activities so that you can make big changes in your life.

6.  GET RICH QUICK - It takes an average of 2-5 years for a legitimate business to become profitable. Beachbody Coaching is a real business that takes time to build just like any business. Would you open up a restaurant, nightclub, hotel or tech company for only a month and give up? I think not. If you treat this business like a real business, it will be one. If someone tells you that a business is easy, be very cautious, it's most likely illegal or too good to be true. Hard work does pays off, but if you work hard and smart, it will yield more success!

7.  EASY - Ask anyone who is healthy and fit if it was easy. Ask any Entrepreneur if building a million-dollar empire was easy. People who have found the best results in fitness and/or business surround themselves with people who lift them up and support them. So if your goals are important to you, it's pretty darn important to be extra picky with the people that you surround yourself with. If your inner-circle does not believe in you, it will be very difficult to get to the next level of your life.

Life isn't easy, but not doing anything about it makes it harder
10 Things That Beachbody Isn't, Beachbody Facts, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Shakeology Samples, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Benefits, Network Marketing Facts, Beachbody Free Accountability Group

8.  COOKIE CUTTER - With the growing online fitness library that Beachbody has every month, it is far from being cookie cutter. When people tell you that Beachbody is cookie cutter, it's probably because they are not familiar with what's going on with the company and the technology, or simply put, they just want your business. Everyone deserves the right to choose their own health and fitness preference. I would definitely think twice about anyone, or any fitness professional who is talking smack about another fitness regiment. Whether you are doing Zumba, Crossfit, P90X, or deserve to be praised for just being active.

9.  ABOUT SALES - If you think that life is not trying to sell you on anything, then it might be time to wake up =). These days, if you want something, it isn't possible without buying something, that is if you are living in the civilized world. If you want to talk to relatives, you talk on the phone, that takes money. If you want to eat clean, you go to an organic grocery and buy food. If you want to workout, you pay for a gym or equipment, or workout clothes, there's just not going anywhere around it. The question is, are you investing in something that will give you a return. Are you using something that will help you achieve your goals? We live in a "sales" world, from restaurants, to endurance races, to movies, to real estate etc. The world we live in is all about sales, and people selling (or sharing), but the good thing is that you choose where you invest your money in. Beachbody is not about getting sold, it's about choosing an option that works, that is.... if you allow it too.

10.  WHAT YOU THINK - Forget about what you've heard, forget about the negative things that people say, forget about what you don't know, and try opening your mind to learning about something meaningful and exciting. Too many people are listening to people who have no interest in their success...why? Because they are embarrassed about what people will think about them? Do you think Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk cared about what people thought? People who succeeded in life do it for themselves and their family, NOT for the people who have no bearing on their success or happiness. Whether you are curious about Beachbody in regards to fitness or finance, the buck stops here, take that risk, take that may be that ONE THING that will change your life.

10 Things That Beachbody Isn't, Beachbody Facts, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Shakeology Samples, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Benefits, Network Marketing Facts, Beachbody Free Accountability Group

To find out how to get started in improving your fitness or finances, or both, give me a buzz, I'll share some stuff with you and it will be up to you to see what is best for you! =)

Start a Fitness Journey Today! Free Coaching from me =)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The NETFLIX of Fitness - Business Opportunity

The Netflix of Fitness, Sneak Peek to Beachbody Coaching, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coaching UK, Beachbody Coaching Australia, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, What is Beachbody Coaching?
Where Netflix Meets Fitness and how you can EARN!

What!!! And I love Netflix...., I SHO do =)

Anyways, so where were you when Facebook, Amazon, Ebay, and Apple started? Do you remember Blockbuster Video before Netflix took over!

A lot of these businesses started in garages, dorm rooms, basements, and even car trunks. Some of the founders and visionaries of these billion dollar empires were even college drop outs. Technology is moving so fast that every time that I purchase something, another product or service launches just months later. Times are changing, especially for business. Let's face it, it's really the coming age of the entrepreneurs! What does this mean for you? OPPORTUNITY.

