Saturday, August 30, 2014

Shakeology Ingredients with P90X Creator Tony Horton

Shakeology Ingredients Tony Horton
Shakeology Ingredients 

I have been using Shakeology since 2010 when I began my fitness journey with P90X. A lot of things have improved since then, and many other flavors and vegan varieties have been introduced. First of all, I am not a nutrition expert, but I do know that since drinking Shakeology everyday since 2010, I am able to do things in my 40's a lot better than when I was in high school. Was it all Shakeology? Probably not, it's because you can only get the best results when you combine 80% nutrition with 20% fitness. Before Shakeology, I hated vegetables! I thought everything tasted weird as I transitioned from junk food to natural whole foods. I think the toughest part, especially as a filipino was going from eating white rice to eating brown rice. I thought it was disgusting lol. But I knew that if I wanted to change my body, I had to change what I've been putting into it. Fast forward to 2014, I am now a fan of vegetables, I don't eat a lot of grains, but if I do, it's whole grains.

 Shakeology is my Fuel
Shakeology for Spartan Race
Miami Spartan Super

My nutrition, and how I fuel my body was forever changed when I decided to begin consuming Shakeology. I can remember the first time I tried Shakeology, I made a Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Banana Shakeology with Almond Milk, and the first thing I thought was like "why is everyone not on this stuff!!" It was amazing. I have tried all the flavors, and chocolate seems to still be my all time favorite. It took me some time to get used to some of the flavors, especially the vegan ones. I have never tried a vegan shake before, so the grittiness was something that I had to get used too, but I eventually did, and now I absolutely love them! I am also more open to trying many vegan dishes that I never thought of trying in the past.

Clean Eating with Shakeology
Clean Eating with Shakeology

If you are someone who is still transitioning from eating processed foods, then it will take a bit for your body to get used to clean eating and Shakeology. I recommend that you let Shakeology run it's course and flush out all those toxins that have been accumulating in your body for years. Give it some time and let your body adjust. It takes time, but it will be worth it.

I've bumped into a few people who love making their own shakes. They love buying their own stuff fresh and juicing. I'll be honest with you, I've tried it too, but it can get very expensive to do it daily, and even when I used to buy all the stuff, it still never compared to all the ingredients that is in Shakeology. If you can put a shake together that has all the ingredients that Shakeology has, then you probably need to get in contact with corporate, I'm sure that they would like to talk to you =). But until then, why not save your money and make your life simple. That's what Shakeology is.....Simple, Whole Nutrition in a Bag.

Shakeology Ingredients
 Beachbody HQ - Santa Monica, CA

Check out this funny video with the P90X Creator Tony Horton as he gives you an idea on how many quality ingredients are in Shakeology, it will amaze you! =) Why spend several hundreds of dollars when you can get everything is just one bag? Well, you can, and it's called Shakeology!

Shakeology Ingredients: Tony Horton Checks Out Shakeology

Related Links:
- My Shakeology Website
- Shakeology is Clinically Proven
- Become a Shakeology Affiliate
- Become a Beachbody Coach
- Recipes
- P90X Program Information and Purchase Options

Friday, August 29, 2014

4 Types of Beachbody Coaches

4 Types of Beachbody Coaches
 We are Team Dynasty

I'm happy to write this post on the 4 types of Beachbody Coaches. But before we get into that, I wanted to let you know what Beachbody Coaching is not. So many people think that Beachbody Coaches are like Personal Trainers, and although we do have Coaches who are Personal Trainers, that's not what it's about. Some people think that as a Beachbody Coach, you have to be in shape or an elite athlete of some sort, but that is also far from the truth. Some people think that you have to be a salesman to become a successful Beachbody Coach, hmmmmm.....then what do you call me, because I am definitely NOT that.

The company Beachbody offers some optional certification courses for P90X, Insanity, and PIYO, but again, this is not needed to become a Beachbody Coach. A Beachbody Coach in a nutshell is anyone who is the following:

- Already living a healthy and fit lifestyle
- Fitness Professional or Non-Professional 
- Interested in starting a health and fitness journey
- Someone who loves helping people, and is not "money" focused
- Interested in making a change, and have a better life and future for themselves and their family

Coaches Change Lives
4 Types of Beachbody Coaches

You do not have to be an Elite Athlete, or be in the best shape of your life to become a successful Beachbody Coach. What I've learned in this business is that people don't relate to perfect. People relate to "real people" who are, or have gone through life struggles, and are willing and focused on helping others. As an athlete in the obstacle course racing community, I see too many people who are fixed on what they think fitness should be. They also think that there is only one type of coach, and only one way to train, that's totally ridiculous.  It is not everyone's goal to train for an obstacle course race. Some people just want to lose weight, eat healthier, and just be happy. A good coach caters to everyone and anyone. Yes, it's a good idea to have a niche (by the way, that is my niche) but again, why limit yourself just because the media (everyone else) says that it's "cool' to be this type of coach. I would much rather be a coach to people who have different goals, and be able to help coach them through whatever they decide to do. Functional Fitness is key, everything else is just "marketing".

