Showing posts with label Body Beast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body Beast. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Body Beast Bulk Shoulders and X3 Ab Ripper

So this blog post was from yesterday's workout. It was a late one, and I started falling asleep while I was uploading the photos to my blog, so I am day late and a dollar short! =). Whatcha gonna do right? =)

Body Beast Bulk Shoulders was a great workout, and being that I love working out my shoulders, it made the workout pretty fun. Now as you know, the only way that you can get the best results physically, is when you are working on the exercises that you are not good at, you know, the ones you say "I really suck at those", and I will be the first one to tell you that I am terrible at yoga, stretching, and core workouts, such as abs and back core. So to balance my workout last night, I decided to end my Body Beast workout with P90X3 Ab Ripper, and don't laugh when I tell you this, but I was crying during the workout because it royally kicked by butt so bad! Remember this, if you want the best results, and you want to see big physical changes in your body, you have to be willing to do things that you don't like doing. You have to do the exercises that you are not good at, and more importantly, you have to change what you are feeding your body. Once you do that, trust me when I say this, you will not want to look back! And it won't just be about the physical changes that you are making, it will also impact your mind. It's not about a 90 day program, it's a LIFESTYLE!

So let's get it on!


When doing a Body Beast Workout, you will go from one exercise to the next, then repeat until all reps are complete before going into the next set (round). For example, you will do a Lateral Raise for 15 reps, then go to the Arnold Press for 15 reps. After that you repeat the Lateral Raise for 12 reps and so on. 

- Lateral Raise, 15/12/8/
- Arnold Press, 15/12/8/8 (drop set)

 Arnold Press
Body Beast Arnold Press

Arnold Press
Body Beast Arnold Press

Lateral Raise
Body Beast Lateral Raise

- Upright Row, 15/12/8/8/12/15 (reps)

Suggestion:  Pick a weight that you can do for the whole set, don't get cocky! Cockiness doesn't get results, proper form and completion of the full set does!

Upright Row
Body Beast Upright Row

Upright Row
Body Beast Upright Row

- Alt. Front Raise, 15/12/8
- Plate Twist-Twist, 10/10/10

If you've never done this workout before, you will be surprised what you can accomplish with light weights! Bulking is not all about heavy weight, so get over it! =)

Alt. Front Lateral Raise
Body Beast Alt. Lateral Raise

Plate Twist-Twist
Body Beast Plate Twist Twist

- Reverse Fly, 15/12/8/8/12/15

- Superman Stretch, 10/10
- Plank Twist-Twist, 30 sec/30 sec

Now it's time for P90X3 Ab Ripper! Holy Shitake Mushrooms!! =) I was glad to know that this abs/core workout was not 30 minutes like the rest of the X3 workouts, and now I know why! It's murderous =)

Tin Man Windmill
Body Beast Tin Man Windmill

Tin Man Windmill
Body Beast Tin Man Windmill

C-Y Reach

P90X3 C-Y Reach

Sphinx Crunch Hold

P90X3 Sphinx Hold

X3 Ab Ripper Movement List: (15 minutes)
- Tin Man Windmill
- Dolphin Hops (talking about what I really suck at lol)
- C Y Reach
- Sphinx Crunch Hold
- 5 Way Abrinome
- Hip Drop Twist: Right
- Hip Drop Twist: Left
- Bridge Burners
- Speed Bike
- Burnout


And that's it guys! That was my BEAST Shoulders and Abs workout in less than an hour! Wanna workout with me? Check out my Free Online Fit Club, click here! I also do one on one workouts in my Online Challenge Groups, message me! =)

It's time to MAN UP, and HULK UP!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Body Beast Bulk Chest Workout

One Legged Decline Plyo Clap Push Ups
 Decline Push Ups "the crazy way"
(One-Legged Decline Plyo Clap Push Ups) Watch Video below!

Today's WOD was Body Beast Bulk Chest at my favorite place to workout, which is the Powerhouse Gym in downtown TAMPA, FL. I had Beachbody Coach Steven, and my buddy Aaron Wagner from Aaron Wagner Fitness join me for this BEAST UP session!

Just to let you know, I am not trying to bulk up, or gain mass, I mainly use the Body Beast Program to gain strength for my upcoming Obstacle Course Racing events, as well as just to stay strong and healthy. Body Beast can be catered to your fitness goals, but is mostly geared towards Body Builders and Fitness Models, but there are different workout schedules to suit every lifestyle. I highly recommend this program!

Let's workout: Click here to get the BODY BEAST WORKOUT SHEETS!

