Showing posts with label Beachbody Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beachbody Challenge. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

iPhone 6 - The Fitness App Revolution

iPhone 6 Health App
iPhone 6 via: Youtube

I have been waiting for the iPhone 6 to come out, and I just got word that it may be available on or before September 9th, 2014.

According to Forbes: iPhone 6 to "Revolutionize Sports and Fitness" with it's new Health App. Fitness Apps have been gaining more and more popularity these days, and I honestly have to say "it's about time". From athletes, runners, gym rats, P90X'ers to yogis, you can find almost any health and fitness app for anything active these days. So with all of these apps available how will you know which app is best for you?

Just like anything in life, it's about trial and error. Testing the waters is what needs to be done. Firstly, narrow it down to the activity that you are focused on, then go for the highest rated apps. There are a lot of free fitness apps out there, but for just a couple bucks more, you can get something 200X better without those annoying pop up ads!

With the new iPhone 6 coming out, I think it's really cool that they plan to have their new health app already integrated into the phone. Apple has already been advertising it with their ad "strength".  So be on the lookout for the new iPhone 6, or not =).....if you're an Android enthusiast. It doesn't matter if you have an Andriod or an iPhone, both smartphones have health and fitness apps to help you get into shape!

Apple - Strength

The Fitness App Revolution is coming on strong, but just as a reminder to all of you, it's not about the app or the workout program, or the gym membership........that's only 20% of your results. If you want to get the best results, it's highly recommended that you focus 80% on your nutrition, what your fuel your body with.

iWatch based on Nike Fuelband
iwatch fuelband

I am excited to be starting some Online Challenge Groups incorporating some of these popular fitness apps along with the best Superfoods Shake on the market, Shakeology. I've actually already started, so ask me about the following challenges, and let's get started today:

- Running Challenges
- Crossfit Challenge
- Beachbody Challenge
- Fitness App Challenge
And much more!

Contact me about any of the challenges above 

All of the above challenges will require challengers to be on Shakeology for at least 30 days. Why? I can't keep track of your workouts everyday, but at least I know that you are having your daily dose of dense nutrition with the best nutrition shake on the market, that's why! =)

Shakeology is Clinically Proven - Watch Video:

Shakeology 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Friday, August 22, 2014

Celebrities Who Do P90X

Celebrities P90X
 Celebrities Who Do P90X

Who cares right? Well, it's funny that some people can get motivated by celebrities working out, and the way I see it....if it motivates you to get off your ass, then it surely is a lot better than doing nothing!

Believe it or not, celebrities are real people, you're like "what, really lol?". What I mean by that is that there are celebs that would rather workout on their own instead of hiring a Personal Trainer. Not all celebrities hire Personal Trainers believe it or not! I mean think about it, if you are an A-List Celebrity, you are escorted, protected by bodyguards, and almost always have an entourage hanging around you, so it just makes sense that some of these celebrities choose to do things on their own....such as working out, and doing P90X.

Sheryl Crow - P90X
Sheryl Crow P90X

Here is a quick list of celebrities that have done P90X. This comes directly from Tony Horton's facebook P90X Celeb List, so it's not like I am making this up =). I have added a couple more to the list from my own research, but this is pretty much Tony Horton's list. Oh, and if you do not know who Tony Horton is, well....he's like the guy who created P90X. I'm sure you've seen his picture on Google Images right next to the founder of Crossfit =).

Kelly Slater - P90X
Kelly Slater P90X

Now I am not even sure if the celebrities on the list have even finished the full P90X Challenge, but that doesn't even matter. The fact that these celebs have tried it, incorporated it, or graduated from it, just shows that it is something to look into. Also, keep this in mind, none of the people on the celebrity list were asked to endorse P90X, they all can independently vouch that it does work, and that they have completed it, or at least have done it as part of their training for a movie, concert, professional game, or just to stay in shape.  

