Saturday, January 31, 2015

Insanity Max 30 - TABATA STRENGTH (Outdoors)

Insanity Max 30 Tabata Strength - Tabata Workout - Tabata Training
Insanity Max 30 - Tabata Strength Workout

I just finished Week 3 of my Insanity MAX 30 Challenge, and so far I would have to say that Tabata Strength is my favorite so far. I've been loving the whole program, and my legs seem to be getting much stronger which is what I need for my obstacle course racing events. I enjoyed Tabata Strength because of the upper body exercises which is my strongest.

During Day 4, Week 3 of my Max 30 Challenge that I've been hosting with my Online Challengers, I decided to do my Tabata Strength workout at Curtis Hixon Park which is a beautiful park overlooking the historic University of Tampa. The weather was perfect, and I had good company as well. That's what I love about Beachbody Fitness, you can take it anywhere, and with Beachbody on Demand, it's just going to get even better.

Insanity Max 30 - Tabata Strength - Curtis Hixon Park, Tampa FL
Insanity Max 30 Tabata Strength - Tabata Workout - Tabata Training - Curtis Hixon Park

Here are the movements for Insanity Max 30 - Tabata Strength:

Watch my Insanity Max 30 - Tabata Strength Video below!

WARM UP: (2x)
- Straight Arm Jack
- Scissor Chest Opener
- Lateral Lunge
- Downdog Spider

ROUND ONE: (Each movement is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 2X before going to next movement for each round below except for Round 6)
- Diamond Burpee Right Leg
- Diamond Burpee Left Leg
- Regular Diamond Burpee
- Diamond Jumps
- Plie Power Squat
- High Knee Ab (recovery move)

- Side to Side Wide Push Up
- Diamond Push Up
- Knee Diamond Hold
- Child Pose to Diamond Push Up
- Jack Jab (recovery move)

- Split Plyo Lunge
- Plyo Power Knee Right
- Plyo Power Knee Left
- Power Knee Lunge
- Low Power Knee
- Straight Arm Cross (recovery move)

- 4 Count V Push Up
- V Push Up
- V Push Up Hold
- Wide Pike Ups
- Mummy Kicks (recovery move)

- Scissor Push Up Right
- Scissor Puch Up Left
- Knee Tap Push Up
- Toe Tap Push Up
- Plank Toe Taps
- 2&2 Power Strikes (recovery move)

ROUND SIX: (30 seconds each movement)
- Diamond Burpees
- Side to Side Push Ups
- Max Out Knee Up Right
- Max Out Knee Up Left
- V Push Ups
- Chair Hold, then pulse


Watch Video:

Take the Insanity Max 30 Challenge!

Monday, January 26, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Group

21 Day Fix Extreme - 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Group - 21 Day Fix Test Group
21 Day Fix EXTREME Challenge Groups Forming Now!

Beachbody will be launching the BRAND NEW 21 Day Fix Extreme Program in February 2015. The all-inclusive workout program is mostly geared towards 21 Day Fix and P90X graduates, or anyone with intermediate to advanced fitness levels. For more information on 21 Day Fix Extreme, please check out my post on the topic here.

I will be starting a 21 Day Fix Extreme Test Group starting on the first week of March 2015 (March 2nd, Monday), and every Monday therafter. Check out the details below.

Watch Video - 21 Day Fix Extreme:

The 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge (test) Group is the BEST way to get the results in a short period of time. You will be added to a private online facebook group with other people with similar goals. The Challenge Group is not just about health and fitness, but a way to meet like-minded individuals, get the motivation, tips, and advice that you need, and to learn how to make health and fitness a lifestyle. You will get the whole package: Fitness - Nutrition - Support, as well as a FREE Coach (me) to help you through your challenge.

Absolutely, check out the options below. I highly recommend the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack (non-extreme). 

That's great! It's simple, all challengers are required to enter by purchasing a 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Pack which includes: Fitness Program, Portion Control Nutrition Guide, Fitness Guide, Workout Calendar, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology Nutrition, Free Trial Club Membership, and Free Coaching from me.

Here are your options: (Bonus Workout when you purchase with the links below)
21 Day Fix Challenge Pack - Buy Now!
21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Pack - Buy Now!

