Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Day 2, Week Eight - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 3 + Core 2

Day 2 Week Eight 22 Minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 3 and Core 2 Workout, Facebook LIVE Workout, Free Beachbody Coaching

I was feeling a bit under the weather today, but I did what I could. It's actually pretty tough for me to slack on my workouts, but here's the kicker...... I procrastinate a lot, so it may take me awhile to workout, but once I'm in, I am ready to kill it =)

I definitely find it to be more productive to workout earlier in the day because it leaves me a lot more time to go about my day and stick to my schedule when it comes to business tasks. My issue is that I will get so involved with my online coaching business, that I will actually pile on more tasks to delay my workout =) Anyone else do that?


On my good days, I somehow just wake up and automatically start my day, sometimes putting my shoes on before I eat breakfast secretly preparing for a morning run, and then later doing my workout shortly after.

I'm human. I'm not trying to impress anyone =). Staying fit and healthy is still a challenge for me on certain days, but what I've found to be very helpful is finding an accountability partner who will keep me in check. I'm so blessed that my father decided to do this 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge with me, because everyday he asks me, "what's our workout for today?", and something simple as that really keeps me on my toes. Do you have someone to keep you accountable?

Day 2 Week Eight 22 Minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 3 and Core 2 Workout, Facebook LIVE Workout, Free Beachbody Coaching
Ask me about my Free Online Accountability Group exclusively for 
Beachbody Workouts and Obstacle Course Racing Enthusiasts

Today's workout was Cardio 3 + Core 2, and my Dad and I recorded our last round of the Cardio 3 workout on Facebook LIVE, so that is what I'll be sharing on this post =)

Anyways, thanks for following my fitness journey, and if you are ready to start your own journey, I'd love to help you. I work with all fitness levels and goals, so shoot me a message here, and I'll chat with you soon =)

Day 2, Week Eight - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 3

Monday, August 29, 2016

Day 1, Week Eight - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Special Ops Resistance

Day 1 Week Eight 22 minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Special Ops Resistance, Beachbody Workouts for Obstacle Racing, Obstacle Course Race Training with P90X, Beachbody OCR Fit, Beachbody OCR Coach, Mud Titan 6 Video
Watch Video Below

So I'm finally on WEEK 8 of my 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge with my Dad, and it's hard to believe that we're almost done! We actually missed one workout last week, so we will be adding the last workout this Sunday, and that will be our last workout, and when we will officially have completed this 60 Day Challenge =)

I filmed an obstacle course race this past Saturday, and I was planning to do my missed workout on Sunday, but I was so BEAT TIRED that I didn't get it done, so I'll add it to the end of the week =). I'll share the obstacle racing video below from the Mud Titan 6 event which was held about 30 minutes outside of Tampa. It was a great local race organized by some very amazing people.

With Coach Gina at Mud Titan 6 - FL
Day 1 Week Eight 22 minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Special Ops Resistance, Beachbody Workouts for Obstacle Racing, Obstacle Course Race Training with P90X, Beachbody OCR Fit, Beachbody OCR Coach, Mud Titan 6 Video

Filming Mud Titan 6 in Plant City, FL - August 2016
Day 1 Week Eight 22 minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Special Ops Resistance, Beachbody Workouts for Obstacle Racing, Obstacle Course Race Training with P90X, Beachbody OCR Fit, Beachbody OCR Coach, Mud Titan 6 Video

Anyways, here's my workout accountability video, we did Special Ops Resistance today!

Day 1, Week Eight - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Special Ops Resistance

Check out my latest OCR video from the Mud Titan 6 event. You can learn more about my Cause-Related OCRTUBE Media Project by clicking here!

Mud Titan 6 - Florida 2016

Do you love Beachbody Workouts and Obstacle Course Racing? Ask me about joining my FREE Online Accountability Group focused on using Beachbody Workouts for Mud Runs and Obstacle Races, it's a great way to meet other Beachbody OCR Coaches, and other like-minded OCR Enthusiasts! Message me here =) 

Day 5, Week Seven - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Resistance 3

Day 5 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps. 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 3 Workout, Diamond Coach Dinner, Top Beachbody Coach Party, Become a Beachbody Coach, Top Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Life
Watch Video Below

Getting my little workout in before I film the Mud Titan 6 race the next day! (I did this workout on 8-26-16) I ended up being really lazy and not wanting to go down to the hotel gym, so I did my workout in my room. It was pretty tight, but still doable =)

Today's workout was Resistance 3, which is the only resistance workout that requires no pull-ups. I think the most challenging move on this workout is the MOUNTAIN SQUATS, they get me every single time, and there are a ton of reps! It's definitely a great full body move which targets your core, legs, arms and shoulders. It's the ones you hate that will make you stronger!

