Sunday, July 24, 2016


Post Bonefrog Challenge Workout, Bonefrog Challenge Workout, 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, Day 7 Week Two 22 Minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 2 and Core 1 Workout, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial
Watch Video Below

So I just got back from South Carolina late last night from filming an obstacle race called the Bonefrog Challenge. As soon as I arrived home last night, I was BEAT UP, but I ended up still working late to upload all the video footage and viewing all the GoPro clips (4 GoPros) that I took during the race.

Post Bonefrog Challenge Workout, Bonefrog Challenge Workout, 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, Day 7 Week Two 22 Minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 2 and Core 1 Workout, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial

I woke up early this morning and immediately started video editing, and finally finished the race video. If you want to check it out, I will post the video below =) It was REALLY HOT in South Carolina (109 degrees), but it was definitely an epic event. 

Because I filmed the Bonefrog Challenge all day on Saturday, I ended up taking a REST DAY from my 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, and decided to do Saturday's workout "today" (Sunday), which keeps me up to date on my workout schedule. Although I took a day off yesterday, it really wasn't a day off because I ran almost 10 miles filming through the Carolina Hilly Terrain of Winnsboro, SC. I definitely felt the burn in my legs today, so I may have to modify some moves tomorrow to ensure that I do not OVER-TRAIN and injure myself. I listen to my body a lot more these days, YUP, I learned my lesson =) 

At any rate, WEEK 3 of my 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge begins tomorrow! =)

Day 7, Week Two - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 2 + Core 1

Do you want to watch my BoneFrog Challenge Video from South Carolina? Check it out below! If you want to learn more about my Cause-Related OCRTUBE Media Project - Click Here!

BONEFROG CHALLENGE - South Carolina 2016

Start working out for FREE with Beachbody on Demand (30 Day Trial)
Post Bonefrog Challenge Workout, Bonefrog Challenge Workout, 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, Day 7 Week Two 22 Minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 2 and Core 1 Workout, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial

Friday, July 22, 2016

Day 5, Week Two - 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge | Resistance 2

Day 5 Week Two 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, Outdoor Beachbody Workout, Beachbody on Demand, 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 2 Workout, BoneFrog Challenge South Carolina 2016
Watch Video Below

I took my 22 Minute Hard Corps Workout outdoors today! It's Day 5, Week Two of my challenge, and although my father and I were in two different states (we are doing this challenge together), we got it done!

I was traveling and on the road all day, but I found a high school outdoor track which was perfect to get my workout in. It was the first time that I did my 22 Minute Hard Corps workout at an outdoor environment, and I loved it! I'll be taking a rest day tomorrow to film the BoneFrog Challenge in Winnsboro (South Carolina), but I will be using my Sunday REST DAY as Saturday's original workout =).

Day 5, Week Two - 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge | Resistance 2

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Day 4, Week Two - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 1 + Special OPS Core

22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 1 + Special Ops Core Workout, Beachbody on Demand, Special Ops Workout,
Watch Video Below

DONE!!!! I really cannot wait until I get better at the CORE WORKOUTS, it's my downfall, I'm terrible at core workouts, but looking forward to the results in the coming weeks, stay tuned =)

Day 4, Week Two - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 1 + Special Ops Core

Opportunity to Make a Difference {Health & Fitness}

Making a Difference, End the Trend Of Obesity, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coaching Benefits, Why Become a Beachbody Coach, Own your own internet fitness company, Beachbody Coach Success
It's time to Make a Difference!

LAST NIGHT, I had the opportunity to be on a video conference call with some of the TOP leaders in the fitness industry, as well as the amazing CEO of Beachbody, Carl Daikeler.

First and foremost, I just wanted to let you know that this post is NOT trying to sell you, recruit you, or even try MOTIVATE you. The goal for this LAST MINUTE post is simply just to throw some ideas and numbers by you, especially if you've ever thought of getting involved with the health and fitness industry as an ENTREPRENEUR focused on really making a difference.

And not just any entrepreneur who sells products and services, I'm talking about owning your own internet company that is truly based on helping people achieve some big goals - fitness and financial. You see, as an online Beachbody Coach, financial success is based on how many people you help, not about how many fitness products you sell.

I've been involved with companies in the past where in order to be successful, you had to sell things like soap, make up, and phone services just to name a few, and while some of these products are consumable and just made sense because we were all doing it anyway, I was really never passionate about it. During the process of selling, I didn't experience any REAL life-changing events, and although I loved the concept, my heart just wasn't in it.

When I finally found Beachbody, the company that I am affiliated with, that all changed. I actually found success before earning a decent income. It wasn't about the money, it was more about making changes in my health and fitness and sharing it with others. You see, I experienced LIFE-CHANGING events and I wasn't even making any money. As time went on, I began to just focus on helping people with their health and fitness goals, and all of a sudden, I had a business, and I began receiving paychecks every week....just for sharing my lifestyle with people!

Never considering what I did as a business (I always thought of what I did as a Beachbody Coach as a hobby because I loved it so much), I began to realize that there is potential in creating a life by design, you know.....doing something that you are actually PASSIONATE about, and making a living out of it. I never knew anything like that existed, I thought that athletes and celebrities only lived this type of lifestyle....I was wrong.