It's funny when people call me a salesman. The reason why people think I'm a good salesman is, and they don't know it, but I am good at what I do only because I BELIEVE in what I do. If you don't believe in what you are doing, trust me, you will not talk about it, or share it with people. I know for a fact that I can help people make big changes in their lives, not just physically, but also financially. But the funny thing is that I didn't always feel that way. I didn't have the confidence in the very beginning, but that's what happens when you become a Beachbody Coach.  I see success happen all the time in this business, and I always surround myself with people just like me, and it's proved to be very beneficial. Life doesn't have to be dull, trust me, there are people out there who want success for you! 

 Beachbody Coaching is a Lifestyle
4 types of Beachbody coaches

 We live in a "marketing" world. Everything is about sales whether you like it or not. I mean, when is the last time that you recommended a movie or fancy restaurant to a friend or stranger? When was the last time you told someone that they need to do a Spartan Race or a marathon? We refer people to things, places, races, food, and products all the time. The only difference between what you do, and what I do is that I am getting paid for doing something that I am passionate about. When you love what you do, trust me, you will never have to work a day in your life! And I am here to help you experience that, but only if you are absolutely serious about your future!

So what are the 4 types of Beachbody Coaches, here you go:

1. Discount Coach #1 - Earn enough income to cover MY Shakeology & program purchases!

2. Discount Coach #2 - Earn an extra $500 a month to help with bills and/or use for future vacations!

3. Business Builder - Build a business that eventually allows me to become a fulltime coach earning 50k+ a year.

4. Top CoachI have what it takes to be a TOP 10 COACH and am ready to go FULL FORCE to get there!

 Join the Fastest-Growing Beachbody Coaching Team in history!
4 Types of Beachbody Coaches

I don't care what anyone says, I know that everyone in their right mind would love to be happier and healthier. If someone says "I enjoy being sad, depressed, and look forward to being on "meds" for the rest of my life", well I think it would be safe to say that they are not in their right mind =).  

Beachbody Coaching is about helping people reach their fullest potential. It's about living a healthy and more fulfilling life. So if you want to be miserable and unhealthy for the rest of your life, then that's your business.....but if you want to be happy, healthy, and have true financial freedom for you and your family, then that's my business! I look forward to meeting you =)

(Fill out the Coach Application and I will contact you to help you get started)

All it takes is a DECISION to change your life!
4 Types of Beachbody coaches

It all begins with taking the Beachbody Challenge:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

iPhone 6 - The Fitness App Revolution

iPhone 6 Health App
iPhone 6 via: Youtube

I have been waiting for the iPhone 6 to come out, and I just got word that it may be available on or before September 9th, 2014.

According to Forbes: iPhone 6 to "Revolutionize Sports and Fitness" with it's new Health App. Fitness Apps have been gaining more and more popularity these days, and I honestly have to say "it's about time". From athletes, runners, gym rats, P90X'ers to yogis, you can find almost any health and fitness app for anything active these days. So with all of these apps available how will you know which app is best for you?

Just like anything in life, it's about trial and error. Testing the waters is what needs to be done. Firstly, narrow it down to the activity that you are focused on, then go for the highest rated apps. There are a lot of free fitness apps out there, but for just a couple bucks more, you can get something 200X better without those annoying pop up ads!

With the new iPhone 6 coming out, I think it's really cool that they plan to have their new health app already integrated into the phone. Apple has already been advertising it with their ad "strength".  So be on the lookout for the new iPhone 6, or not =).....if you're an Android enthusiast. It doesn't matter if you have an Andriod or an iPhone, both smartphones have health and fitness apps to help you get into shape!

Apple - Strength

The Fitness App Revolution is coming on strong, but just as a reminder to all of you, it's not about the app or the workout program, or the gym membership........that's only 20% of your results. If you want to get the best results, it's highly recommended that you focus 80% on your nutrition, what your fuel your body with.

iWatch based on Nike Fuelband
iwatch fuelband

I am excited to be starting some Online Challenge Groups incorporating some of these popular fitness apps along with the best Superfoods Shake on the market, Shakeology. I've actually already started, so ask me about the following challenges, and let's get started today:

- Running Challenges
- Crossfit Challenge
- Beachbody Challenge
- Fitness App Challenge
And much more!

