Thursday, August 14, 2014

Personal Development is OVERRATED!

That's what I used to think! 

As a child growing up, I was always very shy and introverted. I was the guy in the back of the room analyzing everyone else, and doing everything in my power to not be in the spotlight. I hid from my teachers and hated talking to people. I remember taking "zeros" on class assignments only because I did not want to go up in front of the whole class for a presentation. I lived my life that way for what seemed like a million years!! Don't get me wrong, I had a fun childhood, and I had some great friends, but it always took me awhile to make them, and get comfortable in my own skin with them.

I was always an Introvert
Personal Development for Introverts

I was like this all they way through my college classes. You would think that by the time I was in college that I would've come out of my shell already, but nope.....I sure didn't. I started to realize that maybe this was just the type of person that I was, and there was no hope for me.

Fast-forward to when I got married a few years later, I got involved with a very established Network Marketing Company. This company had been around for years, and what I was told is that they were the PIONEERS of the industry. This is what happened: One day I was visiting my parents in Pensacola (I was living in Tampa) and my parents had a little get together at their place and I noticed some guy in my parent's living room drawing on this white board. I'm like "who the heck is this guy?", but I just continued to listen. I said to myself that I could never do that, and talk to people about an opportunity, but I liked what he was talking about because it just made sense. My wife (now ex-wife, but such an awesome person, and a great mother) and I at the time decided to get involved with the business. It was so funny because I had my wife do all the presentations, and I acted like her secretary, yeah.....I was a wussy LOL! Then one day, one of my upline leaders confronted me and asked me who the man of the house was, and I felt a little offended by that, but at the same time, it made me realize that I was still hiding like I did when I was a little kid. I have not grown up.

 My first years in Network Marketing (far left)
(Before Team Beachbody)
My First Years in Network Marketing
It's always been a Family Business

After the conversation with my business upline coach, he introduced me to PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, and he told me about the "Book of the Month" program that our team had set up. He recommended that I start there. To make the long story short, I started doing presentations less than 2 months after I started reading the books that he recommended. It was like a game changer for me. I was only with that company for about 3-4 years, and within that time-frame, I had gained so much confidence in myself and was finally getting out of my shell.

My First Day in Network Marketing
(Before Team Beachbody)
First Day of Network Marketing
Opening the Business Kit (1996 - Pensacola, FL)

When things start looking good, something always has to happen. Another obstacle just tries to slow you down. I started going through some job changes, and then had a failed marriage. I ended up quitting Network Marketing to focus on getting my life back, and then started losing my self confidence again. It took me many years to get my feet back on the ground. I dabbled in a lot of money making schemes, made lots of money in the night life business, and had some bad relationships. I just simply lost myself.

Then one day I decided to do something with my life after years of depression and poor daily habits. My brother introduced me to P90X, and I got totally ripped and became a Beachbody Coach to help others with their goals. I didn't know at the time that Beachbody was a Network Marketing Company. I was shocked, but at the same time, I was glad because my experience with the prior company a few years back was a great experience. All I can remember was the positive energy that made an impact on me. I remember how awesome it was to be around like-minded, and goal oriented people. It was like family, and I just missed it.

As I started Beachbody Coaching, I thought to myself.....well, I don't need to read books, I know how the programs work, I'll just show people what I did, and they will follow. WRONG! =) I totally forgot about how everyone you meet has different personalities. In order for me to learn how to coach people, I had to learn about people. It wasn't about me, it wasn't about my system, it wasn't about my success......IT WAS ABOUT THEM. In order for me to become successful as a Coach, a leader, a father, a business man, I had to learn how to deal with people. This is always something that I struggled with growing up.

The one thing that I really loved about Beachbody is their products, and what they stood for. It's about living a healthy and fit lifestyle. We are not selling soap, coffee, or jewelry.....we're selling a "lifestyle". In most Network Marketing Companies, it's about selling things, products etc. And with most companies, you do not find success until you are already earning a good income. With Beachbody, it's totally different. The company and the coaches around you teach you how to become successful with your life and be happy with that. It's not about the money, it's about the changes that you make within yourself, it's about the process. I am in the "Life-Changing" business. We help people change their lives, and we get paid. It's not about selling soap, and still eating french fries in between meetings! Now I'm not saying that we are the only life-changing business out there, all I'm saying is that in this business, you will be successful even before you become successful, and there aren't too many companies that can do that for you.