If you look at the photo above. The CEO of Beachbody displayed some average health and fitness stats from just North America alone. According to the numbers above, there are currently more than 226 MILLION people who still need help. 226 MILLION people who are out of shape and miserable. 226 MILLION people who are looking for people like you and I to help them live a better life for themselves and their families.

With Beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler
Making a Difference, End the Trend Of Obesity, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coaching Benefits, Why Become a Beachbody Coach, Own your own internet fitness company, Beachbody Coach Success

Do you have Entrepreneur Tendencies, but just don't know where to start? Do you really want to make a difference by helping people? Then WHY NOT YOU? Why not help me and thousands of others who are part of this movement to END THE TREND OF OBESITY, why not you, and why not now?

You've heard of companies like Uber who is the largest taxi company in the world, but does not own ONE TAXI. You've heard of the company Airbnb, who is considered a real estate and hotel company, but doesn't own any hotels at all. What about this company called AirDine founded in Sweden. They are one of the fastest-growing restaurant companies, and they don't even own ONE RESTAURANT! These companies are making BILLIONS for providing a service to people, and at the same time, also helping people with their financial goals as well.

Now imagine yourself owning one of the biggest health and fitness related internet companies with the potential to earn millions by helping millions, and GUESS WHAT, you can do this from anywhere around the world with a laptop or smartphone, and you don't even have to own a single GYM! That's the power behind owning your own Online Beachbody Coaching Business. WHY NOT YOU, WHY NOT NOW?

Message me here, and let me help you get started, there are people waiting for us, let's make a difference together! =)

You are the average of the 5 people that you spend most of your time with,
surround yourself with people who will only lift you up and help you grow
Making a Difference, End the Trend Of Obesity, Become a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coaching Benefits, Why Become a Beachbody Coach, Own your own internet fitness company, Beachbody Coach Success

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

My Dad Did 3 Strict Pull Ups Tonight!!!

Day 3 Week Two 22 Minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 1 Workout, Arnel Banawa, Free Beachbody Coaching, Free Fitness Coach
Watch Video Below

I'm going to keep this blog post really short because it's about 1:45am right now, and I need to hit the sack, just have to post my accountability post and video =)

Today (well yesterday) was Day 3, Week Two of my 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge! We did the Resistance 1 Workout today, but the BEST PART was that my 71 year old Dad did 3 STRICT PULL UPS tonight. He hasn't been able to do a pull up in I don't know how many years! This 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge is really doing amazing things for him, and I cannot wait to see how he feels at the end of the 60 Day Challenge. Please feel free to continue following my accountability posts here, and if you need some health and fitness MOTIVATION, please do not hesitate to contact me here, I'd love to help you reach your goals!

From mountain bike shopping, to eating PHO, to watching movies with family, to coach conference calls, and working was a pretty busy day today! =)

Day 3, Week Two - 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, Resistance 1

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What's the Deal with Pokemon GO?

Day 2 Week Two 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, 22 mInute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 2, Special Ops Core Workout, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Pokemon Go Workout
Watch Video Below

I had to check out what this Pokemon Go game was all about, so before my workout today, I went to a couple local parks in Downtown Pensacola, as well as Pensacola Beach to play the game. Along the way, I met some diehard fans who were playing as well.

I am definitely NOT considered a GAMER, but I do like the idea of this particular game getting people out of the house and off the couch. Being a Beachbody Coach, it's something that I enjoy seeing, "people being more active". I'm looking forward to seeing some creative workouts coming out of this phenomenon.

After my little Pokemon Adventure, I went back home to do my 22 Minute Hard Corps Workout with my father. It's Day 2, Week 2 of our challenge, and we did the Cardio 2 along with the Special Ops Core Workout, and it was pretty tough doing it for the very first time. I'm excited to see some improvements in the coming weeks!

Day 2, Week Two - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 2 + Special Ops Core

Try P90X, Insanity and more Beachbody Workouts for FREE (30 Day Trial)
Day 2 Week Two 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, 22 mInute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 2, Special Ops Core Workout, Beachbody on Demand Free Trial, Pokemon Go Workout

Monday, July 18, 2016

Day 1, Week Two - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Resistance 2

Day 1 Week Two 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Resistance 2 Workout, Sandbag Workout, 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Pack, Free Beachbody Coaching
Watch Video Below!

It's Day 1, Week Two of my 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge!!! Today, my father and I did a new workout which was Resistance 2, what a great workout! It took me a couple rounds to get into the rhythm of doing the chin up crunches, but I'm excited to see my gains on this exercise alone.

There are a lot of reps in the beginning of this workout, and by the time you get to the end, you'll be glad that the workout is only 22 minutes =), I  know that I was!!

I felt very strong today, and I am looking forward to killing it the rest of the week, just wanted to say thank you so much for following my journey, and if you need any fitness motivation, feel free to message me here, I'd be happy to be your Free Personal Coach!

Day 1, Week Two - 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge

Start the 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Today, FREE Coaching from me!
Day 1 Week Two 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Resistance 2 Workout, Sandbag Workout, 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Pack, Free Beachbody Coaching