Showing posts with label P90X. Show all posts
Showing posts with label P90X. Show all posts

Monday, November 17, 2014

P90X Gym Workout in Luang Prabang, Laos

Gym in Luang Prabang Laos
Gym in Luang Prabang, Laos

When I travel I try to do as many active things as possible. If I am not hiking, mountain biking, rafting, trail running etc. my butt is trying to find a local gym to get my workout in. I was lucky to find a small gym about 12-15 minute walk from the Mount Phousy Temple. I was told that it used to be located by the Dara Market but it moved to another location by the Xang Kham Hotel on Manomai Rd.

P90X Gym Workout in Luang Prabang Laos
P90X Gym Workout in Luang Prabang, Laos

I have attached a map (below) to help you find the gym should you decide to get some workouts in while visiting Luang Prabang. There are other gym locations which are located at some of the fancy resorts such as Le Palais Juliana and the Kiridara Resort, both locations do offer daily, weekly, and monthly rates.

I liked this small gym that I went to because it was where a lot of the locals worked out and I noticed some people training for Muay Thai there as well. It was very basic and had everything that I needed for my P90X workout, and it was only 12,000 Kip, which is about $1.50 US.

Gym in Luang Prabang P90x

Gym in Luang Prabang

If you enjoy Yoga, then you'll be happy to know that there are morning and evening Yoga Classes hosted on the River Deck of Utopia. For more information, go here: Luang Prabang Yoga

Yoga Classes at Utopia Luang Prabang
Yoga Classes on the Utopia Deck overlooking Nam Khan River

Hope you found this blog post useful, and as always, stay active my friends! =)

Start a Fitness Journey Today - Take the Beachbody Challenge - Free Coaching from me!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

7 Tips On How To Stay Motivated With P90X

How to stay motivated with P90X
 How To Stay Motivated With P90X

Let's face it, some people are just a lot more self-motivated than others. But even though you are the latter (need all the motivation that you can get), and you are the type of person who cannot stay on track no matter what, there are ways to help you get the motivation that you need to eventually conquer P90X!

I remember when I did P90X for the first time back in 2010 (watch my FIRST P90X Transformation Video - click here), it was my first Beachbody Fitness Program that I ever completed, and trust me, it was tough for me, and I am someone who is self-motivated! Even people who are self-motivated cannot do it on their own, but I found some awesome things that helped me through it, and after 90 days, I was a new person inside and out. So how did I do it? 

Here are some tips that I used to help me stay motivated with P90X:

1.  Connect with a Beachbody Coach - Nothing beats getting advice, personal motivation and tips from someone who has graduated from P90X, and is committed to helping you, that's what a Beachbody Coach does, and on top of that, it's absolutely FREE! Can't get that from your Personal Trainer =) 5 Ways a Coach Can Help You Reach Your Goals - Click Here!

2.  Join a Online P90X Challenge Group - Most people go to a gym or a Crossfit Box because they get motivated by people working out, it's the camaraderie! An Online P90X Challenge Group works the same way in that you are in a exclusive group with people who have similar goals as you, and everyone is committed to helping you smash your goals!

How to stay motivated with P90X

3.  Get an Accountability Partner - You've heard of this before "you are who you hang around with" and that is far from the truth! We all need motivation, we all need people in our lives to help us through the tough times. Starting a fitness journey has it's ups and down, so having someone who knows exactly what your goals are, and backs you 100% is a must when going through P90X!

4.  Invite your Friends - Whether you are working out at home, or at the gym, it's a lot more motivating when you have family and friends doing P90X with you. Invite your friends to do the P90X Challenge Group with you, and all of you can keep each other accountable, and also have some healthy competition =)

5.  Online Fit Clubs - Some Beachbody Coaches such as myself run Online Fit Clubs within our Challenge Groups. It's an awesome way to workout with people who are a thousand miles away! Click Here for more information on my Online Fit Clubs!