Beachbody Coach Summit - Las Vegas, 2014
Personal Development Beachbody

So here I am coaching people and wondering why my business was not growing. It's because I was not focused on growing LEADERS. I was just focused on helping people lose weight and become better athletes, and I failed to show them how they can be fit and healthy and earn a living by doing that. I needed to educate myself again. So I went to my Coach for advice, and the first thing she asked me was "so which Personal Development book are you reading?" And I said, here we go again with this Personal Development BS =). But I remembered what my upline coach said many years ago that fired me up, he asked me "who is the man of the house Arnel?" And that's all I needed to hear again.

My Coach and I at a Beachbody Leadership Retreat - Orlando, FL
Personal Development Beachbody

 Hosting Beachbody Super Saturuday in Tampa, FL (2013)
Beachbody Coaching and Public Speaking

We all go through struggles, we all go through rejection, and the only way that we can get out of those situations is by helping ourselves. No one can do this for us, but ourselves! Personal Development has changed my life, my business, and I know that it can for you too. Whatever you are doing with your life, you have total control. There are a plethora of tools out there that can help you accomplish big things in life. If your goals and dreams are huge, and you are totally committed to them, but you don't know how to get there, here's my little piece of advice.....ask yourself this question: "what Personal Development book are you reading?"

The most important person is my life - MY DAUGHTER =)

Related Links:
- About Me
- What is Beachbody Coaching?
- From Night Life to Fit Life

It all begins with you! Take the Beachbody Challenge - Change Your Life!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Top Fitness and Business Apps

P90X App
My Top Fitness and Business Apps

I constantly get asked which apps and tools I use for my Beachbody Coaching Business, workouts, and OCR (obstacle course racing) projects, so I decided to write this post. I'll be honest, I don't think that I use anything different from what most people use. I am also not the type of person who goes out of their way to look for the "next best app". I find one that I like, test it out, and if I like, I use it, simple as that. And I really do not use a lot of apps, because who has time for that? I use apps to keep my business and my life simple, not complicated. So here goes!

To keep things simple, I have categorized what I use, hmmmmm.....that must be the "Emerald" personality side of me =).


Runkeeper - I've been using this app for over 2 years now. Mostly used for running, the app also tracks other activities as mountain biking, walking, cycling, hiking, downhill skiing, cross country skiing, snowboarding, skating, rowing.....ok you get the picture!

P90X - I love working out at the gym, outdoors, and at home. The P90X app allows me to take my P90X workouts anywhere and track it. It tracks P90X, P90X Plus, P90X2, and P90X3. You will never run out of workouts with this app. Available for iPhone and Android.

Get a Free Team Beachbody Membership here, then once you purchase the P90X App (Only $2.99) simply log in with your Team Beachbody Login

P90X App
P90X App

Timer+ - I use this mostly when I am leading outdoor interval training workouts, as well as my own workouts. I also sometimes use "GymTimer". Both are free!

iCross WoD - When I want to change things up, I will sometimes use this app to incorporate Crossfit workouts into the mix. I also use the Spartan WODs which comes to me via email.

Body Beast Mobile App - Must purchase the Body Beast Program in order to use this app. Body Beast Purchase Options, click here! Once purchased, you can use your Team Beachbody Login to access the mobile app here.

Body Beast Mobile App
Body Beast Mobile App

My Yoga Online - Now I know that there are a lot of FREE yoga apps out there, but I think My Yoga Online offers the most unlimited online yoga workouts. They are constantly adding new workouts from the top yogis in the industry. When I travel, I use this a lot! For only $9.95 per month, you get access to thousands of yoga workouts! Click here to join.

My Yoga Online

My Yoga Online App


Zoom - This is the app that I use the most for my business. I use this to stay in touch with my coach team and fitness challengers, as well as host team video calls. It is facebook friendly, and anyone with a Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, Phone, or Android device can use it. It's just plain awesome!
Zoom App

Google Calendar - Clearly not an app (at least I don't think it is), but this is what I use to schedule my races, meetings, and reminders. I like the fact that it is very customizable and is very user-friendly. 