The Celebrity List:
1. Sheryl Crow
2. Ashton Kutcher
3. Demi Moorre
4. Usher
5. Ewan McGregger
6. Jenny Garth
7. Poppy Montgomery
8. Emmett Smith
9. Ray Lewis
10. David Akers
11. Donovan McNabb
12. Brian Westbrook
13. Matt Diaz
14. Kelly Slater
15. Barry Zito
16. Bryce Dallas Howard
17. Kenny Smith
18. Jo Jo Reyes
19. Brian Wilson
20. Pink
21. Joey Fatone
22. John Hartung ~ Local news and sports
23. Paul Ryan ~ Congressman - R
24. Heath Schuler ~ Congressman - D
25. Ray Allen
26. Jason Scheff
27. Chris Pratt -Guardians of the Galaxy
28. Ben Stiller
29. Erin Andrews - ESPN
30. Jenn Brown - ESPN Reporter

And so there you have it. Now this is not at all the full list, and I am sure that there are more and more celebrities who are "BRINGING IT" with P90X. And if it isn't with P90X, it may be one of the 30+ Fitness Programs that the company Beachbody has on the market.

Chris Pratt - P90X
Chris Pratt P90X

So just because these celebrities have done, or are doing P90X, does this mean that you should? Absolutely not! Your best bet is to find out which program would be best for you based on your current fitness level, goals, and lifestyle. As a Star Diamond Beachbody Coach, I would be honored to assist you with that by offering your a FREE Fitness Assessment. Simply fill out the quick and easy form, and I will give you some options!

Poppy Montgomery - P90X
Poppy Montgomery P90X

Just like a lot of the celebrities featured above, some of them are focused on giving back to some amazing charities and global causes. My "Art of Giving Challenge" focuses on giving back to the less fortunate, and respectable charities. When you fill out the Free Fitness Assessment, you will have the option to donate to a charity of your choice should you decide to start a fitness challenge or journey. You too can be a CELEBRITY by giving back and getting fit at the same time!

Get started now by taking the Beachbody Challenge, or fill out the Free Fitness Assessment Form, and I look forward to your success!

Related Links:
- How to do P90X at the Gym
- P90X Nutrition Plan
- P90X Program and Purchase Options
- How to gain mass with P90X
- Obstacle Course Race Training with P90X
- Personal Training versus Beachbody Coaching

Get Started with P90X3 now - Only 30 minutes a day!

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Art of Giving

I can remember at a very young age when I would give my seat to my mother at a social event, open the door for a stranger at a store, and sharing some cake with my brothers and sisters. These are among the things that we all probably did more than a few times in our life. As we got older, some of us continued doing these things, and then some of us continued to do even more. I think that I may be one of those people.

Born to Give!
Arnel Banawa

It wasn't until I met my Coach a few years ago, and we attended this event hosted by Dani Johnson, who is an Industry Professional in the Network Marketing field. Her story was amazing in that she took a product that she didn't like from the back of her trunk, and turned it into a multimillion dollar business in only 2 years. So what does this have to do with anything, you ask? Well, she has the same exact personality as I do, and this is something that I learned at her event. Dani Johnson is the creator of GEMS. A program that helps people learn more about themselves, as well as the people around them. The better a person understands the type of person they are, and the different personalities that other people have, she knew that it would benefit their lives, and their businesses. This was the same system that she learned when she started her business as a single, homeless woman, and later became a self-made millionaire.

 My Coach and I
Full Time Beachbody Coach

After attending the event, I found out that my GEM was a Pearl/Emerald. This personality trait describes me as someone who makes "helping people" a priority. People with the Pearl Personality Trait tend to do a lot of things for free such as volunteering, pro bono work, and just doing things for people that most people wouldn't. Most Pearls will help other people before helping themselves, and that is the only negative thing about being a Pearl. We, meaning I, tend to do just that, and in return it sometimes delays my productivity and my goals in life.

