Friday, July 4, 2014

Shaun T LIVE 4th of July Workout - 2014

Shaun T LIVE 4th of July Workout - 2014

I woke up this morning and did the LIVE Shaun T 4th of July Workout (15 minutes), and it was a great full body workout to start the day! I plan to do a BODY BEAST workout later, and then enjoy the rest of the day with my family. Hope you all have an AWESOME July 4th! =) Enjoy my video!

Shaun T LIVE 4th of July Workout - 2014

I also did a little face-timing with my daughter and her little MINI =), aren't they so cute!!

Take the Insanity Challenge - Change your life in 60 Days!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

6 Minute Shaun T Workout + Spartan Super WOD

Today's workout consisted of a quick 6 minute Shaun T Workout which I used as a warm-up, a Spartan Super WOD as my main set, and T25 Cool Down stretch. I like to mix things up, so check out my workout, and feel free to try it out yourself, and post how you did in the comment section!

Here is the 6 Minute Shaun T Workout - Watch Video! (used as a warm-up)

Spartan Super WOD:
(I used the 6 min Shaun T Workout above to replace the Spartan warm-up)
Spartan Workout of the Day

 10 Jump Squats: (5X)
Jump Squats

Spartan Super WOD

50' Bear Crawl: (5X)
(I used the Insanity Asylum Agility Ladder - 1 up and back is one rep, 5 reps = 50')
Spartan WOD Bear Crawl

5 Burpees: (5X)

Spartan Workout of the Day - burpee

Spartan WOD

T25 Cool Down Stretch:
T25 Cool Down Stretch

 And that's about it! =) It was a pretty tough one for sure! Total time: 30 minutes

You can sign up for the Spartan Workout of the Day - click here, it's free, and a great way to change up your workouts, as well as help you train for an obstacle course race (if that's your goal). To get more information about Shaun T's Fitness Programs, feel free to check them out here!

Become an Elite Athlete in 30 Days!

What is Beachbody Coaching? Free LIVE Webinar

I will be hosting a FREE LIVE WEBINAR tonight on Beachbody Coaching. All of you are invited, just message me here for the direct link, and you will be on the list! =)

What is Beachbody Coaching?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

10 Ways to Stay Fit While Traveling the World

Coach Arnel - Exploration Peak Park

I decided to post a blog on this topic "10 Ways to Stay Fit While Traveling the World" because a lot of my friends are always asking me how I stay in shape while I travel, and how I train for upcoming Spartan Races or other obstacle race events while I am on the road. The questions are always the same, "how do you eat healthy", "how can you stay consistent with your workouts", "where do you workout" etc.

Currently, I've been living out of my Patagonia backpack for almost 4 months now, maybe more! One night I was setting up for the usual Tuesday night workout at 813 Fit Club in downtown Tampa, and something just told me that I should "JUST GO". I packed up everything, and I was off about a week later =). Since then, I have been traveling every week to various obstacle race events, visiting friends and family, and backpacking to amazing Wonders of the World in between. It's been absolutely amazing!

coach arnel banawa

So let's get down to business shall we!

1. BRING YOUR FITNESS WITH YOU - I am proud to say that I am a Full-Time Beachbody Coach, and I have all of my workouts including P90X, Insanity, Hybrid Schedules, and Asylum with me at all times (on my macbook). You can't bring your gym or your Crossfit box with you when you travel, but you can always bring your workouts with you! I highly recommend that you bring some Fitness DVD's, or even sign up for the Spartan Race Daily WOD's via email.

2. EXPLORE ON FOOT OR BICYCLE - You're traveling and on vacation because you want to see something different right? Well, the best way to do that is by walking or riding a bike through the city, or taking a trek or hike to the ruins. This is a great way to see things that you wouldn't normally see if you were on a bus, plus you are getting in some great cardio!

3. USE THE HOTEL GYM, OR LOCAL GYM - To be honest, I rarely stay at hotels, but when I do, I take full advantage of the gym facilities. When I stay at a hostel or a friends place, I try to go to the nearest gym to get my workout in, but most of the time I just use the space in front of me and start killing some Insanity! =) Most gyms have 3-7 day free trial passes, so most of the time, you can workout for free. At most, you will pay a $5-$10 for a day pass. Remember, the outdoor parks and running trails are always a great place to workout too, and guess what, it's free!