6.  Do P90X at the Gym - There is a reason why people have gym memberships. They have all the equipment they need plus more for their intense workouts, and secondly, they are motivated by the atmosphere and the accountability. P90X is not just a home fitness program! You can do P90X anywhere, including the gym, that's what I do! =) Contact me and let me teach you how to do P90X and the gym, or read my blog post on this topic here.

7.  Don't forget that you're Human - I remember that I use to get frustrated when I missed a day, or I was too tired for a workout because of working three jobs! P90X is not just a program, it's a lifestyle. Don't worry if you miss a day, or you ate something bad because you had to eat something real quick in between jobs. We are all human! As the creator of P90X Tony Horton says "Do your best, and forget the rest".

How to stay motivated with P90X

So I hope this helps, and if you need any help, I am here for you. If you would like me to Coach you through P90X for free, you can make me your FREE Coach by clicking here! Once you have made me your Free P90X Coach, simply add me on facebook so that we can start going over some of your goals. Looking forward to your SUCCESS!

Coach Arnel

Choose your own Beachbody Challenge - Start your fitness journey TODAY!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

How I Earn A Living While Traveling

Riding a Tuk Tuk - Bangkok
 How I Earn A Living While Traveling

It was the year of 2001, I headed on my first backpacking trip to Europe. At the time, I was working in the hospitality industry. I worked in a casino, a night club, and was in the process of starting a night life marketing business. I have never planned a trip that lasted over weekend before that. I bought a book by Lonely Planet, it was called "Europe on a Shoestring". I did research for about a year before I ventured out and invited a friend to come with me. Her name was Christine, and at the time, she was one of my co-workers. I thought to myself.... this girl is fun, we have a blast at work, she would probably be loads of fun to travel with. And I was right, she was awesome, we had the time of our lives and backpacked five countries in about a month, which is really short compared to backpacker standards, but that was only the beginning.

Till this day, I look back at that experience which has helped me make a decision that travel was something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I literally felt at home, when I was not at home. The fact that you could just take off anytime that you want, hop on a plane, bus, or train and visit  the most amazing places around the world, it was like FREEDOM to me! I had a taste of it, and when I arrived back home, I started to think of a game plan on how I could travel the world, and have a business, or a job that I can do while traveling. That was the hard part, it actually took years.

I went from doing odd jobs, throwing crazy parties, doing telemarketing, started an online travel company, and even tried Amway. In between odd jobs and failing at several businesses, I was able to get some backpacking trips in, but I would always have to go back home because I always ran out of money. In between all of that craziness, I also got married, divorced, and my life was changed when my daughter was born. She was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. From the moment she was born, I felt that I finally had purpose. Growing up, I always wanted to become successful, but I never had a "WHY", a true reason why I wanted success. When my daughter came into my life, I knew what I had to do, I had to live my life, work hard, and do whatever it took to be the best father to my daughter, that was my only goal.

My Daughter and I 
Arnel Banawa - Beachbody Coach

My divorce killed me. I thought that I finally found the girl of my dreams, but apparently she wasn't. But I do believe that everyone who walks into your life serves a purpose. My daughter's mother will forever be dear to my heart, and I will always love her, not just because she is the mother of my daughter, but because she is a great woman, a loving mother with a good heart, and someone that has challenged me. I thank her for making me strong. Without the strength that I gained from that weak point in my life, I probably would not be here today. I learned how to overcome, and implemented that into my daily life, and it has helped me more than I could ever describe.

But it was tough. After my divorce, I went hard core into the night life business and almost killed myself. I was in the night life business for about 10 years. I don't really want to go into my whole story, but I transitioned into the fitness business because I was finally fed up and tired of what I was doing. I was getting unhealthy, ate junk food, drank tequila every night! I was killing myself.

I decided to get healthy and change my life and refocus on the things that mattered most in my life, like my daughter and my family. Thanks to my brother Fermin, he introduced me to P90X and from that point on, my life has been forever changed, and all of my prayers have been answered.