Once you have purchased your challenge pack from above, simply message me here, and I will add you to my Exclusive 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Group, introduce you to all the other Challengers, and get your started to achieving the BEST results possible! Looking forward to meeting you =)

*****More Info:


No worries, simply fill out this FREE Fitness Program Assessment, and I will help you find the best challenge that suits your fitness level and lifestyle. 

I don't blame you for asking, who wants to pay retail prices! With the Beachbody Challenge Packs, you can save $50-$120 per program challenge. Not only that, you get a Free Coach to make sure that you get to your goals! You can't get that from any other platform. Click here for the Monthly Challenge Pack specials!

Sunday, January 25, 2015


I Am Not Lucky - Digital Nomad - Star Diamond Beachbody Coach
I am not LUCKY!

I recently saw a travel post called "How To Get Lucky" from my friend Nina who I met while I was backpacking through the Philippines in Sept/Oct 2014 and it inspired me to share a little bit of my own on the topic from my 4 months that I spent in Southeast Asia. This is a re-post from what I shared with my Coach Team on a private facebook group page:

RE-POST: I'm Not Lucky

I just wanted to share something with you guys. Just recently, I had the opportunity to travel to Asia for almost 4 months thanks to my "mobile" Beachbody Business, yes I'm a Digital Nomad =). You know, "If you have access to the internet, you can work your business anywhere type of business". Well, during my travels I met a lot of other people who had their own digital companies, just traveling around the world, going where ever they please, doing whatever they wanted, and just enjoying their freedom, kinda like me. We talked on secluded beaches and mountain huts overlooking hill tribe villages about how we were able to do this (have the freedom to travel and work anywhere), and we talked for hours! The one thing that I always remembered us talking about was when people we met who were on weekend getaways or 10 day holidays (short vacations) would say that we were so lucky....that I was LUCKY to have the opportunity to just be able to travel anytime I wanted, for as long as I wanted. And to be honest, yes I am lucky, but what does that actually mean? Do they think that I just won the lottery and I am just sitting on a beach enjoying what I didn't work for?

Let me tell you something team. For a lot of people, they may think that I am lucky, or that my Coach Lindsay is lucky (btw, my Coach and friend Lindsay went from a single mother, miserable bartender with thousands of dollars in debt to a self-made millionaire in only 4 years), and all of these people you see who are successful, just traveling the world, and jet setting with their families. But I have to say that we are NOT LUCKY. We, and I mean I worked pretty damn hard to get the FREEDOM that I have today.

I made a decision over 4 years ago that I was sick and tired of where my life was. I hated working 3 jobs. I hated not having money to support my daughter. It killed me to watch the travel channel knowing that I couldn't afford to experience all of these amazing places, plus I was 30 pounds overweight and unhappy. I told myself that it's time to get my life together, and stop making excuses, and blaming others for my failures. Beachbody was my answer (I got in the best shape of my life with Beachbody Fitness), it was my ticket to my dreams. So I busted my ass for 2 1/2 years really hard and I was able to rid myself from a BOSS, you know....a J.O.B. (just over broke)

So as I sit on a secluded beach with some other digital nomads listening to these people calling me lucky, I say to myself.......nope, I'm not lucky, I just had the BALLS to do something with my life. I am where I am today because I have helped my community. I have changed lives, and at the same time, changed my own. I am not lucky, I worked hard for everything, and I still do. If anything, I am lucky to have a team (YOU) that cares enough about me to trust me to lead them to success.

For that, I am lucky.


And that was a message to my Beachbody Coach Team, and what I wanted to share with all of you. The point of this share was not to brag, but to honestly let people know that I am not lucky. I simply made a decision to listen to my heart, fulfill my passion, delete TOXIC PEOPLE from my life, help only the willing, and just live my life how I was meant to live it.....HAPPY.

Watch my VIDEO - Almost 4 months in SE Asia in only 12 minutes:

Stay Active My Friends!

Start a Health and Fitness Journey - I'll help you for FREE!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

P90X on Demand

P90X on Demand - Beachbody on Demand
 P90X on Demand - Beachbody on Demand

Exciting news that P90X is going DIGITAL! P90X on Demand is here.....FINALLY! I would have to say that P90X is definitely one of my favorite workouts hands down. I love all of them! What most people do not know is that there are a plethora of P90X workouts, it's not just a 90 day program. P90X currently has the following: (direct links to the following below)

P90X Classic
P90X Plus
P90X One on One Workouts (3 years worth of workouts)
P90X2 (geared towards athletes)
P90X3 (a condensed version of the original, but with all new moves)
P90 (for people who aren't quite ready to get extreme)

P90X workouts are perfect for anyone who wants to gain muscle mass, become stronger, lose weight, improve athletic performance, lean and tone, and live healthier.  If you are not sure which P90X program is best for you, feel free to connect with me so I can assist you.