PHOTO EDITING: - Ok, this is not an app, but this is the online photo editing software that I use to make collages, banners, promotional materials etc. It's free, but if you want more access to the premium features, it's only $4.99 per month.

InstaFrame and InstaCollageFrame - For collages from my iPhone and iPad.

Snapseed - For photo editing, screen shot editing etc.

PhotoToaster - Some photos come out grainy, so I use this app to smooth things out.

TimerCamera - I use this mostly to take group workout photos (Fit Club, Trail Runs, Beachbody Events etc) from my iPad. 


iMovie and Final Cut Pro for Mac - Again, these are not apps, but everyone always ask me what I use to edit my videos, so that's what I use =). There is an iMovie app, but I am terrible at editing videos from mobile devices, I need to by on a computer. My daughter edits most of her videos from her phone, I am not at that level yet =).


Globe Convert - I travel a lot, and so I use this to help me do currency conversions in other countries.

Globe Convert App

Kayak - The app that I book most of my travel for flights, car rentals and some hotels. I use the HostelWorld app to book backpacker accommodations.

HotelsCombined - I use this mostly for hotel bookings, it's like Kayak, but only for hotels.

Lonely Planet - I am a huge Lonely Planet fan, and although I would much rather use an actual travel guide book, sometimes it's more convenient to use the app, plus it doesn't take up a lot of room in my backpack! 

Lonely Planet Travel Guide App
Lonely Planet App

And that's about it! When I am all done with my meetings, team calls, editing, workouts, and traveling.....I then use this app --------> NETFLIX =).

NetFlix App

Take the P90X3 Challenge - BUY NOW!

OCR World Championships - Qualified

I never considered myself as an athlete growing up. Although I was always very active in extreme sports like skateboarding and mountain biking, I never really competed in any major sporting events. Obstacle Course Racing is currently one of the fastest-growing extreme sports, and with powerhouse companies like Reebok and Inov8 behind it, the sport of OCR is on the verge of a huge explosion!

OCR World Championships - Qualified
OCR World Championships

I was introduced to OCR (obstacle course racing) by my brother, and Diamond Beachbody Coach Fermin Banawa, he is also the guy that helped my start my fitness journey with P90X. I began my path to health and fitness back in September 2010, and never looked back. If it wasn't for my brother, my results from P90X and my nutrition overhaul with Shakeology, as well as with my Team Dynasty OCR family, I would not be here today competing with the best athletes in the world. I am very grateful for everything that I have been given, and I look forward to competing in both the Warrior Dash World Championships 2014 in Sacramento (area), California and the OCR World Championships 2014 in Ohio.

Warrior Dash World Championships - Qualified
Warrior Dash World Championships 2014

OCR World Championship Qualifications:
- How to qualify, click here

Warrior Dash World Championship Qualifications:
- For more information, click here

*The BEST Beachbody Fitness Programs for OCR: (Free Download Workout Sheets here)
- P90X
- P90X2
- P90X3
- Insanity
- Insanity Asylum
- Body Beast
- Shakeology Only
AND Running your ass off! =)

 OCR World Championships - Qualified
OCR World Championships

Related Links:
- Obstacle Course Race Training with P90X

 Join - It's FREE!
Obstacle Course Racing Videos

Fuel Up Your Workouts with E&E

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Getting Excited to Backpack Asia!

Beachbody Coach Life
Myanmar - Burma

I am a backpacker traveler, which means I basically travel only with what is in my backpack. I don't ever check in any luggage. I only bring the necessities, and purchase what I need as I go. So the question is "well, what do you pack then?". Ha ha, I will post that blog right before I leave =).

I will be leaving for South East Asia by the end of August, and I cannot tell you how excited I am! 

As far as preparation, I mostly read a lot of Lonely Planet travel books, and use the internet to do my research. The type of travel that I do is called independent travel. I prefer to plan things on my own, do things as I please, and create my own itineraries. Honestly, I don't plan much, I just go! =) I also prefer to choose my own volunteer travel opportunities, so I know that my donations go straight to the cause. There are plenty of places to do volunteer work abroad, and I enjoy doing this to help the local communities, and to learn while I'm traveling.