My Fitness Journey - Arnel Banawa

Go back into the year 2001. remember when I was trying to find something that I could do to travel the world? Well, I've found it =). But it's not just about traveling now, it's about staying healthy and helping others along the way. After completing the P90X program back in 2010, I decided to become a Beachbody Coach. I became passionate about helping people find happiness through health and fitness. Did I plan to turn fitness into a business? Absolutely not! Was I motivated by money? No way! I just kept doing what I loved and found others who wanted the good life, the fit life, a family life, and just wanted to be happy. We all go through life looking for what matters most, when most of the time, it's always been in front of us. Life will always throw obstacles at you, but if you fight your battles, and surround yourself with people who only want success for you, then let me tell you my will live a VERY good life!

I have been traveling consistently since March of 2014, going from place to place, doing burpees at famous Wonders of the World, visiting friends and family. The best part is that I have total control of my life now. I run my own business and I now have the FREEDOM that I was looking for, and all I needed to do was get healthy and help others do the same.

Burpees Grand Palace - Emerald Buddha Temple, Bangkok
100 Wonders of the World Burpee Challenge

Emerald Buddha Temple, Bangkok Thailand

So how do I earn a living while I travel? The answer is quite simple. I do what I want, maybe you should do the same. See you on the beaches of the world!

Related Links:
- Facebook Connect
- More travel posts
- Become a Beachbody Coach, join my team!  <-----------<<
- Family is everything

Start your fitness journey today! Free Coaching from me =)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Top 5 Reasons Why Being Fit Helps You Travel Better

Travel with P90X
 5 Reasons Why Being Fit Helps You Travel Better

I wanted to post a super quick blog about this because I've been VAGABONDING since the month of March this year, and I've seen so many travelers miss out on so many photo and video opportunities just because they were just too tired to take a few steps up a mountain, or walk just around the corner because they were out of breath.

Come on guys, you've traveled half way around the world, and you are just minutes from taking a shot of a lifetime, or that amazing waterfall that you've been talking about for two years! Now I do understand that some people are in some unfortunate situations way beyond their control, but let's just say that this post has little to do with, if not anything to do with them. This is about people who are very willing and capable, but they decided to not take the extra steps because of the decisions that they made prior to their trip.

It's a short list, but here goes:

1.  ENERGY - Studies show that when you live a healthy and fit lifestyle, you will look and feel more energized. Granted that you continue your lifestyle whilst you are traveling, you will have the natural energy needed to wake up and start your day without coffee or those toxic energy drinks.

2.  ENDURANCE - When you combine cardio with your strength workouts, your endurance level will go through the roof. Anyone can carry a backpack and a camera up a mountain, but to do it for hours or even days, it takes a lot of endurance. Don't get me wrong, strength is very important, and it all depends on what type activity you are doing. To fully enjoy a long trek or an all day tour, your endurance level will play a key role on how you feel. And we all know that if we feel great, "and not out of breath", we will just have more fun! Adding cardio to your strength workouts will help you make it to the end of the trek to get that money shot that you've been talking about for two years =).

P90X Fit
 Morning Run with some Palawan Locals - Philippines

3.  STRENGTH - So here it is! I know that the guys reading this were waiting for this, and you too girls =). Having strength can be the key to either making a trip, or breaking a trip. I've seen people bail out of a mountain hike because they could not lift themselves up over boulders. I've seen people stay on the beach because they said that their arms are not strong enough to island hop with a kayak. I've seen people use horse, name it because their legs weren't strong enough. Having strength will make you feel more accomplished during your travels because you made it to the top of the mountain, it was you that kayaked to 3 amazing islands, and you would have the photos and videos to prove it. Don't just do cardio, make sure that you are doing some weight training, it will go a long way when you finally go on that trip or trek of a lifetime.

Body Beast at the Gym
 Body Beast Total Body Gym Workout - El Nido, Palawan

4.  HEALTHY - This to me is really the most important. I've seen so many people workout hard, a lot of times way harder than me, then they go and eat a combo at McDonalds. What you eat and your nutrition is everything. If your insides look as good as your outside, trust will have the energy, endurance, strength, and you will be happy. Who wants to do an Elephant Trek in Thailand with someone who is not enjoying themselves just because they either drank too much the night before or they ate a crap ton of junk food for the past week. Eating healthy can get tricky while you are traveling, but trust me, it's not impossible.