Early 2015, Beachbody, the company behind P90X announced that they were going digital with their new online product called "Beachbody on Demand", and P90X happens to be part of that online library of workouts. I've been using P90X since 2010, and in the very beginning, I used the DVD's. But there are different methods to taking advantage of P90X these days, it's not just about extreme home fitness anymore, it can be done anywhere! More and more people are enjoying the benefits of P90X and the gym, and P90X Outdoors because it works! Here are some other ways that you can access P90X workouts:

P90X Workout Sheets (not recommended unless you are already familiar the movements and proper form)
P90X App (includes P90X, P90X2, and P90X3 plus more) Click here to get a Free Membership first, then download the P90X app and login with your membership username and password.
-  And now, Beachbody on Demand (click here for more information)

Beachbody on Demand - P90X on Demand

Take the P90X3 Challenge - FREE Coaching from ME! 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Hidden Financial Benefits of Staying Healthy and Fit

Financial Benefits of Staying Healthy and Fit

I'm sure that most of you would agree that investing in your health and fitness can generate some pretty lucrative rewards.

I mean, we all know that exercise is good for the population right =), but what most people don't know is that it can have some financial benefits too!

Here are some some financial benefits to staying healthy and fit:

Let's talk about health care here. According to a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, people who workout on a regular basis (at least 3 times per week) are more productive at work than those who don't. People who live the fitness lifestyle also miss fewer workdays, according to the same study. So it's a no brainer that the less work days that you miss, the more opportunity you have to earn income, as well as workplace advancement. Another study from from the Journal of Labor Research found that men who workout regularly can expect to make 6% more than their sedentary counterparts, on average. If you're a woman, the pay is even higher: Fit Chics can make 10% more on average!

If you're not already working out, that's ok, it doesn't have to cost that much to begin.

I know that some employers will pay some of their employees to workout as part of workout wellness initiatives. Check this out, IBM offers cash to their employees who meet certain fitness goals. And we all know Google right? Companies like Google and Zappos offer free fitness facilities to their employees so that they can save on the cost of gym memberships. If you are working under a company who doesn't currently offer wellness benefits, that may soon change with the Under the Affordable Care Act, which employers can receive grants to get one started.

Some employers have contracts with gyms to offer them discounted memberships, and some work with Personal Trainers or anyone in the fitness industry who can offer wellness activities. I have many friends who have asked me to create challenges for their office employees, and it's a win win! As a Beachbody Coach, I can benefit from helping a big group of people and get financially rewarded, while the company wins big by having happy and healthier employees who will perform better, which in turn will yield higher profits for their business.

If your workplace does not offer any fitness incentives, then you may want to check with your health insurance provider. Most health care insurers offer some type of fitness benefit for members. For example, United Healthcare offers reimbursements of $20 per month who use one of many participating gyms, while Blue Cross Blue Shield has worked out a deal fro $25 memberships at 8,000 gyms nationwide.

On the other hand, skipping the gym might just be the biggest money saver! Why pay gym fees when you can workout at home or at the park? Some people enjoy the gym, I know I do, but I know that there are a bunch of people who prefer working out in the privacy of their own home. There are many places online that offer free workouts such as Grokker and BodyRock. But just remember, it's not all about the workout, it's more about the nutrition.

Beachbody on Demand is coming soon. The cool thing about this online total fitness program is that it will be available for anyone, anytime, and anywhere you have an internet connection. You can workout at home, the gym, the park and reap the rewards with saving on gym memberships, personal trainer fees, and gasoline =). On top of that, you will have a FREE Coach to help you along the way....ME! =) If you're close to some of your co-workers, you can even set up challenges with the people you work with, I can help you. Or maybe start a workplace running and walking club. Who knows, your boss may even reward you for it!

Stay active my friends!

****Are you interested in finding a way to earn income with your health and fitness passion? Are you tired of working for a BOSS? Would you rather have total control of your own life? Click here to find out more on becoming a Beachbody Coach. When you are ready, I will share all of my coaching and earning secrets with you. Click here now!