My growing Lonely Planet Collection
 What I read most =)

My first backpacking trip that I planned was in 2001 when I backpacked Europe for about a month, which is very short by "backpacker" standards, but this was my first backpacking trip, and I learned a lot from it. I did everything myself and planned the trip for me and a friend. No tour guides, no fancy hotels, no middle man fees. Now I know that a lot of people prefer to use travel agents and tour companies because it is very convenient, and trust me, I like convenience, but by doing that, you are limited to seeing a lot of things when using a tour company. Most of these companies only take you to the tourist areas, and I am not interested in that, I am interested in the local people, local food, and local activities.....that's why I travel, otherwise I might as well just stay home and be comfortable. Bottom line, I like going "off the beaten path", getting lost in a different part of the world is something that I am comfortable with, and I love the challenge of survival =). 

I will be flying into Manila, Philippines and luckily I still have many relatives there. I will be meeting with my cousin and he will be with me for most of my stay in the Philippines (roughly 2 weeks). I plan to visit the Banaue Rice Terraces which is located north of Manila. These rice terraces are considered a "Wonder of the World" and I will be doing 30 burpees there as part of my 100 Wonders of the World Burpee Challenge. From there I will be going south to Boracay and Palawan to visit the most beautiful islands of the Philippines, then flying out to Bangkok Thailand.

Banaue Rice Terraces - Philippines
100 Wonders of the World Burpee Challenge

I will not have a certain itinerary that I will follow, I will just be going with the flow. After Manila, I will be on my own as my cousin will not be with me when I fly to Thailand. But that's the beauty of backpacking, you meet so many people, and so really there is never a dull moment. Other places that I plan to visit are Laos and Burma. If I happen to stay longer, than I will be adding Vietnam, Cambodia, and Malaysia. I do have a couple Obstacle Course Racing competitions (Warrior Dash World Championships in NorCal, and the OCR World Championships in Cincy, Ohio) in October, so I have to be back by Mid-October, unless I am having a blast, which I know I will, so we'll just have to see! =)

OCR World Championships
OCR World Championships

Less than 2 months is just not long enough, but I also have to be back for some races, and I also have my daughter to be with, I don't want to leave her for that long, although I know that she will be fine without me, she's one tough cookie! =). This is her last year in high school, so I need to be there for her. Once she begins college, I plan to travel for 6 months at a time.

While I'm traveling, I will still be working out at least 5-6 times per week. Heck, I have some races to train for, so I will be hitting some P90X and Insanity workouts in the backpacker huts, and visiting  gyms to stay fit while I am in Asia. Not only that, Asia is pretty mountainous, so there will definitely be plenty of places to train outdoors. I'm sure that I'll also be running a lot on the beach as well while people are having fun with their Full Moon Parties =). Oh and I will be packing up my Shakeology, you better believe that, can't leave home without my Superfoods!

My Healthiest Meal of the Day - Anywhere!
Shakeology Travel Packets

So I'm pretty excited about my trip. I will be blogging about my workouts abroad, travel experiences, local food, and other things here, so stay posted. And if you're traveling and reading this, then I hope to run into you! =)

Backpack Asia
Backpack Asia

Related Links:
- More about me
- Travel blog posts

Try Shakeology Risk-Free - BUY NOW!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Family Day - The Best Thing In The World

There is nothing in the world that I love more than spending time with my family. Yesterday I spent all day with my daughter before she left for Missouri for a little summer getaway, and I had an absolute blast!

My daughter is the most important thing in my life.

 Lauren - Longbaording

We live our lives always searching for our big break, that hard-earned job promotion, making our first million, searching for the world's most amazing places, and sometimes we forget what and why we do the things that we do. Everyone in this world has a reason for why they do what they do, why they work so hard, why they train like a beast, and why they travel etc. This blog post is about why I do what I do with my life.

My awesome niece (left) and my daughter (right)

My niece Christalynn and her daugher Jada

So yes, I like to workout because it makes me feel good and makes me healthy......but why do I want to feel good, why do I want to be healthy? Yes, I love traveling......but what is it about traveling that I love, what inspires me?  We all love doing things because we say we do, but if we dig deeper, there is another reason why we do what we do. It goes much deeper than just wanting to get six pack abs, or looking good in the mirror.