Here's my 22 Minute Hard Corps accountability workout video!

Day 5, Week Seven - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Resistance 3

After my workout, I attended an exclusive Diamond Beachbody Coach Team Dinner in Trinity, FL. It was an amazing event, and I ate pretty good. I did cheat a little and I know it isn't an excuse, but I'll have you know that I burnt the crap out of those calories at the Mud Titan 6 Race the next morning, I'll post the race video that I created in the next post =)

Here are some photos from the Diamond Coach Dinner event which was hosted at my friend and Million Dollar Coach Earner Seay's house.

Lindsay and I
Day 5 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps. 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 3 Workout, Diamond Coach Dinner, Top Beachbody Coach Party, Become a Beachbody Coach, Top Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Life

Steven and I
Day 5 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps. 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 3 Workout, Diamond Coach Dinner, Top Beachbody Coach Party, Become a Beachbody Coach, Top Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Life

The Toast
Day 5 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps. 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 3 Workout, Diamond Coach Dinner, Top Beachbody Coach Party, Become a Beachbody Coach, Top Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Life

Me and Kati
Day 5 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps. 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 3 Workout, Diamond Coach Dinner, Top Beachbody Coach Party, Become a Beachbody Coach, Top Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Life

Do you need some health and fitness motivation? Would you like to turn your passion for fitness into an online business that you can do from anywhere around the world? Contact me here, I'd love to help you get started on your journey! =) Looking forward to meeting you!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Day 3, 4 - Week Seven | 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge

Day 3 and 4 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, Spartan Up, 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 1 Workout, Cardio 3 and Core 2, Join My Beachbody Coach Team, Become a Beachbody Coach
Day 3 + 4, Week 7 Videos Below =) 

The 22 Minute Hard Corps Workouts are challenging enough, let alone posting a video and blog of each workout, but I'm pretty happy that I'm almost done =) Just a little over one week left, and my Dad and I will have completed 60 days of this challenge.

What's next? Well, I think we are leaning more towards the 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge. I've been missing some good ole classic weight-lifting, and although 21DFX is not classic lifting, it will involve a WEE_BIT more weights than 22 Minute Hard Corps, so that's good enough for me =) I will probably do a P90X3/Body Beast Hybrid Workout after 21 Day Fix Extreme, but we shall see!

I believe in bringing back the strong man mentality from the past,
technology has made us weak, it's time to #SpartanUp and 
live the active lifestyle that was once the norm. 
Day 3 and 4 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, Spartan Up, 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 1 Workout, Cardio 3 and Core 2, Join My Beachbody Coach Team, Become a Beachbody Coach
Join my Coach Team, and help me fight the trend of obesity...NOW!

Just a little summary on how I've been feeling on week 7. My core is definitely getting much stronger, and what I mean by that is I am able to complete more reps than usual without getting burned out or tired. Yesterday was a good example when I was doing Cardio 3 + Core 2. My accountability partner Steven complimented me and told me that he noticed my improvement in my core exercises, so that confirmed everything for me, other than what I've been feeling.

This past few days, I've been in Tampa visiting my daughter so I haven't been able to workout with my Dad, but he's been sending me his workout accountability pics, so yes, he's still killing it!

On this post, I will be sharing bot of my Day 3 and Day 4 accountability videos, so here they are =)

Day 3, Week Seven - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Resistance 1

Day 4, Week Seven - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 3 + Core 2

And of course, here are my Dad's workout accountability photos from Day 3 and 4, Week 7. I am so very proud of him for staying consistent even though I am not able to workout with him. Not only is he committed to his workouts, he's been staying on point with his nutrition and drinking his Shakeology everyday =)

Day 3, Week 7
Day 3 and 4 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, Spartan Up, 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 1 Workout, Cardio 3 and Core 2, Join My Beachbody Coach Team, Become a Beachbody Coach

Day 4, Week 7
Day 3 and 4 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, Spartan Up, 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 1 Workout, Cardio 3 and Core 2, Join My Beachbody Coach Team, Become a Beachbody Coach
71 Years Young and KILLIN IT!