GEMS Mastery
Dani Johnson's GEM Mastery

I am also an Emerald GEM, which means that I am motivated by facts and figures. This is more of my analytical side. So put these two gems together, one might say that I am one boring dude! =).

The Art of Giving is something that I feel that I have mastered, and I truly enjoy doing it. I am the type of person that loves to pay for everything, enjoys planning events, and strives to make everyone happy. But again, the downfall is doing it way too much that it doesn't benefit me at all. That might sound rude, the "benefiting" part. And I use to think the same way, but if you think about it, if I stopped thinking about myself, how could I help people. In order to help people, you have to learn to first help yourself.

I am a Full Time Beachbody Coach. As a Pearl/Emerald it's like paradise because Beachbody Coaching is all about helping people. The more I help people, the more I can have a better life for me, my daughter, and my family. But even in the world of Beachbody Coaching, it is possible to give way too much as well. I have learned through the years what to do, and what not to do. And it is still a challenge for me because I just love helping people. If I could just coach people for free and give them free fitness programs and nutrition supplements, that's what I would probably do, but I had to ask myself: how will I put my daughter through college? how will I provide for my daughter when she needs something? how can I help my family if they are going through financial times? how can I help people and charities around the world? how can I donate to my church?........... IF I CONTINUE TO PROVIDE MY SERVICES AND PRODUCTS FOR FREE??

 Beachbody Coaching is about "helping people"
Beachbody Coaching

My goals are huge! And there is nothing better than setting goals and accomplishing them. So if you're like me, then balancing the Art of Giving with the Art of Benefiting is the key. I know some people will say, "then you are not a true giver", and what I say to that is "then you don't undestand anything about loving yourself". If you truly want to help people in big numbers, you have to create wealth for yourself and you will then be able to help more people then you could ever imagine. It's ok if you want to think "small", that's up to you. But as for me, I have always been the type of person who loves making a huge impact. I don't have to be in the spotlight, but I want to help others be in the spotlight, if that makes sense. As someone who enjoys giving, I don't want to be limited on the amount of giving that I could do, so the only way for me to make that happen, is to also think about my needs, and my responsibilities as a father, and a coach. In order to perfect the Art of Giving, you have to also be successful in life. So I choose to be successful so that I can help others!

The Art of Giving Back
Art of Giviing Back
Scroll down and check out the "Art of Giving" Fitness Challenge!

Here are some of my goals and aspirations:

- Donate a million dollars to my church
- Travel "around the world" (literally) and help every country I set foot on by donating my time and money directly to select causes.
- Be remembered as a Philanthropist
- Help end the trend of obesity around the world.
- Help spread the word about Obstacle Course Racing for everyone
- Create a team of entrepreneurs who see my vision.
- To be the BEST father and inspiration to my daughter
- To help my family live their best life now!

 My daughter is the BEST thing that's ever happened to me!
Beachbody Coach

True happiness is in helping people become better than they once were. There are so many poor souls out there who don't know what to do, they don't have anyone to help them, anyone to motivate them, anyone to help them seek their true potential in life. If you want to find true happiness, try helping people accomplish more than what you have, and you will be surprised what you will accomplish for yourself.

Take the "ART OF GIVING" Fitness Challenge: (a Philanthropy Focused Project)

What is it?
It's a chance for you to get in the BEST shape of your life while also giving back to a charity of your choice!

How does it work?
Fill out the Free Fitness Program Assessment here! I will reply (within 24-48 hours) with some Fitness Challenge Pack options based on your goals. Simply choose the Challenge Pack that best suits your lifestyle, and let me know which charity you would like to give back to. Anywhere from $20-$50 will be donated on your behalf, receipt will be emailed to you for confirmation.

What happens after that?
I will add you to my exclusive Online Challenge Group to help your get the best results with your challenge!

Coach Arnel
Feel free to connect with me on FACEBOOK here!

Take the Beachbody Challenge!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

What is the Beachbody Challenge?

Everyone has a dream, a personal goal to accomplish. What is yours? What's your Challenge?