Contact me about any of the challenges above 

All of the above challenges will require challengers to be on Shakeology for at least 30 days. Why? I can't keep track of your workouts everyday, but at least I know that you are having your daily dose of dense nutrition with the best nutrition shake on the market, that's why! =)

Shakeology is Clinically Proven - Watch Video:

Shakeology 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

P90X - Cardio X

P90X Cardio X is a 43 minute workout which is included with the P90X Classic Program. You will not find the Cardio X workout in the Classic Workout Schedule, only in the Lean and Doubles Workout Sheets. Although it is not included in the classic workout sheet, some people replace the P90X Plyometrics workout with Cardio X.

P90X - Cardio X
P90X Cardio X

Not one of my favorite P90X workouts, but I use this mainly on a rest or recovery day. The workout consists of a little bit of yoga, martial arts, fat-burning cardio, and plyometrics. This would also make for a good workout if you are just trying to get some cardio in for the day, and you don't feel like running.

P90X - Cardio X
P90X Cardio X

The great thing about this workout is that you can go as intense as you want. There are modifications available, so it is perfect for anyone of all fitness levels. It's also a fun workout to do as a group, especially if you are a Beachbody Coach who runs a Beachbody Fit Club.

P90X - Cardio X
P90X Cardio X

The one thing about this workout is that you can easily slack if you want to =). But if you go full intensity all the way to the end, you can burn some major calories with this. Just remember, when you are doing the power punches and kicks, that you do them with proper form or you can easily tweak your back or knees. Foot placement when you are kicking and punching is very important, keep your core tight, and always breathe =).

P90X - Cardio X
P90X Cardio X

P90X is definitely one of my favorite workouts to do on a weekly basis, specifically for strength. I just wanted to add this REMINDER in closing just for some of you out there who think that P90X is just a 90 Day Program. Most people do not know that P90X currently includes: P90X Classic, P90X2, P90X3, P90X Plus, P90X Certified Classes, and 3 years worth of P90X One on One Workouts. P90X is not just a 90 Day Program, it's a lifestyle. Don't let anyone tell you anything different just because they want you to try their program or gym. P90X is one of the most versatile workout programs out there. You can do P90X anywhere: the gym, your home, outdoors, incorporated with your other workouts, and in a group setting. Whatever your goal is, whether to lose weight, bulk up, lean up, train for a Spartan Race, or just maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle.....P90X is for you!

If you are not sure how you could incorporate P90X into your life, then please feel free to contact me, I can assist you with customized P90X schedules and Online P90X Challenge Groups to keep you motivated and accountable with hundreds of other people. I look forward to your success. And remember, it's not just about's a LIFESTYLE.

P90X - Cardio X at Pensacola Fit Club
Pensacola Fit Club

Related Links:
- How to do P90X at the Gym
- How to gain mass with P90X
- P90X Program Information and Purchase Options
- Become a Beachbody Coach, JOIN MY TEAM!

Do you love P90X? Get P90X Certified Now!

Monday, August 25, 2014

25 Plyo Clap Push Ups

p90x plyo clap push ups
 25 Plyo Clap Push Ups

Today's workout was P90X Chest/Shoulders/Tris Workout with some Push Sleds in between sets. I love throwing stuff in with P90X because it helps me prepare for my obstacle course races, and most importantly, it keeps my workouts exciting. I would like to make a point here though: If you have not completed the full P90X program, then I do not really recommend hybrid workouts unless you are already at an advanced fitness level. P90X alone is VERY intense (one of the reasons why the success rate (people who finish the program) is pretty low), so to add additional exercises in between, it could be difficult for someone who is a at a beginner and/or intermediate level of fitness. Heck, it's even tough for most elite athletes! As always, listen to your body and always use proper form. Ask me about my upcoming P90X Challenge Groups, I will personally coach you through the program!

After the 19th exercise on the workout movement list, I was able to complete 25 PLYO CLAP PUSH UPS which I was actually shocked that I was able to do so. I can easily knock out 30+ Plyo Clap Push Ups without doing any exercises beforehand, so doing 25 after finishing 19 exercises prior PLUS a set of "Push Sleds" with a total weight of about 344lbs. (74lb Dog Sled with six 45lb plate weights), I was amazed! I have been doing a lot a P90X Weight Training and some Sand Bag Workouts, so I have been seeing some strength gains.