Back in the days, the only way to connect with people was through writing letters or talking on the phone. Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, we can now connect with old family and friends in real time via social networking. Before eCommerce, it was all about driving to the nearest shopping center or grocery store. I remember how excited I was to hop in the car and go to a Blockbuster Video and pick out a couple movies, now we don't have to leave our homes! That's kinda good, but kinda bad too because our society is getting too comfortable.....comfortable sitting on their asses! Processed foods are abundant, and people are too busy to purchase fresh produce to prepare family dinners.


Technology has made it very convenient to stay at home and be lazy, at least until now. One of the top reasons why people do not make it to the gym is because of the hassle of getting there. People are working harder these days, and with today's economy, families are forced to work dual jobs just to make ends meet. This explains why some people go straight home and bypass the gym because they're just plain tired of working crazy long hours, and they miss their families so much, they are simply rushing home to be with them.


Hotel and car rental business revenue has gone down due to the advent of companies like Airbnb and Turo. Taxi companies are struggling because of new ridesharing concepts such as Uber and Lyft. And soon, restaurants will be impacted with the upcoming in-home supper clubs via AirDine.

Work from anywhere, anytime! 
Immediate and Residual Income - Part-time or Full-Time
The Netflix of Fitness, Sneak Peek to Beachbody Coaching, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coaching UK, Beachbody Coaching Australia, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, What is Beachbody Coaching?


There might never be another Facebook or Google, but with the exciting new technologies with Free Enterprise, there are companies who are focused on helping society hone up and become Entrepreneurs. Gyms and Outdoor Training facilities will probably never go away, but people are always looking for convenience. More and more, people want to be with their families, and start a business using the latest in mobility such as smartphones, tablets, and streamlined 2 in 1 laptops.


is here!!! You do not have to come up with thousands of dollars to open up your own gym. You don't even have to be a personal trainer. You can be with your family, and guess can start an online fitness business from the palm of your hand, ANYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD, yeah.....even in Patagonia and the Galapagos Islands! =) Just like all of these companies who have become extinct because of the advent of free enterprise and technology, you can now benefit and be part of the movement that is focused on helping people become more active, more healthy, and become their own boss.

The Netflix of Fitness, Sneak Peek to Beachbody Coaching, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coaching UK, Beachbody Coaching Australia, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, What is Beachbody Coaching?


This concept is in the process of becoming a global phenomenon! The success system is already laid out for you, all you have to do is duplicate and share. If you've always wanted to make a real difference by truly helping others, you can be in the forefront of something life-changing!

To learn more about Beachbody Coaching and how this can possibly be what you're looking for, feel free to message me for consideration. I am looking for a few select people to join my expansion team, looking forward to meeting you =).

Get a 30 Day Free Trial of Beachbody on Demand, includes FREE Coaching:
The Netflix of Fitness, Sneak Peek to Beachbody Coaching, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coaching UK, Beachbody Coaching Australia, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, What is Beachbody Coaching?

Friday, February 17, 2017

My TOP 10 Travel Apps of All Time

Top 10 Travel Apps, Top Ten Travel Apps, Travel App Top Lists, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Uber Discount Code, Turo Discount Code, Airbnb Discount Code

A lot of my friends ask me how I plan, book, and organize my travel, even how I exercise while I'm on the I decided instead of repeating myself a millions times, why not post a blog and just share the link...HA, brilliant! =)


No way Jose! If you travel a lot, that can become very, BERRY expensive. I've learned many years ago about traveling independently, and with the advent of APPS, it's makes planning my travels so much easier.


But I'm pretty sure that the apps below will have Android versions, in fact as popular as they are, I want to say that I am positive that they do.

MY TOP TEN (not in order as pertaining to favorites)

1.  Airbnb - I rarely stay at hotels these days unless I get a super good deal. When I travel, I enjoy meeting other people, and staying with the locals. Hotels are very touristy, and that is something that I try to avoid. With Airbnb, I have the opportunity to stay with some amazing locals and save a lot of money.