What is the Beachbody Challenge

The Beachbody Challenge combines the 4 Pillars of Success:

- FITNESS, 20+ Fitness Programs for you to choose from.

- NUTRITION, All the daily nutrition you need in just one shake.

- SUPPORT, Expert advice, one on one support, online tools, and much more!

- REWARDS, Get rewarded with a FREE T-Shirt and a chance at $100,000

I have taken plenty of Challenges, and it has changed my life. I understand the struggle, and I am here to make things happen for you, like my Coach did for me. My goal is to help as many people as I can, and have fun doing it =) You can read more about me here!

It doesn't matter what your fitness goals are, with the Beachbody Challenge, there is a program for everyone! Watch the quick 2 minute video below:

Check out some of the $500 Daily Winners:

Beachbody Challenge Results

Beachbody Challenge Results

Beachbody Challenge Group

Beachbody Challenge Results

If you want even FASTER RESULTS, then you may want to join a CHALLENGE GROUP! The best way to stay motivated, accountable, and get fit fast is by doing it with a group of people who have similar goals as you. When you join a Challenge Group, it won't be just about health and fitness, it will be fun, and an exciting way to get that constant inspiration and encouragement. With a Challenge Group, you will be able to stay committed and and achieve your goals much faster! Follow the steps below, then contact me, and I will add you to an Exclusive Challenge Group to help get started!

Looking forward to your SUCCESS! If you need assistance in choosing the best fitness program for you, click here for a FREE FITNESS PROGRAM ASSESSMENT.

Take the Beachbody Challenge!

Friday, July 18, 2014

10 Little Things That Can Give You Big Results!

It doesn't matter if you are just starting a fitness journey, or you are just maintaining a healthy lifestyle, here are 10 little things that anyone can do to help make big changes in their life.

1.  Take the stairs!  We all complain that we do not have enough time to exercise daily, so when given the opportunity to take the stairs at work, school, or at the mall....take advantage of it! Every thing that you do counts towards burning fat and calories.

 Make it count!
Beachbody Fitness Tips

2.  Eat Slowly.  Did you know that it takes your body 20 minutes to actually realize that it's full, yup!

3.  Make a point to dedicate 75% of your full meals to vegetables, and the rest to lean proteins and whole grains.

4.  Get involved in an athletic event!  If your goal is to lose weight or just get in shape, then why not make yourself accountable and sign up for a 5K or a Spartan Race. If you have something to work towards, there's a good chance that you will set goals to achieve it.

Team Dynasty OCR - Special Ops Spartan Sprint, Tampa FL.
Team Dynasty OCR

5.  Sleep!  Catching Z's for 7-8 hours helps your muscles recover faster, helps you think more clearly, and helps prevent overeating.

6.  Eat Brown Carbs!  Whole grains have a lot more fiber, nutrients, and absorb much slower. Or you can just eat Spaghetti Squash and Sweet Potatoes =)

7.  Exercise while watching TV.   You don't have to sit down and watch TV! Why not burn calories while you are keeping your brain active? Simple movements such as push ups, jogging in place, crunches, yoga, and couch dips can all help towards burning those unwanted calories.

 Watch TV - Get Fit!
P90X Exercise Tips

8.  Drink unsweetened fresh-brewed tea instead of soda!  Chemicals are just plain bad!

9.  Reward yourself with some new fitness gear!  Give yourself something to look forward to when you get achieve your weight loss goal, or PR during a race. There's nothing better than feeling a sense of accomplishment after achieving a goal. You deserve it!

 Reward Yourself!
Beachbody Gift Card

10.  Switch out the tunes!  Who wants to listen to the same old music day in and day out. Keep your workouts exciting and rotate your playlist, it makes a huge difference!