I always lived an active lifestyle. I did martial arts growing up, rode skate boards, did some mountain biking and surfing. When I did these things, I mostly did it for fun.....because heck, I was young! I had no bills, no job, no worries! I was living the life like a boss player, then one day I grew up. I started working, met some people who weren't so positive about life, and started finding out what life was really all about "so they say". I would have to say it was pretty scary, and not what I thought life would be.

My brother Fermin - Longboarding
Longboarding Pensacola


When I was young, I knew that I wanted to be successful. I wanted to be rich, not necessarily monetary rich. I wanted to show my parents that I could make it without them. Then BAM, life just slapped me in the face! What I did when I was young: playing outside, being active etc. started to become a fart in the wind! I began to do less active things, and started working like a mad man. I was so busy that I didn't have time to spend with my family, and do the things that I loved doing.

Defining moments are when people finally realize things and decide to take action. Family has always been important to me. But life got in the way with multiple jobs, set backs, and even temptation. These are the things that most of us go through, and unfortunately these are the things that make us forget what's really important in our lives.

Lauren - Longboarding

Lauren with her cousin Jada and Jammer

My family is the most important thing to me. I work for my family, I travel for my family, I workout for my family. Everything that I do is for me to better myself so that I can be there for them, help them in any situation, and spend time with family! When I decided to start a fitness journey back in September 2010, it was to get my life back on track. I wanted my life back so that I could be with my family. I wanted to be happy and healthy for my daughter, and be an inspiration to know, like every father and/or parent should do for their kids.

I fully dedicate my life to my family, because they are the world to me. They make me happy when I am sad, they lift me up when I am down, and they are there for me all the time. It's so funny, but sometimes I will be having a bad day, and either my brother, mother, or someone from the family could sense it, and they will just call me. It's like a connection that no one can describe, but all I can say is that it's a family thing.

Me and Jammer - Longboarding

When I travel, I enjoy seeing things that I've never seen before. I love learning about different world cultures, and learning how to survive in a completely different environment. I don't only do this for me, I love doing this because I love sharing my stories with my family, especially my daughter. I want to not only educate myself about this wonderful world we live in, but I want to share it with others. If I could inspire just one person to travel, that would make me happy. Travel has always been a passion of mine since my first backpacking trip in Europe in 2001. After that trip, I knew that I wanted to see the world. Travel will always be my passion, and my health and fitness is my vehicle to make that happen. And my family? Yes, they are my support system. They encourage me to live my dreams, to do my passion. With that, I am truly blessed.

My parents and I at Pensacola Fit Club
Pensacola Fit Club

Family Day is the BEST thing in the world to me because it helps me remember what's important in my life. I have goals, dreams, and aspirations. Why? Because I have a family to be with, that's why =).

Family Time is the Best time!

Health and Fitness is the BEST INVESTMENT! Invest in your health now!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

P90X3 Triometrics + 21 Day Fix 10 Minute Fix for Abs

P90X3 21 Day Fix Hybrid Workout
P90X3 + 21 Day Fix Hybrid Workout

Well dang, this hybrid workout literally killed me lol =). Now don't get me wrong, P90X3 and the 21 Day Fix program is for all fitness levels, but it's all about how hard you push yourself. If you are just modifying, or just going with the flow and taking a ton of breaks, then yes, it might not kick your ass, but if you are pushing yourself, and not doing any modifications, then you will see a big difference in the intensity. But that's for any program that you do! Keep in mind, if you are modifying a lot, then this probably means that you may be doing a program or workout that is way above your fitness level, and you may need to kick it down a notch to another program. I can definitely assist you with that.

Remember, the less that you have to modify during a workout, the better results you will get. Trust me, I do modify during some of my workouts, I'm human =). But if you are modifying every move, then you shouldn't be doing that particular workout or program. If you need help with choosing a program, please message me so that I can assist you personally.

So I did P90X3 Triometrics and the 21 Day Fix - 10 Minute Fix for Abs workout, and I did this with some very motivating people through this FREE Online Fit Club that I host every week. Imagine working out in the comfort of your own home with other people who live in other parts of the world, it's pretty amazing!