Total Gym Nicaragua

4. TAKE THE STAIRS - I know what you're saying "I'm on vacation!!!" Well, you're absolutely right, but is that a valid reason not to take care of your health and well-being? The way that I see it, if you want to have more vacations, and freedom to travel as much as you want, you can only do that if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. So take the stairs and quit crying! =)

5. PARTICIPATE IN LOCAL FITNESS EVENTS - You could always find events to participate in such as local 5K's or obstacle race events. There are local boot camps, free fit clubs (check out, and donation-based yoga classes. You name it, there's always something for everyone. Your best bet is to either research it online before you leave, or just ask a local once you are at your destination.

Equinox Toronto

6. TAKE A BIKE TOUR - Bike tours are a great way to see the sights. You can rent a bike and explore on your own, or take a tour. I normally take a city tour first, because let's face it, the locals know a lot more than you do, so why not learn from them, get some tips, then explore on your own after that. Oh, and If you ever mention taking a segway tour, I WILL CUT YOU! =) ha ha

7. STAY COMMITTED TO YOUR NUTRITION - Now this is probably the hardest part. It is almost impossible to stick to this 100%, but that doesn't mean that it is okay to slack either. I take my travel-friendly Shakeology packets with me when I travel, so I know that I will always be getting my daily dose of dense nutrition. If you focus on the sight-seeing activities, and not so much the food activities, then you will have a better chance at eating healthier. Pack healthy snacks in your pack while you are out exploring, this will help you from starving and eating something that you will regret later. Also, part of traveling is also about learning about culture, eating local foods etc. That is absolutely fine, but you don't have to do it every day and every meal, come on, we're not kids here =). Be strong! It does help if you travel with an accountability partner, someone who knows about you and your goals, and actually cares about them. Let's get rid of that "I'm on vacation" mentality, and you will be just as healthy and fit as when you started your travel, maybe even better!

8. PLAN A CHEAT DAY - What??!! If you plan a day of gluttony, you will have something to look forward too, and that will help you stay on track on the other days. This could be your last day of your vacation, or if you are doing long-term travel, it could be once a week, and not for a whole day, but just for one meal. I don't really like promoting cheat days, or cheat meals, but I also know that we are all human, so plan it if you need one, and it will help you stay on track!

9. PACE YOURSELF - Sometimes we get so excited when we are on vacation, and that is absolutely fine, I know that I'm guilty of it =). When you have that GO, GO, GO hustle mentality, it can create even more stress on you, and the people around you, that's not what you are traveling or on vacation for. So just slow down, PACE YOURSELF, relax, enjoy the view, and you will find yourself making better choices on your meals and activities =).

Volcano Boarding the Cerro Negro - Watch the video!

10. THINK ADVENTURE, NOT VACATION - When you think about adventure, what pops into your mind? Adventure is all about activity, excitement, exploring the unknown, and having the time of your life. When you shift from vacation mode to adventure mode, everything changes!

So I hope this helps you when you plan your next family excursion, or independent travel adventure. And I hope to bump into you soon, maybe at a gym in the Greek Islands! =)

Backpacking in Central America - Watch Video!

Try Shakeology - It's Whole Foods Nutrition in a bag!
Shakeology Risk-Free!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Behind the Back Plyo Clap Push Ups

Two of my most favorite exercises are PUSH UPS and sometimes, but not all the time, PLYOMETRICS! So this is what happens when I put both of them together:

Behind the Back Plyo Clap Push Ups

Behind the Back Clapping Push Ups

Plyo Push Ups

Push Ups - Behind the Back Plyo Clap

Watch the Video -  Behind the Back Plyo Clap Push Ups!

Oh, and for today's workout I did some mountain running. I ran up to Exploration Peak Park, which is my favorite place to train outdoors in Las Vegas! =) It was about 102 degrees out, and I about DIED! =) LOL, but I got it done, #SpartanUp right! =) Looking forward to my VIP Mecca Virtual Fit Club Challenge Group Workout tomorrow, going to kill with some P90X3 Incinerator!