So I hope some of these tips help you or remind you that it's the little things that you do every single day that will make a huge difference in your future. Keep up the good work, and feel free to message me if you need some motivation, accountability, or a butt-kicking! =)

Start your Fitness Journey - Win $100,000!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

5 Ways a Coach Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Beginning a new fitness program usually starts the same way: with eagerness, excitement, and a firm commitment to reach your goals.

But as time goes by, the challenges become greater. Distractions set in. Boredom. Fatigue. Temptation. You name it. Even the best of intentions can go awry.

Benefits of a Beachbody Coach

So why is it exactly that most people fail? Lack of accountability.

It's easy to make excuses when that second helping at dinner is staring you in the face or when that extra hour of sleep beckons. We need something—or someone—to make sure we uphold our end of the bargain and don't quit.

This is why Team Beachbody® created your secret weapon: a FREE personal Coach. (me)

In fact, we created an entire network of Coaches you can partner with to achieve your goals and stay on track. Here are just a few of the many reasons why connecting with a Coach at can be the difference between success and failure.

1) Partner up

For most of us, going it alone is a one-way ticket to quitsville. That's because willpower alone is usually not enough to get the job done.

Want proof? We know that you're twice as likely to reach your fitness goals when you partner up and have support.

How can a Coach help you persevere? They're customers just like you who have stood in your shoes. They've taken on a fitness challenge and reached the finish line. And they're ready to help you do more than just talk the talk—they'll help you walk the walk and get real results.

He or she will be there when the going gets tough. They can help you get back up when you fall. And most of all, they'll hold you accountable and be with you every step of the way.

2) Get your fitness party started

As Mark Twain once said, "The secret to getting ahead is getting started."

He must have been starting a new exercise program.

It may sound simple, but just getting out of the starting gate is half the battle. Whether you've started before and fizzled out, or are still staring at an unopened fitness program, this is the first step to achieving results.

Your Coach will help you set a date to start, hold you accountable, and make sure you Push Play that first time. And you don't have to find the "right" time to meet with them. You can connect online, over the phone, through social media—whatever works best and fits your schedule.

In other words, no more waiting for the right time. No more excuses holding you back this year. It's all systems go in 2014!

Learn more about Beachbody Fitness & Nutrition - Watch Video!
For the newest programs, contact me for a Free Fitness Assessment!

3) Take a daily dose of motivation

Let's face it; we all have those days we don't want to get up and get going. Exercising is probably the last thing you feel like doing.

There are lots of Team Beachbody resources your Coach can recommend, including free 24/7 online support. Many Coaches also run Challenge Groups that can help connect you with other customers who share the same goals and are going through the same aches, pains, and doubts you are experiencing now. The Group will also share some amazing Success Stories for a little extra inspiration.

Even when you're ready to give up—they won't give up on you!

Just pop into the Group and ask for a little push anytime you need it. Better yet, on the days you're feeling amped up, log in and inspire others. Remember motivation works both ways.

4) Eat right

What's the fastest way to derail a successful fitness program? Eat the wrong foods.

It's not always easy to eat right—especially when you're busy and on the run. But your Coach will be there to suggest some sensible, time-saving alternatives.

Talk to them about a healthy drink like Shakeology®—a superfood-packed meal that you can make in minutes. You can also trade recipes with your Coach and other customers in your Group, too. What's more, your Coach can direct you to some awesome, healthy meal substitutes on

Sometimes all it takes is some simple suggestions to get you back on track.

5) Maintain your results

Perhaps you're one of the millions of people who got off to a blazing start with their fitness program—only to see it fall apart faster than you can say P90X3™!

This is where your Coach becomes infinitely valuable: helping you maintain your results.

They can help you pick your next program to fine-tune the results you have, or take you to the next level—all while keeping you plugged into the support and motivation that helped you succeed in the first place.

So log in to and connect with your Coach today. Just click the Contact My Coach button in the top left corner and you'll be on your way. It's easy. It's fun. It's free. And it might just be the smartest way to get—and maintain—results.

- Beachbody Coach Team

Ever feel like this?

Get started with the Beachbody Challenge today!