Plyo Clap Push Ups - 19th Exercise
P90X Chest Shoulders Tris

Here is a photo of me doing a 344lb Push Sled front and back. It's a great exercise to do in between P90X sets because it combines strength and cardio, which is exactly what I need when I am racing at a Spartan Race or other OCR's (obstacle course races).

 Push Sleds

If you are wondering where I am doing the above workout, it is at the Powerhouse Gym - Downtown Tampa. This place is amazing and even though I don't live in Tampa anymore, I still continue my membership at this gym because I love the facility so much! If you are ever in the Tampa, FL area, I highly recommend that you try to make a visit, you'll be glad that you did!

Here is the video of me doing the 25 Plyo Clap Push Ups. I wasn't going for height, I was primarily shooting for reps. Check it out:

25 Plyo Clap Push Ups - P90X

How many Plyo Clap Push Ups can you do? Feel free to comment below!

If you have any questions about P90X, or any of the other Beachbody Fitness Programs, please do not hesitate to contact me, I am here to help! =) Chat soon!

P90X at the GYM
P90X at the gym

Related Links:
- P90X Program Information and Purchase Options
- How to do P90X at the gym
- How to gain mass with P90X
- Obstacle Course Race Traning with P90X
- P90X Nutrition Plan

P90X Works! Try it now!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What It Takes To Become A Fitness Entreprenuer

This is a very broad topic, but I'm going to try to keep things as simple as possible =). Some of the most successful entrepreneurs out there have found wealth because they have discovered a product or service that the general population wants or needs. It's all about supply and demand in the business world.

 With Joe DeSena - Spartan Race Founder
Joe Desena Spartan Race Founder

The one thing that really sets a Fitness Business a part from any other business out there is that it's a "life changing" business. You can actually literally change and save someone's life! It's not about selling electronic gadgets or gizmos, it's about helping people become happy, healthy, stronger, fitter, and confident. When people talk about investments, it's all about how much will your ROI will be, but think about it, all of that investing in stocks, bonds, and real estate doesn't matter if you are not in good health. Let's face it, you will be able to make better decisions if you are happier and healthier. You will be able to enjoy your investments only if you are alive to enjoy them.

"Comfort stunts growth" - Joe DeSena, Spartan Race

Health and Fitness is the best investment that anyone could ever make. I have seen many successful entrepreneurs who have built 7-figure businesses only to later pass away at a young age due to poor health and eating habits. Why work that hard and not be able to enjoy it for years to come?

 Katrina Hodgson and Karena Dawn -
Katrina Hodgson and Karena Dawn - Fitness Entrepreneurs

It's a no brainer! Whether people want to admit it or not, we all would like to be more happy, healthy, fit, and have more freedom. Entrepreneurs such as Tony Horton, Jillian Michaels, Greg Glassman, Katrina Hodgson and Karena Dawn have all figured this out. They all believe in what they do, and all they did was share it, and that is how they were able to find success as a Fitness Entrepreneur. Was it tough? Absolutely! Do you think they wanted to quit? I'm pretty sure they did. But there's something about being in the fitness industry that gives you the advantage. You may be having a bad day, but the moment you decide to workout, everything changes! It's a feeling that you can NEVER get from your iPhone or the car that you're driving. It's a feeling that you can only get from eating healthy and exercising, and that's the power behind health and fitness. These entrepreneurs have built their confidence, they understood how to handle set backs, and this is what helped them become strong and do things that the average person would never do.

With Tony Horton - Creator of P90X
Tony Horton Fitness Entreprneur

Living the healthy and fit life is the secret to long life and success in anything that you do. So if you think about it, it truly is the best business in the world! The question is, how can I get started? Well, there are plenty of ways such as getting a degree from a college, getting your personal training certification, and/or affiliating with a company who compensates you for being healthy and fit, that's what I have done. I mean, why buy from a GNC when I can buy from myself and keep the profits!

"If you want to be successful, then surround yourself with successful people"

Anyone can become a Fitness Entrepreneur, but not everyone will. So what does it take to become a successful Fitness Entrepreneur? Here are some things to consider:

- Requires "shameless" self-promotion. If you care what people think, and not what you believe in, then any business will be tough for you.

- Requires having a system that can be duplicated.