P90X3 Triometrics is similar to the classic P90X Plyometrics but instead of doing 4 rounds of about 4 exercises per round, you do different moves with each exercise having 3 intensity levels. Get ready from some LEG BURNERS! And if you're a beast, try kicking it up and using a weight vest =).

P90X3 Triometrics Exercise List: Part One
(each exercise is 1 minute at 20 sec per intensity - 3 levels of intensity per exercise)
- Warm Up (2 min)
- Calf Raise Squats
- The Duper Skater: Right
- The Duper Skater: Left
- Frog Jumps
- Warrior 3 Squats: Right
- Warrior 3 Squats: Left
- Speed Skater
- Superman Lunge
- Sumo Kick
- Run Stance Squats

Warm Up
P90X3 Triometrics

Calf Raise Squats
P90X3 Triometrics

The Duper Skater: Right
P90X3 Triometrics

Frog Jumps
P90X3 Triometrics

 Warrior 3 Squats
P90X3 Triometrics

Speed Skater
P90X3 Triometrics

Superman Lunge
P90X3 Triometrics

Sumo Squat Kick
P90X3 Triometrics

Run Stance Squats
P90X3 Triometrics


P90X3 Triometrics Exercise List: Part Two
- Iso Squat: Right
- Iso Squat: Left
- Slater Squats
- Duper 2: Right
- Duper 2: Left
- Jack Squats
- Hell's Chair
- Kablam
- Cool Down

Take the P90X3 Challenge - BUY IT NOW! Free Bonus Workout Included

Iso Squats (these are like semi-pistols, pretty tough)
P90X3 Triometrics

 Slater Squats
P90X3 Triometrics

Duper 2 (these absolutely suck lol)

Jack Squats (this was the 3rd Intensity)
P90X3 Triometrics

Hell's Chair
P90X3 Triometrics

Kablam (yup, you can tell I'm crying lol)
P90X3 Triometrics

P90X3 Triometrics

Cool Down Stretch
P90X3 Triometrics

P90X3 Triometrics was definitely a LEG BURNER! I hope to get better at this one. The fact that I am from Florida and there are no mountains, this type of workout is perfect for training my legs for obstacle course races in "high places". If you haven't noticed in a few of my posts, I mostly use the elite Beachbody Fitness Programs for OCR (obstacle course racing) as well as just to stay healthy and fit. When using any of the P90X Plyometric workouts, always land softly, and don't use a weight vest until you can do the workout without modifying. This will prevent injuries.

After P90X3 Triometrics, myself and my online fit club group decided to also do the 21 Day Fix - 10 Minute Fix for Abs Workout. I'm not going to lie, but the 10 minutes felt like an hour lol.

21 Day Fix - 10 Minute Fix for Abs Exercise List: (2X)
*20 reps each exercise
- Crunches
- Table Top
- Crunches: Right Leg Up
- Crunches: Left Leg Up
- Cross Crunches
- Tap Crunches
- Twist Crunches
- Oblique Crunches (each side)

Crunches, Table Top, Crunches Leg Up, Cross Crunches, Twist Crunches, Oblique Crunches
21 Day Fix 10 Minute Fix for Abs

21 Day Fix 10 Minute Fix for Abs

I'm going to give the 21 Day Fix 10 Minute Fix for Abs workout "5 Stars" and rate it up there with the Brazil Butt Lift "Tummy Tuck" ab workout. I don't care, I know that I'm a guy, but these ab workouts always kick my butt! I don't think that I've ever done that many crunches in my life in 10 minutes! Big props to Autumn Calabrese for this awesome workout!

Take the 21 Day Fix Challenge - BUY IT NOW!

My final words:
Both workouts are great and good for all fitness levels. Again, if you feel that you are modifying every move, then it might be a good idea to try a different program with less intensity. For assistance in choosing the right program for you, feel free to fill out this Free Fitness Program Assessment, and I will be happy to give you some options to help you with your overall goals.

Discounted Challenge Pack Links:
- 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack
- P90X3 Challenge Pack
- Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Pack
- Other Challenge Packs

Choose your own Challenge - Click here!