It always begins with a WARM UP which is about 2 minutes:
Jog, arm circles, bending the arms in right angle fashion to warm up the shoulders, a bunch of push-ups, and another light jog.

Incline Fly - 15/12/8
Incline Press - 15/12/8/8 (drop set)

Body Beast Bulk Chest Workout

Chest Press w/Rotation - 5/5/5/5/5

Body Beast Bulk Chest

Incline Press - 15/12/8/8/12/15

Close-Grip Press to Fly - 15/12/8

Body Beast Workout

Decline Push Ups - 15/12/8
(this is where we went a little crazy)

Cobra to Airplane - 10
Russian Twist - 30 sec. 
(we actually skipped the ab exercises lol) 

One Legged Decline Plyo Clap Push Ups 
(instead of regular decline push ups)
One Legged Decline Plyo Clap Push ups

And then we decided to do Weighted (45lbs) Decline Push Ups
(of course we were already wasted from the workout)
Weighted Decline Push Ups

Weighted Decline Push Ups


Oh and while we were just minding our own business, we saw these MONKEY BARS, so what would you do? Exactly, so we did them too! =)

 Aaron Wagner - Visit his website here!
Powerhouse Gym Tampa

 Coach Steven Cartagena - Check him out here!
Powerhouse Gym downtown tampa

It was a HELLA workout! Total workout time, hmmmm, not sure, but the Body Beast Bulk Chest Workout alone was about 30 minutes. We also did a 1 mile cool down run. Today was a good day! =)

Ask me about my Online Body Beast Challenge Group - Beast Up with me!
Body Beast Challenge Group

Take the Body Beast Challenge - Man Up. Hulk Up!

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Best Workout for Those With Bad Knees

The Short Answer:
"Bad knees" is a broad term, but in general, the more you can work your knees, the stronger they will get. Unfortunately, this turns into a Catch-22 when your knees hurt during exercise. You need to exercise to relieve the pain, but the pain is caused by exercise.

The key is patience. Seek expert medical advice and follow the rehab exercises they give you. Then, when you're ready, return to your regularly scheduled activity, following the advice of your therapist. If that activity happens to be a Beachbody® program, you'll find additional advice below.

The Long Answer:
Here's a five-step rehabilitation plan to help with those aching knees.

Step 1 – Talk to your doctor. Some doctors, whether through laziness or fear of liability, shell out advice akin to "if it hurts, don't do it." Unfortunately, most of us have knee pain at some point in life. If we don't work through it, the situation gets worse.

Regardless of your doc's optimism, your rehabilitation begins with a diagnosis. That's why you need a doctor. Whether your knee pain is debilitating or just nagging, it's well worth your time to find out exactly what is going on. The alternative solution is trial and error—and that can make your knees worse.

Step 2 – Do your rehab. No matter what your problem is, your doctor will recommend some physical therapy (PT). Like doctors, some PTs are better than others, but do what they say regardless. Even archaic protocols shouldn't hurt you. A good PT will just push you harder and take you further. Either way, you must do your PT before moving on. I know, it's boring (everyone says this), but if you're serious about fixing your knee issues you need to take this step seriously. It's the foundation for everything else!

Step 3 – Think holistically. Most chronic knee problems don't begin with your knee. Unless you've had an acute injury, most knee (and back) pain radiate from imbalances in your pelvic girdle (your hips). The simple exercises and stretches in these videos should be incorporated into your regimen as soon as you're cleared from your PT. Hopefully, they're similar to what you've been doing with your therapist.

Watch this video Strengthening Exercises from Steve Edwards - TBB

Step 4 – Assess your doctor's clearance advice. This is where the steps diverge, as all knee issues are not the same. Eliminating knee pain follows a "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" rationale, meaning that the more you're able to handle training-wise, the quicker and more effective your comeback will be. Along with that advice, however, is the more important logic that you don't want to reinjure your knee. That is first and foremost, and should dictate all of your actions.

For simplicity sake, we'll use the two most-common diagnoses: 1) You are cleared for any activity, and 2) Avoid anything that puts excessive stress on your knees, like running.

Step 5, part A – If you are "cleared for any activity." Congrats! Go start exercising! However, if you want to make sure this doesn't happen again, I strongly recommend a round of P90X2®, by far Beachbody's most effective workout program for knee issues. It's designed around protocols used to keep professional athletes on the field—and keeping knees healthy is the biggest challenge they face. The program targets stabilization, especially in the hip area, and building a super-solid foundation.

Whether or not you're fit enough for X2 is a different discussion. It has an extremely modified version (hotel room modifications), so you can do the program if you aren't super-fit, but it's still very advanced. If you're in reasonable shape, this would be your go-to. If you are unsure, try the P90X® Fit Test, which you'll find here. If you can handle P90X, you should be fine with P90X2.