Mountain Running - Exploration Peak Park

Today has been a good day! Time for my Shakeology, and some family time! What was your workout today?

Online Challenge Groups Forming Now - All Fitness Levels!
Message me here =)

What is Shakeology? Watch this!

Buy Shakeology Now!

Monday, June 30, 2014

T25 Gamma - Ript Up Workout

T25 Gamma

I did the T25 Gamma - Rip't Up Workout (25 minutes) for the first time today, and it was awesome! I know that you can tell how much fun I was having just by my facial expression above, but it was nice to have my niece and nephews there to motivate me, well ok....I mean laugh at me! =)  These weighted Rocket Launcher Pulses kicked my butt, of course in a good way =). The workout consisted of some unstable high-rep upper body pumps with some weighted core exercises. I can still feel the burn as I am writing this!

T25 Rip't Up

One of my favorite exercises are tricep kick-backs. My triceps are one of my strongest muscles, and I can do DIPS all day, ok I might be exaggerating just a little, but I do think my triceps are bigger than my biceps, looks like I need to push more weight when doing curls!

Dead Lift

Dead-lifts are not one of those "glamor" exercises, but the one-legged dead-lifts make it look "fancy". It doesn't look like much, but you're working a lot with this one!

T25 Gamma Abs

So I need more of these exercises! Chest press with alternating leg lifts! Your chest is working, arms are working, abs are working.....this is called "doing work"! Try to keep your legs straight and your head off the ground, that's when you really get the full effect of the exercise!

Downward Dog

Downward dog to plank, downward dog to one-legged plank, then to one-legged push up. By this point, your upper body is just crushed! You're like "only 25 minutes, I got this!"=)  It's a very humbling workout, and I love it because it pushes me to the limit! 

Rip't Up Workout - Gamma

Yup, my face says it all! Next time, I'm thinking about adding med balls to this particular exercise. That's how I roll, ha ha.....we'll see!

One legged balance curls

The one-legged balance curls with shoulder press, now that's a good one! If you think this is easy, then do it on top of a BOSU ball, and send me the video! By this point of the workout, all I'm doing is thinking about my Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Banana Shakeology!

3-2-1.......TIME!!!!!!! Nailed it =) Shaun T, I hate you! =)

Take the T25 Challenge!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

T25 Dynamic Core + Insanity Asylum Relief Hybrid Workout

Just finished my Sunday workout, in which I decided to do a hybrid Focus T25 Dynamic Core (25 minutes) workout along with a much needed Insanity Asylum Relief stretch (27 minutes).

T25 Dynamic Core

I enjoyed this Dynamic Core workout because it focuses on not just the front core, but also your back core, which is one of the toughest parts of my body to workout. And the fact that it was only 25 minutes, that was a plus too!

Focus T25 Dynamic Core

There were a lot of leg lifting core workouts, which is perfect if you are trying to work your lower abs, like me! The lower abs are the hardest abdominal to shred, and I am determined to get them! =)

Focus T25

My balance is terrible as well LOL, but it has fortunately gotten much better I am proud to say =). T25 Dynamic Core has some balance movements which really focus your core, as well as your whole body. I would have to say that these types of balance movements definitely have helped me with numerous balance obstacles at the Spartan Races, and other obstacle course race events.

Dynamic Core Workout

Oh did I mention that when it comes to core exercises which involve my hip flexors, I cry like a baby, yeah I know, more YOGA! =)

Insanity Asylum Relief Stretch

I would have to say that the combination of the T25 Dynamic Core followed by the Asylum Relief stretch workout was money! The exercise that you see me doing above is actually pretty tough for me because my chest is so big! =) ha ha!

Insanity Asylum stretch workout

My hammies always feel tight, so I have to continuously stretch them out. It might be because I'm getting older =), but I doubt it!  It does feel really good though every time I stretch them out though, and I think it makes me run faster! Here's my tip of the day: just don't forget to stretch, it's helped me in more ways then one! If you can do yoga, then that's even better!!

Insanity Asylum Relief Stretch Workout

And if you didn't notice, cats dig me! What can I say =)

What was your workout today?

 Get some great results with just 25 minutes per day, 5 days a week!