- Requires thinking the exact opposite from the average person

- Requires passion for helping people

- Requires long-term thinking and delayed gratification

So the next time that you are eating that healthy meal, or working out at the gym or at home, think about this....I could be getting paid for this! And you are absolutely right =) Health and Fitness is a lifestyle, and also a vehicle that can give you true Financial and Time Freedom. There are a lot of options, but if you are interested in finding out what I have done, then feel free to connect with me. I can show you how I fired 3 of my miserable jobs, and now travel the world by running an online Beachbody Coaching Business. How would you like to eventually have the opportunity to create a 6-7 figure online fitness business with literally no employees! I can show you how =).

 Zuzka Light -
Zuzka Light Fitness Entrepreneur

Whatever route that you take in the fitness industry, just make sure that you absolutely love what you're doing, and you are helping people along the way. Do it with passion, do it like you don't need the money, and it will eventually come. Good luck and I look forward to your success as a Fitness Entrepreneur!

Make Fitness Your Business!
Become a Beachbody Coach

Related Links:
- Become a Beachbody Coach
- Personal Training versus Beachbody Coaching
- Shakeology Affiliate Program

Jump start your fitness and nutrition - START NOW!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Insanity Asylum POWER LEGS Workout with Sand Bag and Weight Vest

This Asylum Power Legs Workout is part of the Insanity Asylum Volume 2 Elite Series. The original workout uses dumbbells with no weight vest. I am training for a couple OCR Championship Races, so I decided to kick it up a notch and add an even more extreme level of difficulty.

Full Workout Video Below!
Insanity Asylum V2 Power Legs
 Insanity Asylum V2 Power Legs

This workout is geared more towards advanced fitness levels such as athletes who play football, soccer, basketball, track, running, and even obstacle course racing. Insanity Asylum workouts are versatile as long as you have the equipment. You can do these workouts at home, gym, or even outdoors. Insanity Asylum Workout Sheets are available. It's always recommended to watch the videos first so that you can fully understand the movements, this will ensure that you are doing the right exercise with proper form.

Total Time: 50 minutes
Equipment: Agility Ladder, Resistance Strength Bands, Dumbbells or Sand Bag (I used a 25lb sand bag)
Optional: Weight Vest (10-15lbs)

Insanity Asylum V2 - Power Legs
Insanity Asylum V2 Power Legs

Warm Up:
- Agility: The Audition (this is a combination of speed and agility movements, definitely watch the video first)
- Agility Counter Attacks
- Agility On Your Marks
- Active Stretch (2 minutes)
- Power Broad Jump

The Main Workout consists of 6 rounds plus a Burn Out Round. Each round consists of 2-5 exercises which are 30 seconds to 2 minutes each.

Round 1:
- Jump Squats (1 min)
- Plank Leg Taps (30 sec each leg)
- Power X Jumps (1 min)
- Plank Jacks (1 min)

Round 2: (with resistance bands around both ankles)
- Agility Stance Jacks (1 min)
- Split Lunge Agility (1 min)
- Agility Heisman (30 sec)
- Jack Press (1 min)
- Agility Touch Squats (1 min)

Round 3:
Repeat Round 2 without resistance bands around ankles
- 30 seconds each exercise except the Agility Touch Squats, which stays at 1 minute.
(I did not use the resistance bands on my video above)

I'm training for the OCR World Championships
OCR World Championships

Round 4:
- Diagonal Dumbbell Squat (I used a sand bag instead of dumbbells) 1 min.
- Wide Plie Squat (30 sec)
- Plie Squat Hop (30 sec)

Round 5:
- Agility Crossword Puzzle (definitely watch video) 30 seconds
- Kettlebell Swings (I did a sand bag modification for this - Squat, Curl, Press) 30 seconds
- Plank Double Hop (30 sec)
- Kettlebell Swings (same as above) 30 seconds
- Plank In and Out Hop (I added a sand bag carry - optional) 30 seconds

Round 6:
- Power Jump Kettlebell Swing (8 power jumps + 8 kettlebell swings) 2 minutes
I did a sand bag modification instead of kettlebell swing - did Squat Thrust
- Agility Hops (30 sec)

Burnout Round: (I replaced using a dumbbell with sand bag)
30 seconds each move (5 minutes)
- Narrow Squat
- Wide Squat
- Wide Plie Squat
- Lunge Right
- Wide Plie Squat
- Lunge Left
- Wide Plie Squat
- Wide Squat
- Narrow Squat

Cool Down (2 min)

Watch my Asylum Power Legs Workout using a Sand Bag and Weight Vest:

Related Links:
- Obstacle Course Racing Training with P90X
- How to Train With a Weight Vest
- What is the Beachbody Challenge?
- Become a Beachbody Coach - Join my Team

Get the Insanity Asylum Volume 2 Elite Series - BUY NOW!