If you can't do the Fit Test, start with an easier program (see below). Body weight is stress for your knees, and losing extra weight will function in the same way as making your body stronger. So even if you're cleared for anything, if you have a lot of weight to lose, pretend you're cleared for limited activity.

Step 5, part B – If you are "cleared for limited activity." Again, congratulations! (Sort of.) This diagnosis usually happens after an acute injury or for those who've ignored pain for years and lost knee cartilage. You still have the same biomechanical goals of stabilizing your body, but you have to be more careful about how you do it.

Almost any Beachbody entry program might be right for building knee strength in this situation, depending on the severity of your condition. The rule to think on is this: Whatever you do that doesn't make you worse, makes you better. So every time you finish a workout without pain, or pain worse than you already have (if you're at a constant dull level of pain but still cleared to move), you're improving your ability to eliminate the pain altogether. Also, every pound you lose is less stress on your knees, which will help lessen strain, and, thus, pain. So watch your diet, and move as much as you can. Your body will respond in kind.

Here's a rundown and synopsis of some options to consider, from easiest to hardest.

Tai Cheng® – This is a great mobility and stabilization program that almost anyone can do. Downside is that it won't burn many calories or quickly change your body composition. Upside is that, no matter who you are, it will improve your knee issues.

21 Day Fix® – Currently, Beachbody's best entry-level, knee-friendly program for those who need to lose some weight. While there is some jumping in this program, and even a "plyo" workout, there are always modifiers you can follow.

Hip Hop Abs® – This predecessor to INSANITY® takes jumping out of the equation, combining basic hip hop (you don't need to know how to dance) and a lot of ab and hip work in the entry-level weight loss program.

Brazil Butt Lift® – There is some light jumping, and a lot of squatting, but if you can handle it, this program focuses on your butt and hips and greatly improves the stability of your pelvic girdle. This makes your body "track" better, reducing the strain on your knees.

Body Beast® – Controlled weight training is a great way to change your body composition without putting a lot of stress on your knees. If you want to lose weight, don't follow the "bodybuilding" focus of the nutrition guide. You can both lose weight and strengthen your knees effectively pumping iron with Sagi.

PiYo® – Chalene Johnson's combination of yoga and Pilates is great for hip stability and core strength, both vital for combating knee pain, making it a good choice for those who don't have specific ACL/MCL (or lateral) knee issues, as there is a lot of twisting at speed.

P90X3® – While it's a hard program, you can modify every move in every workout and have it serve as an effective entry point. This program, like X2, builds a super-solid foundation. It lacks the specified stabilization movements (because it doesn't use stability balls) but that also makes it a bit easier to adapt to.

~ Article via TBB

Reset your body, a great way to begin a Fitness Journey!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Body Beast Bulk Arms

Today's workout was Body Beast Bulk Arms. I really enjoy this workout because it focuses on the "glamor muscles". It's nothing but biceps and triceps for about 35 minutes, finishing off with a little ab work.

The only equipment that you need is a bench or stability ball, and some dumbbells (I enjoy using the Bowflex Selecttechs). Body Beast is basically a body-building program, but being an OCR (Obstacle Course Racing) athlete, I am not focused on bulking, rather I use the program to build strength, while being careful to not go too heavy. I actually go back and forth with P90X and Body Beast for my strength workouts. I also do most of my longer runs during my strength days, just to make sure that I get my cardio in.
Take a quick look at Body Beast

The cool thing about Body Beast is that you can use it for almost any fitness goal whether you are interested in bulking, weight loss, athletic performance, etc. It's not all about lifting heavy with Body Beast, it's about finding the weight that works for you according to your fitness goal. But I'll be really honest with you, I actually like lifting, so I catch myself "upping" my weights sometimes, and that's ok for some people, but with my type of physique, I bulk really fast, and I found that it doesn't work well for me when I am trying to run for time during a Obstacle Course Race. Heck, I remember doing strictly Body Beast, with some running in between for about 2 months straight, and I tried to PR at a 10K Turkey Trot.....I was huffing and puffing on mile 3, and out of gas by mile 5. I missed my PR from last year by almost a minute. Simply put, I learned my lesson. Every one is different, and that's just me. I mean, I know a good handful of people who kill it in the OCR circuit, and they can kill some weights, so it all depends on you, and what you can handle.

Tomorrow is a new day, keep living the FIT LIFE!

Coach Arnel

Ask me about my Online Body Beast Challenge Groups! Free Coaching Provided.