My Airbnb in IJmuiden, Netherlands
Top 10 Travel Apps, Top Ten Travel Apps, Travel App Top Lists, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Uber Discount Code, Turo Discount Code, Airbnb Discount Code

2.  Uber - I like the fact that when I use Uber, I am supporting a regular person just like you and I with having their own business. I can also save up to 50% or more on my fares and have much better conversations with Uber drivers. Thank you Travis and Garrett for inventing this!

3.  Hostel World - When I travel, I really don't care about how fancy my accommodations are, so many times I stay at hostels. And don't think for a minute that hostels are gross, yes...there are some sketchy ones, but I've stayed at many boutique hostels that were way better than a 5 star hotel, seriously! With hostels, you have the option of dorm-style or private room accommodations, and you meet so many people from around the world. 50% of my friends I've met from hostels, so if you enjoy meeting travel-minded people, than this might be right up your alley. This app rates the hostels and provides reviews which makes it easy to choose the best accommodation for you.

Hostel in London, England
Top 10 Travel Apps, Top Ten Travel Apps, Travel App Top Lists, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Uber Discount Code, Turo Discount Code, Airbnb Discount Code

4.  Kayak - I book 90% of my flights with this app. It's searches hundreds of sites to help you find the best deal. If you like saving time and being more productive like I do, than this app will save your life! This app also searches multiple sites for car rentals and hotels.

5.  Turo - This app is like the Airbnb for car rentals. You rent from verified car owners instead of corporations. The cars are comparable to what you would get from your typical car rental agency, but with less the hassle and hidden fees. What I like best about Turo is the selection of cars from economy all the way up to high end Tesla's and Maserati's. I don't own a car anymore so most of my cars I rent from Turo when I need a car for a hot date (lol JK). One time I rented from a Jamaican family and when I returned the car, they had Jerk Chicken prepared for me! When's the last time Hertz, Alamo, Enterprise or Dollar did that for you.....NEVER!

6.  Skyscanner - This is the app that I primarily use to book my air tickets all over Europe. I once bought a ticket from England to Norway for $15, yup....I'm not kidding!

7.  XE Currency - I use this app all the time! When you visit different countries, you have to be smart and understand their currency and the conversion rates, and this app can help you with that. If I didn't have this app, I would've probably been ripped off many times over. If you don't like getting ripped of, then get this app.

8.  iTranslate - Ok, I'm embarrassed to say that I only know and speak one language! Yes, I am filipino, but I can only say the bad words LOL. So what do I do to get by when I travel to different parts of the world, I have my handy dandy translator on my iPhone. I may not have perfect pronunciation, but at least I try to speak their language, and the locals really like that. When you visit different countries, I encourage you to learn the basic greetings such as: thank you, have a good day, hello, good bye, and where's the bathroom....that's important =)

Top 10 Travel Apps, Top Ten Travel Apps, Travel App Top Lists, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Uber Discount Code, Turo Discount Code, Airbnb Discount Code

9. - This is the best app when exploring the city on foot or hiking trails. It's amazing how this app can find small single tracks behind people's back yards. This is the ultimate off-the-beaten path app, google maps doesn't have nothing on this one. I once got lost in the Norwegian forest and guess who saved my life? This app!

10.  Beachbody on Demand - Ok this is not really a travel app, but I have to say that it is one of the most important apps while I travel because it helps me stay active and in shape during my back to back trips. With over $6,000 worth of online workouts, I can do everything from yoga on the beach to Insanity in the jungle, to P90X at the gym. This app is like the Netflix of fitness, how else can I be strong enough to hike strenuous mountains, chase top athletes when I'm filming endurance races, or run away from bandits who think I'm rich =)

Top 10 Travel Apps, Top Ten Travel Apps, Travel App Top Lists, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Uber Discount Code, Turo Discount Code, Airbnb Discount Code

So there you have it! I hope that you find this to be super helpful with your travels, and if you have any questions at all, please feel free to connect with me, I'd be happy to share more tips and even learn from some of you!

Workout Anywhere, Anytime - No More Excuses!