Start Your Fitness Journey Today - Free Coaching from Me!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Top 10 Healthy JUNK FOODS To Get Super Fit

Top 10 Healthy JUNK FOODS To Get Super Fit

HA HA, I can't believe that you actually fell for this! =) But since you're already here, let me remind you that there is NO SECRET to getting healthy and fit. Don't let the media propaganda brain wash you into thinking that there is a special pill or one SUPER machine that will get you ripped abs of steel or help you look like the world's HOTTEST Super Models.

"There is NO SUCH THING as Top 10 Healthy Junk Foods to Get Super Fit"

- Get off your butt, get active, and start eating clean! You may think that you are saving money on that $.99 cent cheeseburger, but you'll soon find out that the cheeseburgers that you've been eating for years will soon rack up on some medical bills sooner than you think. Remember this, the BEST medicine in the world is not from your doctor! The secret to healthy living is simple, cheaper and better, and it's from NATURAL WHOLE FOODS.

Change the way you eat, change your life! 

Top 10 Healthy JUNK FOODS To Get Super Fit

I highly recommend watching this POWERFUL documentary about "You Are What You Eat"

Get the Full Video here!

Getting healthy and fit is no easy feat, it's a huge struggle for thousands of people all over the world. HERE'S SOME GOOD NEWS! If you want to make big changes in your life, and you lack the motivation, support and accountability in your life, I can help you! Feel free to contact me and make me your Free Coach now! I will provide you with:

- Free Motivation
- Free Accountability
- Free Coaching and Advice
- Free Fitness Assessment
- Free Online Accountability Group  
- And more!


 Jump Start Your Nutrition and Fitness - Start a Challenge Now - Free Coaching from Me!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Portion Control For Any Fitness Program

Beachbody Portion Fix - Portion Control System - 21 Day Fix Extreme
 Beachbody Portion Fix - Easy-To-Follow Portion Control System

Are you looking for an easy way to MAXIMIZE your fitness results, but lack the proper nutrition to get there? Do you feel hungry all the time, or have issues with over-eating? What if there was a way to simplify your nutrition with a quick and easy portion control system?

Let me introduce you to the Beachbody Portion Fix. It's an easy-to-follow system which includes seven color-coded containers, a Shakeology cup, as well as a simple nutrition guide that tells you exactly what to eat to lose weight without feeling deprived.

Beachbody Portion Fix - Portion Control System
 Beachbody Portion Fix

I don't know about you, but I really hate calorie counting and weighing food! With this awesome Portion Fix, you don't have to weigh food, do any complicated math, or's about simple portion control that anyone can do! Each container corresponds to certain food groups and is specifically designed to deliver just the right amount of food that you need.  No eyeballing required, if it fits in the container, guess what? You can eat it =)

You'll even learn how to incorporate wine and dessert into your lifestyle....the right way, so you can get the best results without giving up the foods that you love.

But check this out, this is the BEST part, you can use the Beachbody Portion Fix to feel better, look better, and totally improve your performance while doing any Beachbody Fitness, or any other program that you love.

Doing 21 Day Fix - 10 Minute Fix for Abs Workout
Beachbody Portion Fix - Portion Control - 21 Day Fix Extreme Nutrition

Here is what the Beachbody Portion Fix includes:

Seven color-coded containers that provide an easy, simple way to learn portion control.
- 1 Green Container: Veggies
- 1 Purple Container: Fruits
- 1 Red Container: Protein
- 1 Yellow Container: Carbs
- 1 Blue Container: Healthy Fats
- 2 Orange Containers: Seeds and Dressings

Containers are precisely measured to deliver proper portions. The containers nest inside each other for convenient, space-saving storage. They are also BPA-free, DEHP-free, plus they are top-rack dishwasher safe and microwave safe.

Shakeology cup to measure beverages and incorporate Shakeology into the Portion Fix.
- 25 oz capacity
- measurements markings on the side
- BPA-free
- Top Rack Dishwasher Safe and Microwave safe

The Portion Fix Eating Guide.
- Great for any fitness program including all Beachbody Fitness Programs
- Food list
- Amazing recipes!

PLUS, a FREE gift!
A large blue container that makes meal transportation a breeze!
- Perfect for holding larger meals like salads, healthy pastas from smaller containers

Calorie-Free Modifications using the Portion Control Containers

Take the 21 Day Fix Challenge - Simple Fitness + Nutrition - Free Coaching from ME!