5.  CONSISTENCY - And for the grand finale! We can be strong, have energy and endurance, eat healthy, but can we be consistent? The more consistent that we are with all of the above, the better experience you will have during your travels. Traveling should not be an excuse to not workout, and not eat healthy, it should be the every reason why you travel. I've been to a lot of places, I've seen a lot of things, and I've seen a lot of people suffer while they travel. It doesn't have to be that way. Like anything, if you stay consistent big things will come out of it. And this my friends, is the secret sauce!

Island Hopping - El Nido, Palawan
Tour C - El Nido Palawan

As the P90X Creator Tony Horton always says "Do your best, and forget the rest", that is the advice that I will give all of you. Like anything, travel is a challenge, but it is one of the most rewarding and most educational experiences that you will ever do. Never stop exploring my friends!

Cliff Climbing Taraw Mountain - El Nido, Palawan
Become a Beachbody Coach

Related Links:
- More travel posts
- Become a Beachbody Coach on my Team
(Get Fit, Get Paid, Be Happy, Get Healthy, Travel with me)
- How To Do P90X At The Gym
- P90X Nutrition Plan
- Free Downloads

Join one of my Online Challenge Groups - Start your Fitness Journey today!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Shakeology Ingredients with P90X Creator Tony Horton

Shakeology Ingredients Tony Horton
Shakeology Ingredients 

I have been using Shakeology since 2010 when I began my fitness journey with P90X. A lot of things have improved since then, and many other flavors and vegan varieties have been introduced. First of all, I am not a nutrition expert, but I do know that since drinking Shakeology everyday since 2010, I am able to do things in my 40's a lot better than when I was in high school. Was it all Shakeology? Probably not, it's because you can only get the best results when you combine 80% nutrition with 20% fitness. Before Shakeology, I hated vegetables! I thought everything tasted weird as I transitioned from junk food to natural whole foods. I think the toughest part, especially as a filipino was going from eating white rice to eating brown rice. I thought it was disgusting lol. But I knew that if I wanted to change my body, I had to change what I've been putting into it. Fast forward to 2014, I am now a fan of vegetables, I don't eat a lot of grains, but if I do, it's whole grains.

 Shakeology is my Fuel
Shakeology for Spartan Race
Miami Spartan Super

My nutrition, and how I fuel my body was forever changed when I decided to begin consuming Shakeology. I can remember the first time I tried Shakeology, I made a Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Banana Shakeology with Almond Milk, and the first thing I thought was like "why is everyone not on this stuff!!" It was amazing. I have tried all the flavors, and chocolate seems to still be my all time favorite. It took me some time to get used to some of the flavors, especially the vegan ones. I have never tried a vegan shake before, so the grittiness was something that I had to get used too, but I eventually did, and now I absolutely love them! I am also more open to trying many vegan dishes that I never thought of trying in the past.

Clean Eating with Shakeology
Clean Eating with Shakeology

If you are someone who is still transitioning from eating processed foods, then it will take a bit for your body to get used to clean eating and Shakeology. I recommend that you let Shakeology run it's course and flush out all those toxins that have been accumulating in your body for years. Give it some time and let your body adjust. It takes time, but it will be worth it.

I've bumped into a few people who love making their own shakes. They love buying their own stuff fresh and juicing. I'll be honest with you, I've tried it too, but it can get very expensive to do it daily, and even when I used to buy all the stuff, it still never compared to all the ingredients that is in Shakeology. If you can put a shake together that has all the ingredients that Shakeology has, then you probably need to get in contact with corporate, I'm sure that they would like to talk to you =). But until then, why not save your money and make your life simple. That's what Shakeology is.....Simple, Whole Nutrition in a Bag.