Are you ready to start a fitness journey? Do you need some motivation and accountability? I can help =) Feel free to message me here, and I'll help you get started with one of my online accountability groups, and introduce you to others who are getting some amazing results! Chat soon =) 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

6 Extinct Obstacle Course Races I've Filmed and Miss!

6 Extinct Obstacle Course Races I've Filmed and Miss, The End of Battlefrog Series, Monster Challenges, Extreme Nation Hobie Call, Vintage Obstacle Course Races, Atlas Race Kansas, Filming OCR with GoPro, GoPro Filmmaker, Obstacle Race Training with P90X

So I've been making obstacle course racing (OCR) videos with my GoPro since 2011, and I've not only seen the FAST-GROWTH of this sport, but I've also witnessed the decline and extinction of many race companies, as well as athletes who have come and gone. I've filmed many athletes from their very first race to when they hit OCR Celebrity Status on national television. I was there when OCR wasn't even cool, we didn't know what to call it back then. I was pointing cameras at everyday people in mud way before NBC Sports and ESPN got involved. I've seen this sport grow from the VERY beginning, and it's been an amazing journey.

I'm not the type of person who get's involved with the politics of what goes wrong, and why decisions are made, that's not my cup of tea. If you've seen any of my videos, you will notice that I just focus on the positive side of things, and try to just share the sheer beauty of the sport. OCR has changed my life in many ways. I have met some wonderful people, and have experienced the most beautiful and toughest places on the planet, and it just saddens me when I see companies fold.

I create videos to help the sport grow, and when race companies fall from the face of the earth, I feel sadness for the athletes, as well as the companies. I look back at some of my "terribly-edited" videos from the past, and all I can see is joy. What other industry can get average people off the couch to pay hundreds of dollars to get tortured on a Saturday, and for some races...a whole weekend? OCR! =)

6 Extinct Obstacle Course Races I've Filmed and Miss, The End of Battlefrog Series, Monster Challenges, Extreme Nation Hobie Call, Vintage Obstacle Course Races, Atlas Race Kansas, Filming OCR with GoPro, GoPro Filmmaker, Obstacle Race Training with P90X

I know first-hand as an entrepreneur how difficult it is to run a company, so I understand that it's all about the bottom line. Companies do care about their fans, but they have lives and families too, and I think people sometimes forget about that. The only thing that we can do is respect each other's decision, and stop being judgmental about things that do not benefit us in a positive way.

I appreciate everything that these companies have strived for. They do what I love doing which is ripping people off the couch and making them feel more than just someone who has a 9-5 job. It's about regaining happiness, being humans again, sharing it with others, and that's how OCR has grown as one of the fastest growing sports in history.

I also do not believe in just one company. I do not call myself just a "Spartan" or a "Tough Mudder", I am an OCR fan. I believe that in order for this sport to grow much bigger than it is today, we need to stop criticizing other races and embrace what each of them are doing. People hate burpees, like they hate their jobs, but guess what, that's what is putting a roof over their head right now. When you do a burpee, it's a challenge, and whether you like doing it or not, the bottom line is that it is changing you, and isn't that what you wanted to do in the first place when you signed up for an obstacle race?

I see so much negativity with the industry, and I just block it all out because I only choose to see the bright side of things. I know that asking everyone to be positive is impossible, but if I can just help one person see the light of day, then I feel that it's a start.

I mean, if we had more people who would just be more positive, open-minded and choose OCR, instead of just ONE company, then we would probably have more amazing OCR options to choose from versus watching the companies that we love become extinct.

Love the sport, love OCR, it's time to help it grow. #OCRForLife

Here are the 6 Extinct OCR's that I've filmed and miss:
*OH, and don't laugh at my old videos, I had to start somewhere =)







Which race series do you miss? Feel free to comment below. Watch more videos on OCRTUBE, click here! 

See you at the next race! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Day 1 & 2, Week Seven - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 1 + Core 2

Day 1 and 2 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 3 Workout, Cardio 1 and Core 2 Workout, Hell Week 22 Minute Hard Corps, Start a Fitness Journey All Fitness Levels
Videos Below

YES!!! Week 7 has arrived =)

So I was thinking that I only had 2 more weeks to go, but then one of my other Coaches reminded me that there is another week after the 8th week called HELL WEEK! That doesn't sound fun does it =) Now the last week is totally optional, but I'm thinking about doing it, I mean, what the heck right, what's one more added week going to do? I know, get me looking HOT lol, JK =)

Week 7 has started off great other than the fact that I had to take it easy on Day 1, Week 7 because of my gout flare up.

