So let's dig right into this shall we! NO INTRO REQUIRED.
1. QUICK FIX - There are over 400 workouts, and $6,000 worth of fitness programs within the Beachbody Library. There are 3 to 90 day "all-in-one" challenge packs that include both fitness and nutrition. It's not about selling shortcuts, it's about helping people learn the benefits of living a health and fitness lifestyle the proper way. If you're looking for a quick fix, will never reach your goals.
2. PYRAMID SCAM - If you did not know, "pyramid schemes and/or scams" are illegal. blah blah blah! I highly encourage you to try talking to people who are successful in this industry, and who are truly making an impact in this world with their philanthropic and political projects. Network Marketing is a billion dollar industry, and is even bigger than the NFL. Bottom line, do your research and make an informed decision.
3. MAGIC PILL - Shakeology is not a magic pill. It's like having a salad that tastes like a dessert. Most people who try to eat healthy incorporate salads as part of their nutrition. When is the last time that you had a meal with over 70+ superfoods from around the world. You're busy, I'm busy, we're all busy......with Shakeology, you can get one of the most nutrient-dense meals anytime, anywhere...and it only costs $5 per meal, not bad at all when you see people paying $10+ for pressed juices...why?
4. FOR EVERYONE - With so many health and fitness options, it's all about finding which program works best or you. If you haven't tried incorporating Beachbody into your life, why not give it a go. Most of the products have a money-back guarantee or a free trial, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. As far as the business side is concerned, if you are teachable, consistent, and have big goals, then you will rock it. Like anything, if you work hard (and are not afraid to fail forward), any business can be rewarding, and this also goes for having a Beachbody Coaching Business.
5. TREND - Working out and eating healthy is not a trend, it's a lifestyle. This is not about inventing or buying the latest shake weight, ab roller or one hit wonder, it's as simple as tweaking the way that you fuel your body, and committing to your daily activities so that you can make big changes in your life.
6. GET RICH QUICK - It takes an average of 2-5 years for a legitimate business to become profitable. Beachbody Coaching is a real business that takes time to build just like any business. Would you open up a restaurant, nightclub, hotel or tech company for only a month and give up? I think not. If you treat this business like a real business, it will be one. If someone tells you that a business is easy, be very cautious, it's most likely illegal or too good to be true. Hard work does pays off, but if you work hard and smart, it will yield more success!
7. EASY - Ask anyone who is healthy and fit if it was easy. Ask any Entrepreneur if building a million-dollar empire was easy. People who have found the best results in fitness and/or business surround themselves with people who lift them up and support them. So if your goals are important to you, it's pretty darn important to be extra picky with the people that you surround yourself with. If your inner-circle does not believe in you, it will be very difficult to get to the next level of your life.
Life isn't easy, but not doing anything about it makes it harder
8. COOKIE CUTTER - With the growing online fitness library that Beachbody has every month, it is far from being cookie cutter. When people tell you that Beachbody is cookie cutter, it's probably because they are not familiar with what's going on with the company and the technology, or simply put, they just want your business. Everyone deserves the right to choose their own health and fitness preference. I would definitely think twice about anyone, or any fitness professional who is talking smack about another fitness regiment. Whether you are doing Zumba, Crossfit, P90X, or deserve to be praised for just being active.
9. ABOUT SALES - If you think that life is not trying to sell you on anything, then it might be time to wake up =). These days, if you want something, it isn't possible without buying something, that is if you are living in the civilized world. If you want to talk to relatives, you talk on the phone, that takes money. If you want to eat clean, you go to an organic grocery and buy food. If you want to workout, you pay for a gym or equipment, or workout clothes, there's just not going anywhere around it. The question is, are you investing in something that will give you a return. Are you using something that will help you achieve your goals? We live in a "sales" world, from restaurants, to endurance races, to movies, to real estate etc. The world we live in is all about sales, and people selling (or sharing), but the good thing is that you choose where you invest your money in. Beachbody is not about getting sold, it's about choosing an option that works, that is.... if you allow it too.
10. WHAT YOU THINK - Forget about what you've heard, forget about the negative things that people say, forget about what you don't know, and try opening your mind to learning about something meaningful and exciting. Too many people are listening to people who have no interest in their success...why? Because they are embarrassed about what people will think about them? Do you think Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk cared about what people thought? People who succeeded in life do it for themselves and their family, NOT for the people who have no bearing on their success or happiness. Whether you are curious about Beachbody in regards to fitness or finance, the buck stops here, take that risk, take that may be that ONE THING that will change your life.
To find out how to get started in improving your fitness or finances, or both, give me a buzz, I'll share some stuff with you and it will be up to you to see what is best for you! =)
Start a Fitness Journey Today! Free Coaching from me =)