Shakeology Ingredients
 Beachbody HQ - Santa Monica, CA

Check out this funny video with the P90X Creator Tony Horton as he gives you an idea on how many quality ingredients are in Shakeology, it will amaze you! =) Why spend several hundreds of dollars when you can get everything is just one bag? Well, you can, and it's called Shakeology!

Shakeology Ingredients: Tony Horton Checks Out Shakeology

Related Links:
- My Shakeology Website
- Shakeology is Clinically Proven
- Become a Shakeology Affiliate
- Become a Beachbody Coach
- Recipes
- P90X Program Information and Purchase Options

Friday, August 22, 2014

Celebrities Who Do P90X

Celebrities P90X
 Celebrities Who Do P90X

Who cares right? Well, it's funny that some people can get motivated by celebrities working out, and the way I see it....if it motivates you to get off your ass, then it surely is a lot better than doing nothing!

Believe it or not, celebrities are real people, you're like "what, really lol?". What I mean by that is that there are celebs that would rather workout on their own instead of hiring a Personal Trainer. Not all celebrities hire Personal Trainers believe it or not! I mean think about it, if you are an A-List Celebrity, you are escorted, protected by bodyguards, and almost always have an entourage hanging around you, so it just makes sense that some of these celebrities choose to do things on their own....such as working out, and doing P90X.

Sheryl Crow - P90X
Sheryl Crow P90X

Here is a quick list of celebrities that have done P90X. This comes directly from Tony Horton's facebook P90X Celeb List, so it's not like I am making this up =). I have added a couple more to the list from my own research, but this is pretty much Tony Horton's list. Oh, and if you do not know who Tony Horton is, well....he's like the guy who created P90X. I'm sure you've seen his picture on Google Images right next to the founder of Crossfit =).

Kelly Slater - P90X
Kelly Slater P90X

Now I am not even sure if the celebrities on the list have even finished the full P90X Challenge, but that doesn't even matter. The fact that these celebs have tried it, incorporated it, or graduated from it, just shows that it is something to look into. Also, keep this in mind, none of the people on the celebrity list were asked to endorse P90X, they all can independently vouch that it does work, and that they have completed it, or at least have done it as part of their training for a movie, concert, professional game, or just to stay in shape.  

The Celebrity List:
1. Sheryl Crow
2. Ashton Kutcher
3. Demi Moorre
4. Usher
5. Ewan McGregger
6. Jenny Garth
7. Poppy Montgomery
8. Emmett Smith
9. Ray Lewis
10. David Akers
11. Donovan McNabb
12. Brian Westbrook
13. Matt Diaz
14. Kelly Slater
15. Barry Zito
16. Bryce Dallas Howard
17. Kenny Smith
18. Jo Jo Reyes
19. Brian Wilson
20. Pink
21. Joey Fatone
22. John Hartung ~ Local news and sports
23. Paul Ryan ~ Congressman - R
24. Heath Schuler ~ Congressman - D
25. Ray Allen
26. Jason Scheff
27. Chris Pratt -Guardians of the Galaxy
28. Ben Stiller
29. Erin Andrews - ESPN
30. Jenn Brown - ESPN Reporter

And so there you have it. Now this is not at all the full list, and I am sure that there are more and more celebrities who are "BRINGING IT" with P90X. And if it isn't with P90X, it may be one of the 30+ Fitness Programs that the company Beachbody has on the market.

Chris Pratt - P90X
Chris Pratt P90X

So just because these celebrities have done, or are doing P90X, does this mean that you should? Absolutely not! Your best bet is to find out which program would be best for you based on your current fitness level, goals, and lifestyle. As a Star Diamond Beachbody Coach, I would be honored to assist you with that by offering your a FREE Fitness Assessment. Simply fill out the quick and easy form, and I will give you some options!

Poppy Montgomery - P90X
Poppy Montgomery P90X

Just like a lot of the celebrities featured above, some of them are focused on giving back to some amazing charities and global causes. My "Art of Giving Challenge" focuses on giving back to the less fortunate, and respectable charities. When you fill out the Free Fitness Assessment, you will have the option to donate to a charity of your choice should you decide to start a fitness challenge or journey. You too can be a CELEBRITY by giving back and getting fit at the same time!