Today's workout that I did which was Cardio 1 and Core 2 wasn't too bad, I didn't have to modify at all, versus yesterday when I modified about 60% of the time.

At any rate, so glad that my foot is feeling much better, looks like I'll be able to finish strong this week. That's also good because I'm actually filming a local obstacle course race called Mud Titan 6 in Plant City FL this weekend, so let's hope my gout is 100% gone by then! =)

So here's my workout accountability videos from Day 1-2 of week 7.

Day 1, Week Seven - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Resistance 3

Day 2, Week Seven - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 1
Hotel Room Workout

Oh, and check this out, my Dad killed his Day 2, Week 7 as well =)

Dad - Day 2, Week 7 - Cardio 1 + Core 2
Day 1 and 2 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 3 Workout, Cardio 1 and Core 2 Workout, Hell Week 22 Minute Hard Corps, Start a Fitness Journey All Fitness Levels

Day 2, Week 7 - Cardio 1 + Core 2
Day 1 and 2 Week Seven 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge, 22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 3 Workout, Cardio 1 and Core 2 Workout, Hell Week 22 Minute Hard Corps, Start a Fitness Journey All Fitness Levels

Are you ready to start a fitness journey? I can help, all fitness levels and goals welcome! Message me here, and I will send you a Free Fitness Assessment to help you reach your goals! Chat soon =) 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Day 7, Week Six - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 2 + Core 2

Day 7 Week Six 22 Minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 2 and Core 1, Spartan Race Training, Nashville Spartan Race Sprint 2016, OCRTUBE Media Project, Free Beachbody Coaching, Become a Beachbody Coach
Watch Video Below

My Dad and I are finally finished with WEEK 6!

For this workout, we decided to do it on Sunday since I was filming a Spartan Race around the Nashville area. So even though it was a rest day, I didn't technically take a rest day since I clocked in at running almost 9 miles chasing athletes with my Gopros =)

Today's workout was Cardio 2 and Core 2. This was considered my POST SPARTAN RACE WORKOUT. I try to stay active the day after filming races so that my body stays familiar with movement instead of staying stagnant. It keeps me sharper and stronger.

Check out my Nashville Spartan Sprint 2016 video
Day 7 Week Six 22 Minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 2 and Core 1, Spartan Race Training, Nashville Spartan Race Sprint 2016, OCRTUBE Media Project, Free Beachbody Coaching, Become a Beachbody Coach

I do not try to workout hard or anything, instead I mostly modify and sometimes just do stretch and mobility. After doing the 9 miles, my gout started flaring up again on top of a little soreness, so I decided to really take it easy, and just modify about 50-60% of the time. Here are the modifications that I did:

For the most part, I took away anything that was considered high-impact, and just did the alternative.

- Since my right foot is where my gout is flaring, I did single leg burpees on my left leg.

- I didn't squat as low on some reps since my quads were still burning from yesterday.

- For the switch kicks, I just did leg lifts to ensure that I didn't put anymore pressure on my right foot.

- I didn't really modify the mountain climbers, I just didn't do all the reps. With mountain climbers, there isn't too much pressure on your feet since you are in a plank push up position.

- I didn't go as high on the "high-knees" I went a bit slower and took pressure off my right foot.

These were just some of the modifications that I did to keep it safe. I still managed to get in a great workout as always. We did the Core 2 Workout right after, which is not shown in the video.

Here's our workout accountability video!

Day 7, Week Six - 22 Minute Hard Corps | Cardio 1

If you would like to watch the video that I created from the Nashville Spartan Race Sprint, you can view it below =)

Nashville Spartan Race Sprint - Fort Campbell, TN 2016

Are you ready to start a fitness journey? I can help, all fitness levels and goals welcome, feel free to message me here =)

With 1st Place Female Finisher - Laura Messner
Day 7 Week Six 22 Minute Hard Corps, 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 2 and Core 1, Spartan Race Training, Nashville Spartan Race Sprint 2016, OCRTUBE Media Project, Free Beachbody Coaching, Become a Beachbody Coach