Get started now by taking the Beachbody Challenge, or fill out the Free Fitness Assessment Form, and I look forward to your success!

Related Links:
- How to do P90X at the Gym
- P90X Nutrition Plan
- P90X Program and Purchase Options
- How to gain mass with P90X
- Obstacle Course Race Training with P90X
- Personal Training versus Beachbody Coaching

Get Started with P90X3 now - Only 30 minutes a day!

Monday, August 18, 2014

How to Make Cheap Sand Bags for Spartan Training

Make your own Spartan Sand Bag
 Cheap Sand Bags for Spartan Training

So my brother and I are always looking for ways to workout not just for us, but for the people we help prepare for obstacle course races such as Spartan Race, Savage Race, Warrior Dash, and the OCR World Championships. Most of our workouts are inspired by a combination of the P90X workouts that we do, as well as the Spartan WOD's. We wanted to do a group SAND BAG WORKOUT, but looked into getting the "pancakes' that you see being used at the Spartan Races, and it was too costly to purchase 30 of them, so we improvised and made our own. We watched a ton of videos on youtube, and found some good ideas. Most videos were based on someone making a just a few sand bags, and most of the time, it was for themselves. We were looking for the most cost effective way because it wasn't going to be just for us, it was going to be for a group of 30+ people. We figured that for half the cost of one Spartan Pancake (20-30lbs), which is about $60-$65, we could buy our own supplies and make 30+ sand bags ranging from 15lbs to 25/30lbs. So instead of having just a couple sand bags, now we have enough for a nice Sand Bag Group Workout.

Spartan Pancakes are PRICEY! 

Check out the SAVINGS:
30 Spartan Pancakes at $60 each = $1,800 (not including tax and shipping)
30 Homemade Sand Bags = $35
Total Savings: $1765  <---------------------------<<<

Sand Bag Supplies Needed: (We purchased everything from a local Home Depot)
- Regular White Sand Bags ($.45 cents each)
- Duct Tape, about $6-7 per roll
- Zip Ties (4 per sand bag)
- Extra Heavy Duty Trash Bags
- Sand (some people use other things to stuff their sand bags other than sand, well guess what people, then that's not a sand bag!)
*Total cost for all the supplies for 30 sand bags was roughly $30-35. And this was not even looking for deals!

- Bucket to put sand in
- Weighing Scale
- Pocket knife

 Let's get started:

1. Seal the "already sealed" end first which will be the "bottom". (This is optional) Leave the other side open so that you can stuff it later. We wanted to seal both ends because it makes for a good handle on both ends of the sand bag.
- Simply roll the sealed ends together
- Duct tape the ends nice and tight
- Use to zip ties to make it secure
- Duct tape over the zip ties (don't cut the ends of the zip ties, just roll it around the ends, this makes a really nice handle for the sand bag)
- Duct tape over the top (vertically), then use duct tape again to secure (horizontally)

Make Your Own Spartan Sand Bag

2.  Fill bucket with sand and weigh it to your desired weight. The bucket weights about 2lbs, so if you want to make a 15lb sand bag, make sure that the weigh scale reads 17lbs. For a 25lb sand bag, that means weighing out 27lbs etc.

Make Your Own Spartan Sand Bag

Make Your Own Spartan Sand Bag

3.  Dump the sand that has been weighed into a Heavy Duty Garbage Bag.

Make Your Own Spartan Sand Bag

4.  Twist the access garbage bag making sure to get most of the air out of the bag. Duct tape the bottom and the top of the twist, then with a pocket knife (be careful), cut off the access.

Make Your Own Spartan Sand Bag

Duct tape bottom and top
Make Your Own Spartan Sand Bag

Cut off access (please be careful)
Make Your Own Spartan Sand Bag

Duct tape the two twisted ends together (fold top to bottom then duct tape together) to keep the sand secure.

5. Place heavy duty garbage bag into the sand bag that you "bottom" sealed earlier.

Make Your Own Spartan Sand Bag

Once you have placed the heavy duty garbage bag filled with sand into the sand bag, simply seal the top end just like you did the bottom end earlier.

6. And the final product, you're very own homemade sand bag!

We made some 15lb and 25/30/lb sand bags. Now you are ready to do all kinds of workouts! Here are some sand bag workout ideas:
- Running with sand bag (you can run with two as well, one on each shoulder)
- Squats
- Bicep Curls
- Jump Squats
- Squat thrusts
- Sand bag throws
- Weighted Push Ups
- Skull Crushers
- Weighted Bear Crawls
And much more! 

Meet Singles into Running - Free Sign Up!

Now these homemade sand bags probably won't last as long as the Spartan Pancakes, but they are budget-friendly and very easy to make and re-make.

Incorporating the Sand Bag into your Workouts
Sand Bag Workout

And then when you're done working out, just relax and get on a LONG BOARD and enjoy life! =)

Beachbody Coach Life!
Become a Beachbody Coach

Related Links:
- Obstacle Course Race Training with P90X
- Obstacle Course Racing Videos
- Obstacle Course Racing Community
- Become a Beachbody Coach

Train for a Spartan Race with the Elite Insanity Asylum Challenge!

Friday, August 15, 2014

P90X3 Accelerator Workout

P90X3 Accelerator
 P90X3 Accelerator

I did the P90X3 Accelerator workout last night at Pensacola Fit Club. Just like most of the P90X workouts, it was no different, I got my butt kicked =). Those PLANK CIRCLES! All I can say is dang! =)

This is a great FULL BODY WORKOUT which uses only your body weight, and includes cardio exercises.  You may want to keep your towel handy, some of the exercises recommend using markers, or hops in which your towel can be used, highly recommended, but not required. Get ready to SWEAT!

P90X3 Accelerator: 30 minutes
No Equipment Needed

The Movement List:
- Speed Salutation
- Twist and Pivot
- Foot Pursuit
- Get Up/Get Down
- X Jacks
- Balance Burpees
- Slalom Hops
- Mountain Climbers
- Spin Stops
- Plank Walkers
- Joel Jumps
- Plank Circles
- Road Runner
- Double Trouble Climbers
- Diamond Hops
- Swimmer's Plank
- Speed Skater
- Plank/Sphinx/Combo
- 3 Squat Hops
- Donkey Kicks
- Cool Down

Speed Salutation
P90X3 Accelerator

Foot Pursuit and X Jacks (with Crunch Jacks)
P90X3 Accelerator

Balance Burpees (with or without push ups)
P90X3 Accelerator

Slalom Hops (this is where you can use your towel to hop over)
P90X3 Accelerator

Mountain Climbers
P90X3 Accelerator

Spin Stops
P90X3 Accelerator

Plank Walkers (this is when do left, right, front, back combos - killer!)
P90X3 Accelerator

Joel Jumps ( almost similar to speed skaters, but going up and back)
P90X3 Accelerator

Plank Circles (holy crap, these royally sucked LOL)
P90X3 Accelerator

P90X3 Challenge Pack includes: P90X3 Fitness Program, Free Trial Club Membership with Meal Planner, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology Nutrition, Free Coaching, Access to my Exclusive P90X3 Challenge Group for the best results!

Road Runner (slow, medium, fast)
P90X3 Accelerator

Double Trouble Climber  
(from high plank knee cross-overs to low plank oblique knee to elbows)
Spartan Training

Swimmer's Planks (these are tough, great core exercise)
P90X3 Accelerator

Spartan Training

Speed Skaters
P90X3 Accelerator

Plank/Sphinx Combo
Spartan Training

3 Squat Hops
P90X3 Accelerator

Donkey Kicks
Spartan Training

Cool Down
P90X3 Accelerator

P90X3 Accelerator

And that's all folks! It was a great workout! Message me if you would like to join my P90X3 Challenge Group. You will be added to an Online Challenge Group with others who have similar goals as you! For more information, click here!

Take the P90X3 Challenge - BUY NOW!